Friday, July 8, 2016 
In This Issue
I Can't Wait Vert Banner

Go Gold Online
We are excited to announce that the Girl Scout Gold Award proposal process has now gone online! This new option will reduce the overwhelming sense of paperwork and create a central resource for girls to organize, manage, and complete their Gold Award projects. The Go Gold Online platform also allows girls to connect with each other and share their progress through social media.

Girls who are just beginning their Gold Award process may utilize this resource and get started here. Girls who have already started the Gold Award process with the paper/email system should continue through completion.
Summer Office Hours Reminder
Monday - Thursday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm 
Friday 8:30 am-12:30 pm
Saturday and Sunday Closed 
Fall Product Program Dates
The Fall Product Program is a key part of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience.
Through this program activity, girls develop five business building skills they will be able to use throughout their lives: goal setting, decision making, money
management, people skills, and business ethics.
Are you looking for camp opportunities for your Girl Scout?
Let's introduce more girls to the wonders of the outdoors! There's still time to sign up for one of the weeks below!
Animal Kingdom
July 17 - 22, 2016 
Pamunkey Ridge Girl Scout Camp
Come celebrate the wild world of animals! Girl Scouts will learn about species native to Virginia and beyond. Special guests this week include Virginia Department of Game & Inland Fisheries, speakers on careers related to animals, and service animal visits, just to name a few. Learn more about honey bees and butterflies and why they are so important to us, too. Register today! 
July 24-29, 2016 
Pamunkey Ridge Girl Scout Camp
This year we celebrate the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. Spend this week learning more about the history of the Olympics, participating in fun competitions (both physical and mental), and learning more about some of the countries that participate. We will host our own Opening and Closing Ceremonies with plenty of pomp and circumstance, too! Register today!

Countdown to Kick Off
We are less than one month away from the 2016-2017 Volunteer Kick Off! This is a great opportunity to connect with your Girl Scout friends, gain ideas and get energized for a great Girl Scout year. We guarantee to inspire, inform and help you make the 2016-2017 troop year, the most exciting ever. Registration is coming soon to COMAR. Check out the agenda and session descriptions here! Be sure to save the date:
Central: August 6, 2016
Hanover High School, Mechanicsville, VA
Northern: August 9, 2016
Thornburg Middle School, Fredericksburg, VA

Warsaw: August 11, 2016
NNEC, Warsaw, VA

Victoria: August 14, 2016*
Victoria Christian Church, Victoria, VA
*Based on your feedback, we have changed the date of the Victoria event from Monday to Sunday. 
Treasure Weekend
September 16-18, 2016
Pamunkey Ridge Girl Scout Camp
Treasure Weekend is an adventure waiting to begin! Current and past adult volunteers will gather together for fun and fellowship in a beautiful outdoor setting. Workshops for many interests, wonderful food and friendships new and old -- all come together to celebrate and treasure volunteers, in appreciation for their dedication and hard work. Stay the day or the entire weekend, the choice is yours! Registration coming soon on COMAR!
Inventory Closing Dates
The GSCV Retail Shop will be closed Tuesday, August 23 - Sunday, August 28 to conduct inventory. Make sure you grab your Back to Troop items before or after this timeframe as we are unable to accommodate any purchases during this time. 
Shop Summer Hours
Monday - Thursday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Friday 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Closed Saturday and Sunday