SEND Bible and Book Drive!
In last month's newsletter, I put out a request for Bibles and books to supply The Rescue Mission. A week after that request was announced, I was in our local library. In the lobby was a huge rack of books ranging from all things, but primarily dealing with addiction, faith, Christian living, and rebuilding one's life, aka, self-help books. I silently chuckled when I saw a book called Prevent Burnout - A Guide for Youth Pastors.
I went to the young lady at the counter and asked, "Are those books out there in the lobby free?" She said, "Yes, take as many as you want to those in need." I felt a chill go up my spine and told her I was doing a book drive for the homeless in Fort Wayne. The books would be put to good use, and I thanked her! Then, over the coming days and weeks, the Bibles started pouring in. The response has been overwhelming.
The beauty in Christianity is community − Working together for the greater good. Mark shares with us in 16:15: "And he said to them, 'Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.'"Thank you for your support; these books and Bibles proclaim and share the gospel to those in need. Hundreds at The Mission will now have the Word of God. Our prayer now is that the Bibles and books provided will save the lost, that the Word of God and the knowledge from these books will find application in their lives. Thanks again to those who donated. What a powerful moment we have had in working and serving together in community, as Jesus asks us to do.
| One of the greatest things as a SEND Leader this year has been watching the growth and the quest for truth with Peter and Patrick. In our process, one of our main goals is to draw closer to God than ever before − to ask, seek, and knock. They have done that! And one of the big quests they have been on is asking the question: "How do you hear God?" They have asked our teachers, pastors, and folks in our network. It has been very inspiring to hear all the different answers, as well as witness Peter and Patrick really giving it their all to answer this question for themselves while on this SEND journey. This month's mission excursion was a perfect exercise in answering that question. We went to the Abbey of Gethsemani in Kentucky, spending a weekend in this monastery. When arriving, we approached this massive structure and then read a sign, "Church Entrance. Silence beyond this point." From then on, it was quiet time mixed with uneasiness of not talking, hearing things and really getting a kick in the butt about how loud, busy, and crazy our lives are. No phone. No Facebook. No Internet. No TV. No radio. Those modern-day conveniences and annoyances were replaced with the following words: Silence. Solitude. Contemplative Prayer. Spiritual Reading. Christian Mysticism. Worship. Retreat. Lectio Divina. As Saturday progressed, a peace started to fill me. I devoured 1st and 2nd Corinthians, prayed, went on a 2-mile hike, read the entire book, The Practice of the Presence of God with Spiritual Maxims by Brother Lawrence, went to three worship settings in the church, and spent more time in prayer. I also learned of one of the most influential monks of the last century, Thomas Merton. He lived there, wrote over 70 books, and traveled the world. I visited his grave and then started reading his classic masterpiece, an autobiography of faith, The Seven Storey Mountain, a book that has sold millions of copies and has been translated into more than 20 languages. The lesson for me was how important it is to find that quiet time with God. This weekend was huge on many levels − we can't stress the importance of being quiet, the importance of the words to LISTEN. Is your life so busy and so loud you need to find that secret place? Find it, read, meditate, pray, contemplate. Here is a great verse to get started with − Luke 9:35: "And a voice came out of the cloud, saying, "This is my Son, my Chosen One; listen to him!" |
Thank You from Josh, Peter & Patrick!
This month of March we are thankful and grateful to many involved with SEND North America. To our teachers, you ROCK! Dan S., Josh H., Pastor Scott P., Anita P., Tracee S., Dr. Kent Hunter x2!, Pastor Bob S.
To all the churches and ministries we have worshiped and served with, we thank you. Ark of Avilla, Abbey of
Gethsemani, Trinity, St. John, Warm A Heart Ministries, The Wreck, Rev. Pam L., Pastor Adam D., Zach H., John Z. Jr., Pastor Bob M.
Special Thanks to the following churches who allowed us to share our SEND story, to share testimony and support our upcoming mission trip to Belize. Destiny Family of Faith, Trinity Kendallville, St. John Kendallville. Thank you for supporting modern day missionaries from your own hometown!
For more information, SEND your young adults to....
Experience S.E.N.D. March 2013 in pictures!
SEND Event! On 3/7 SEND teacher Dan Schilling and The Freedom Tour for Compass Finances were in town. What a great night!
| SEND Training Day!
Peter and Patrick sharing testimonies at Trinity Church!
SEND Events
* Easter/Spring Break - March 29-April 8
* Training Days - April 9, 11, 16, 18, 23, 25
* Mission Excursion Weekend - Operation Detroit - April 13-14
* Worship - April 7, 14, 21, 28
* Mission Trip to Belize - April 27-May 5
* Graduation! - May 31
Please Keep SEND in prayer on these days!
SEND=John 20:21!
Until next month! Thank you for all your prayer
For this year, I am also raising my own support and raising additional funds for our ministry excursions.
If you can bless the ministry and have a heart for young adults and the future of the church, please send in your tax-deductible donation to Church Doctor Ministries, 1230 US Hwy Six, Corunna, IN 46730.
Thank you and many Blessings to you and your families as we continue into 2013!