Experience S.E.N.D North America
Servants Equipping New Disciples
A Ministry Initiative of Church Doctor Ministries

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We're pleased to present you the May 2014 update on our 
10-month adventure for young adult Christians!
SEND Year 3 -- Celebration of Completion!
Discipleship. Training. Worship. Mission. Spiritual Formation. Ministry. Challenge. Growth. Outreach. Teaching. These are some of the many words that come to mind when looking at what comprises SEND. As I sit here typing this, tomorrow we will graduate our third year of a SEND Unit. Months ago, the process felt like it was never going to end, like in a military boot camp. Yet, here we are. Looking back over this last year and thinking, "Wow, I can't believe we made it. I can't believe it is over!" We fought, we stayed focused, we are now finishing strong and ready for the next chapter. From our year-end 
retreat last week, here are a few words from our SEND Team: 
Britthani: "My SEND journey has been a total overhaul of who I thought I was, and helped me unearth who I truly am in God's Love." 
Amy: "Do you believe God? Really? Do you believe that He will do what He has promised you He will do?....Come and do SEND. You will." 
Joshua: "Through SEND, I've been able to experience the church in America and see what God is doing and where God is needed." 
Marielle: "I have gained my land legs if you will. I would not have been ready to be on my own without this means of adjustment." 
Just looking at our two mammoth binders filled with over 70 teachings, it is hard not to be filled with gratitude. We give thanks to all of our wonderful teachers, who are unbelievable servants. They have taken time out of their busy lives and have invested in the lives of our young adults in SEND. We thank you for our support partners, prayer partners, and all of the ministries we have served with. 
SEND North America Leader
SEND Graduates: Where are they now? 
Raymond Olivarez's Story
Raymond Olivarez participated in SEND North America in its first year (2011-2012). Learn how SEND impacted him and led him to serve in mission and evangelism.
Why did you decide to participate in SEND?
At the time that SEND North America was introduced to me, I was a fairly new Christian but knew that God had called me to become a missionary and evangelist. Josh Humberger came to a city near me (sounds like a movie introduction) and talked about SEND and everything from there on out fell in line, so I knew it was God's hand at work and signed up!

What did you gain/learn from the SEND teachings?
I am sure that this will be the hardest question for anyone leaving SEND to answer. The amount of spiritual disciplines you get is enough to be worth it. However, that's only a piece of the puzzle. The knowledge and experience are the two biggest things I guess. I mean, I could try to explain it but unless you've done it, you'll never understand.

What did you gain/learn from the hands-on mission experiences?
An abundance of information was gained from all the hands-on mission experiences. We not only got to see specific ethnos (people groups) in their setting, but also learned how best to serve them. Some of the stuff caught us off guard, but that's ministry, that's the spiritual. You never know what to expect, you just have to listen to the calm of God's voice and trust that He will give you the next move.

How did going through the SEND process with other young adults
and a leader benefit you?
It was a vital piece. The people who went through SEND with me became more than friends, more than mentors, they are family. They are still the people that if I ever needed someone to fall back on for anything I know I could count on them. I honestly could not, and would not have done it without them and they are still some of the biggest inspirations in my life.

What did you learn about God in this process?
You know, my initial thought when I read this question was, "What didn't I learn about God." but then reality hit that in my limited human mind, I can only understand a fraction of a fraction of who God is. I guess SEND taught me the most important things about God: He is Love, He is Just, He is here, He is Alive, He is God, and He loves to have his children spend time, getting to know Him and Him getting to know His children. And because of that, we get to spend an eternity getting to know Him. 
Why SEND? It is High Challenge Fun!
I get to teach at SEND every year. I share some of the mission training I learned at mission school. I donate my time like all the other teachers do. I go back every year. Why? Because it's so inspiring!

How do I put it? God is all over SEND. And because of that, God is all over the SEND young adults. They come every year for ten of the greatest months they will ever experience. I watch them grow over the time they are at SEND. It is nothing less than phenomenal. It is truly a God thing. If I were young, and could live life over again, honestly, I wouldn't do much different. But one thing: I would do SEND in a heartbeat. I'm jealous of these young adults!

They live together in community the guys with the guys and the women with the women. And then they come together for SEND teaching, mission excursions, and fun events. They become like family and will be friends for the rest of their lives. They blossom. I mean every year, every young adult, every group. Read the rest of Kent's message here.
Kent Hunter, Founder
Church Doctor Ministries
At your service,

Recruiting Support Team

SEND North America/Church Doctor Ministries 

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