Experience S.E.N.D North America
Servants Equipping New Disciples
A Ministry Initiative of Church Doctor Ministries

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We're pleased to present you the March 2014 update on our 
10-month adventure for young adult Christians!
March Goodness:
A Time of Witness, Service, and Solitude
The SEND unit was fully immersed in teaching, worship, ministry and mission in March. As we head into spring and our final phase of our journey, we give thanks to all we have done ministry with.

Acts 1:8: "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."
Special thanks to our network churches, Destiny Family of Faith, St. John Lutheran Church, and Kendallville Assembly of God. We are grateful for the support for our upcoming mission trip and the privilege of letting our young adults share in your church services. We shared testimony, our ministry of discipleship and missionary training and were even commissioned by two amazing missionaries, Herb and Karen Johnson who serve in the Asia Pacific. We are in this part of our journey where we share witness on how the Lord is using us. We are beyond excited to be going out in the world as we head to Honduras in May! All of our training is paying off, for His glory!

Matthew 20:28: "just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."
Our SEND team received a great opportunity to serve this month. The event was Winter Jam! We were able to serve at the merchandise tables for a few of the bands (Thousand Foot Krutch, 10th Avenue North and Plumb). It was a great night and we had many divine moments with the many people we served and whom we met. Thank you to all the bands and crews who use their gifts for his Glory!

Jesus Prays in a Solitary Place - Mark 1:35 "Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed."
For our mission excursion this month we headed down to the great state of Kentucky and stayed in a monastery. The Abbey of Gethsemani is a place where silence is spoken. The SEND team unplugged from the world and listened to God. When spending a short amount of time here, you feel the peace. You soak in the silence and you end up feeling refreshed, inspired and filled with spirit. Read our SEND blog for the full story.

SEND North America Leader
Britthani G's Transformation Experience
Britthani G, from Arkansas, participated in SEND to receive training to lead a children's ministry. She explained how her life is being transformed through SEND: "I believe being in SEND has changed my life in the way where I know exactly who I am in Gods love. And exactly who I don't want to be out of Gods love. SEND has been the tool God has used to refine me whilst in the fire. The greatest part of SEND for me has been the amazing, intricate work God has done by putting certain people on our path that are perfect mentors, leaders, teachers, pastors and friends."

Britthani told me the SEND process has placed her in a much stronger, intimately known relationship with God and she feels as if He refined her though understanding of what it is to truly be loved. She believes she is humble in God's love; She said "It was like God whispered in my ear the reason behind the reason why I was struggling and fighting so hard, and than it clicked. He was asking me to be humble."

Britthani shared that the people that she has bumped into on the journey have been quite many, but the people that have had the most effect are her fellow housemates, Amy and Marielle. They have given her insight to things her eyes weren't open to and they've helped her growth by breaking down walls. She's truly come to care about the connections and interactions with them.

Britthani is seeking continued spritual growth in her SEND journey. We thank God for bringing Britthani to the 2013-2014 SEND unit and pray for her continued growth and transformation. 

Recruiting Support Team

SEND North America/Church Doctor Ministries 

Why SEND? 
Because the church today needs young adult leaders who have been mentored in Christian leadership.
Here's an interesting video on millenials (insert link) and mentoring in the church. Every SEND young adult receives personal one-to-one mentoring by a spiritually mature Christian leader.

The teaching young adults receive in SEND is supported by a mentoring process for them to learn and process from the experience of others. SEND goes beyond teaching leadership and discipleship skills. It allows for each individual young adult to grow in the areas of leadership and ministry calling by placing them in specific opportunities for them to experience and develop their gifts, skills, and calling in ministry.

Local churches who call a SEND graduate to serve on their staff teams will discover very quickly how well these young adults respond to discipleship and leadership development through mentoring. This is a unique core value held by the leaders of SEND North America to instill in young adults the value of being mentored. Many schools and colleges today miss this opportunity and young adults enter the workforce on their own without having a key mentor or mentoring relationship in their life.

Young adults can benefit from the one-to-one mentoring available in SEND. Churches benefit from calling young leaders who value mentoring in their life and ministry development. This is a win for the young adult, and win for the local church, and a win for the Kingdom.
Is your church actively mentoring young adults and young adult leaders? Is so I would love to hear how your church is doing this. If you would like to know how to get a young adult on your staff team within ten months who is open and willing to be mentored to grow into a staff position let me know that too! 
Tracee Swank, Leader
Church Doctor Ministries
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