HIV ACCESS PCMH Demonstration Project
Home Improvement Bulletin
October 2013
PCMH Demonstration Project Cross-Site Meeting
The PCMH Project team at the
CHRP cross-site meeting
On Wednesday, October 30th, the PCMH Project team attended its semi-annual cross-site meeting with the other members of our cohort in the California HIV/AIDS Research Program's PCMH Demonstration Project
At this meeting, hosted by UCSF's Center for AIDS Prevention Studies (CAPS), we heard updates from the five projects across the state, including a presentation on our own project from Dr. Kathleen Clanon. You can view our presentation here
As the five projects wind down, it has been very inspiring to see progress each member of our cohort has made over the last three years. We are already looking forward to our final meeting next Spring!
PCMH Recognitions for Axis Community Health and Tiburcio Vasquez Health Center!

Congratulations to Axis Community Health and Tiburcio Vasquez Health Center, which both achieved Recognition this month as Patient-Centered Medial Homes through the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA), for their Pleasanton and Union City sites, respectively. These health centers are the first in the Alameda Health Consortium/Community Health Center Network family to earn this major achievement!
NCQA PCMH Recognition means that these health centers have successfully demonstrated that they have adopted systems and practices that emphasize the needs and preferences of their patients, with special attention given to six Must Pass Elements:
  • Access During Office Hours (1A)
  • Use Data for Population Management (2D)
  • Care Management (3C)
  • Support Self-Care Process (4A)
  • Track Referrals and Follow-Up (5B)
  • Implement Continuous Quality Improvement (6C)
PCMH Project Coordinator worked with both sites on reviewing documentation for the NCQA submissions, so we know how hard they both worked toward these well-deserved successes! 
Upcoming Webinar: Avoiding Pharmageddon
PCMH Project Principal Investigator Kathleen Clanon, MD and HIV ACCESS Medical Director Sophy Wong, MD will be co-faciliating a webinar entitled "Avoiding Pharmaggedon Harm reduction and health care reform implementation in the East Bay." Join them on Wednesday, November 20th, 12-1pm to receive the most up-to-date information and recommendations on helping our patients through health care reform transitions in Alameda County.
Click here to register 
and please share with your colleauges!
CPCA PCHH Lunch & Learn Series
As part of their Patient-Centered Health Home Initiative, the California Primary Care Association hosts monthly "Lunch & Learn" webinars on topics related to PCMH transformation and recognition. The series takes place on the third Thursday of each month from 12:15-1:15pm. Visit CPCA's registration calendar to register for future sessions. Note: you must sign up for a free registration account to sign up for CPCA webinars and other learning opportunities. 
The next Lunch & Learn session will take place on Thursday, November 21st at 12:15pm.
In This Bulletin
CHRP Cross-Site Meeting
Congratulations to Axis Community Health and Tiburcio Vasquez Health Center!
Webinar: Avoiding Pharmageddon
CPCA PCHH Lunch & Learn Series
PCMH Topics: High-Performing Care Teams
Assistance with PCMH Applications is available for AHC/CHCN Clinics

PCMH Project staff are available to assist AHC/CHCN health centers applying for NCQA PCMH Recognition. We can help you to:
  • Clarify NCQA PCMH 2011 Standards and documentation requirements
  • Review a selection of documents, including all Must Pass Elements, to verify they are sufficient and appropriately labeled
  • Provide feedback on potential opportunities to improve your score before submission
Contact Project Coordinator Megan Crowley at 510.297.0425 or to get started! 
PCMH Topics: High-Performing Care Teams
Team-based care is one of the hallmarks of PCMH transformation. PCMH advocates promote effective care teams as an essential component of achieving the Triple Aim -- better health and better care at a lower cost. But not all teams are created equal. What are the features of high performing teams that make them so different from more traditional staffing models? According to Dr. Tom Bodenheimer and Rachel Willard, "team-building is not simply the delegation of tasks from the doctor to the team. Responsibilities, not simply tasks, are reallocated so that all team members contribute to the health of their patient panel. Team members are sharing the care."

Effective care teams have a number of distinctive features, including:
  • Stable teams with consistent membership
  • Communication
  • Standing orders
  • Training to build competence among support staff
  • Clearly-defined workflows
Team-based care, along with empanelment and other key PCMH components, is a foundational element of transformation. It would be very challenging to sustain performance as a fully-realized patient-centered medical home without appropriate attention to care teams. 

For more information on building high-performing care teams, check out the following resources:
Next Steering Committee Meeting: 2014


The August, October, and December PCMH Demonstration Project Steering Committee meetings will be on hiatus until February 2014. Stay tuned for more details in January!

Want to know more about the PCMH Project?


For more information about our program, check out our webpage.


To view past Home Improvement Bulletins and Voices from the Field videos, please visit our Communications Archive.


For more information on our grant, view California HIV/AIDS Research Program's website.


Check out our Evernote Notebook, which we've compiled to keep track of all the tools, articles, and other PCMH-
related resources we've come across. For help finding a resource, or to suggest an addition to the Notebook, contact
Megan Crowley.

Contact Us:

Erin Gael Friedman, Project Director


Megan Crowley, Project Coordinator


Dan Clanon, IT Systems Specialist


Lois Bailey Lindsey, HIV Program Director


Kathleen Clanon MD, Principal Investigator

View our videos on YouTube