Spring 2016         

News and Updates

The CREP Outreach Program Office
PA Association of Conservation Districts
25 North Front St., Harrisburg, PA 17101

In This Issue

Welcome to the Pennsylvania CREP: News and Updates email-newsletter. 

It is a place to share your stories about CREP.  Tell others about CREP events coming up or projects that have been completed.  Send ideas or tips on installation & maintenance of conservation practices, or anything else that will be of interest to your CREP partners. 

This newsletter is primarily for the CREP partnership community and others interested in promoting or working with CREP in PA.  It is published quarterly.

Instructions for submissions are at the end of the newsletter. 

Send this newsletter along to your colleagues or anyone else who works with CREP. 

Join Our Mailing List!
CREP Workshop (Berks County)  
June 18, 2016, 10:00 am - 1:00 pm 
101 Showers Road, Wernersville, PA 
Free CREP Informational Workshop and Farm Tour (Greene County)
  June 25, 2016, 9:00 am 
Greene County Fairgrounds,
107 Fairgrounds Rd, Waynesburg, PA 
Click HERE to download the brochure. 
The CREP Walkabout Tours of Conservation Sites (Westmoreland County)
  August 2, 2016 - 1:30 pm - 5:30 pm 
Friendship Farms in Latrobe
August 4, 2016 - 3:30 pm - 6:00 pm Farms in Greensburg and New Alexandria 
Click HERE to download the flyer. 
Newsletter Submissions:


- Send to info@creppa.org 

- Keep submissions short; no longer then three paragraphs.  

- For longer submissions provide a short introduction to be posted,  with the article in pdf format to be linked to the newsletter.

- Your submission may also be added to the CREP facebook page or website.   


Steps for Success:
 Summer Maintenance 
Stream Fencing and Forested Buffer
Now is the time to remind landowners that summer is an ideal time to control noxious and invasive weeds.  Identify and treat problem areas early before unwanted plants set seeds or fast growing weeds choke out CREP plantings.  Keeping weeds down will also help  suppress  rodent populations.     

Limited mowing and herbicide treatment are two common methods used to control weeds.  Use of both techniques is sometimes permitted for many CREP conservation practices - however be sure CREP requirements and guidelines are followed.     

More information on buffer maintenance, control of noxious weeds and other CREP topics can be found and downloaded at http://www.creppa.org/about/resources/.   Hard copies of many publications are also available for you to hand out to CREP participants and for use at meetings and workshops.  See the website for material descriptions and an order form.     

CRP Fact Sheets Now Available:


Check out the CRP Conservation Practice fact sheets that are now available on the CREP website at http://www.creppa.org/crep-you/select-practices/

You will find a fact sheet for each practice that is eligible in Pennsylvania with information on the benefits of the practice, land & owner eligibility, practice requirements and participant obligations.  Be sure to take advantage of this great education and outreach tool. 

Stay Connected...

The CREP Outreach Program Office has created a number of ways to share information among CREP partner, landowners already in CREP and people who are learning about the program. 

However, your participation is needed for these resources to be worthwhile.  Please take advantage of them by reading, sharing and contributing content.  Tell others about the resources available by forwarding this newsletter, posting information on your websites, sharing at workshops, etc.   
  1. The CREP PA Website,  www.CREPPA.org  was recently overhauled and given a new modern look, content was updated & added and navigation around the site was improved.  Whether you're just learning about CREP, are already enrolled or a technical partner there is something for you.   
  2. CREP Facebook Page is for CREP partners and participants alike. Share or learn about the CREP program, conservation practices, events and other program information.  Partners can submit information and news they want to share.  Submissions will be posted when received. Click HERE to go to the CREP PA Facebook page.  
  3. Pennsylvania CREP: News and Updates Newsletter is primarily for agencies, organizations and individuals working with CREP.  Stories, techniques, events and other things of interest are shared on a quarterly basis.  
  4. CREP Partner listserve is designed as a vehicle for anyone working with CREP to share ideas, ask questions, disseminate program information, etc.  It's simple to use and any member can post at anytime.  To join send a request with the email address you want added. 
 To join the listserve, to submit content or to just make a comment -
send an email to info@creppa.org

Workshops and Meetings:  March 2016

David Reedy, Program Technician at the Montour/Columbia FSA Office explaining CREP requirements to landowners.
Over 100 landowners and farmers attended three CREP meetings sponsored by the CREP Outreach Program Office.  Snyder, Westmoreland and Columbia conservation districts partnered with the outreach office to organize and plan these events in their counties.   

Experts from the local conservation districts, the Farm Service Agency, Pheasants Forever, the Natural Resource Conservation Service and the PA Game Commission were on hand to discuss the program and answer question.

The workshops were designed for people new to CREP and also for existing CREP enrollees. Landowners new to the program learned about the enrollment process and heard presentations on CREP eligibility, program requirements and payments.   Existing CREP enrollees were able learn about re-enrollment procedures and also discuss maintenance of their installed conservation practices with agency experts.

The CREP Outreach Program Office at PACD hosted the workshops through a Growing Greener Watershed Protection Grant from PA DEP.