Houston, we have a go for launch... 4...3...2...
Greetings in Christ. We pray everyone had a great summer! Fall is here, which leads us to something exciting ... the start of our new SEND year! After a busy and productive recruiting season, we are now in preparation mode for the start of SEND, which begins on October 1. Curriculum, teachers, missions are being set now. Binders, Bibles, books, journals, and materials are being purchased. We have an incredible year lining up, and we are adding a few new teachers and topics. We will also be adding a few new and exciting components to the ministry in terms of mission and outreach, as well as a couple of new churches in our worship network rotation.
This I promise you, there is no other discipleship program in the United States that is as jam packed in terms of teaching, mission, and worship as SEND North America. Our students will receive a once-in-a-lifetime experience and adventure. We are beyond excited to start, and the Lord has blessed us with some incredible young adults who are really ready to give their all for God. They are full of positive energy;they are available; they are faithful; they are teachable; and they are ready to devote their lives to Christ, full-time until next June. Hallelujah!
In our application process we ask: What led you to apply to SEND North America? Here are a few quotes that will excite all who read them:
"I gave my life to service in missions over the New Year and have been investigating opportunities to train and serve. SEND North America is an exciting program that will prepare for missions in any setting starting where I am right now in the United States."
"I want to effectively learn how to be a disciple. I want to bring people into the kingdom of God. I want to do what God wants me to do. I am not my own, my life belongs to Him, where He leads me to go I will go, what He leads me to do I will do.I have a general idea on what God is calling me to do, I just don't have the details yet, it's a step at a time. I want to study the Bible more."
"I know that through SEND North America, I will deepen my relationship with God and ... learn where my direction from God will be."
"A lot of prayer and some waiting to find if it was the right path. The other leads or roads went cold and SEND stuck out leading me to believe this is where God's leading me."
Let us move mountains this year! John 20:21 Again Jesus said, "Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you."
The Power of Prayer
As we get ready to start the third year of SEND (Praise God), we thank you for your support in this ministry that is investing in the next generation of the church. As we prepare for the launch, will you please keep us in prayer? Thank you. Please pray for:
Our students: Amy, Marielle, Britthani, and Josh. To keep them safe, centered, and focused this year. That they learn, grow, and find purpose and direction. That they are teachable, available, and faithful to the process and have positive attitudes. That they draw closer to God more than they ever have. That they will take what they learn into the world and make it better. That they be blessed for making such a huge commitment in life.
Our ministry: For leadership. Prayers that we have the support and resources needed. That we have all the staff working together, to make this ministry strive in excellence for God. For strength, health, and perseverance.
Our teachers: We give thanks for them. We ask that the Lord speak through them, and we absorb as much as humanly possible, the wisdom and knowledge they give. Please bless them, Lord, for their service.
Our churches: We give thanks for them. We are excited to worship in all forms of Christian faith. We ask for us to be salt and light and to build relationships and unity with these bodies of Christ.
Our ministries that we will work and serve: That we are able to serve and do the best mission work possible for His glory. That opportunities are presented and that we are intentional in all we do.
Our Supporters and Prayer Warriors: Thank you, Lord, for the support allowing us the honor to serve and do this process called SEND. We thank you for all of the prayer warriors praying for us. May they all be blessed and we thank them for the encouragement and love.
Philippians 4:6-7 ESV "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
For more information, SEND your young adults to....
Calendar of Events
8.31 - Lion and the Lamb Festival in Fort Wayne. Stop by and say hi at our SEND booth. 9.1 - Lion & Lamb Festival. Day 2. 9.2 - Happy Labor Day! 9.22 - Skillet and We As Human Concert. Parkview Field, Fort Wayne. 10.1 - SEND move in day! 10.3 - SEND 1st training day/retreat. 10.12/13 - SEND Mission Excursion Weekend #1 SEND Training Days. Please keep us in Prayer. 10.3/8/10/15/17/22/24/29/31
SEND Fun Fact At the beginning of the year, our students receive a high dollar, leather bound Bible. They will also be given a very aggressive Bible reading plan that is broken down for them daily. They will read through the entire good book by next June! Wanna join us?
Support Missionaries!
Until next month, thank you for all your prayer support! I am still raising my own support for this year - 2013.
If you can bless my family and have a heart for young adults as well as the future of the church, please send in your tax-deductible donation to Church Doctor Ministries, 1230 US Hwy Six, Corunna, IN 46730. Please put "J.H." in the memo line.
Thank you!