HIB Header Dec 2012

December Steering Committee Meeting Recap

Steering Committee 12-12-12
PCMH Steering Committee on 12-12-12

The PCMH Project Steering Committee met on Wednesday, December 12th at Alameda Health Consortium. Representatives from all five HIV ACCESS sites were present to discuss PCMH goals for 2013 and strategies for reaching them. 


Project Director Erin Gael Friedman introduced a new Monthly Implementation Monitoring Survey tool (MIMS), which will be used to track progress at each clinic site starting in January. Feedback on the tool is welcome. Please contact Erin if you have any questions or comments. 


The group spent a large portion of the meeting considering each site's current placement on the PCMH Implementation Continuum, and where they hope to be at the end of 2013. The results of this exercise will inform site contracts for next year. More details about Year 3 project activities will be included in next month's Bulletin.    


The committee also received updates on data and EHR issues (Dan Clanon) as well as LifeLong Medical Care's plan to seek NCQA PCMH Recognition by next summer (Crystal Eubanks and Megan Crowley). 


The group will meet next on February 13, 2013. 

New PCMH Project Info Sheet


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New Info Sheet!

In order to aid PCMH staff and our Steering Committee in sharing information on our project, we have produced a new Info Sheet summarizing our goals and our work. This resource will allow us to respond easily to information requests and will help us to share our progress with stakeholders and colleagues at meetings and conferences. 

Please click here to download the Info Sheet and share it with colleagues who are interested in learning more about our work. 

As our work continues, we plan to refine and update this document to reflect progress toward our goals. Your feedback will inform future versions of the Info Sheet. You can e-mail Project Coordinator Megan Crowley with your comments. 
Policy Research on the Fast Track
PRAC Photo 2
Note-taking at the PRAC meeting
The San Francisco AIDS Foundation, along with the California HIV/AIDS Research Program, hosted the Policy Research Advisory Committee (PRAC) meeting in December.  Advocates from across the state came together discuss what kind of rapid-response research would be most helpful to HIV/AIDS policy in the coming year. 
As the 2014 implementation of the Affordable Care Act nears, unanswered questions remain about how the transition will affect Ryan White consumers and their access to care.  What services will still be available through Ryan White?  What will have to be covered by Medicaid?  What about the payer of last resort?  Will consumers know how to enroll for the right benefits at the right time?  How will we prevent them from falling through the cracks and being lost to care?  What kind of new staffing structures will be needed in the new systems?  How will we measure quality in the post-ACA environment?  These and many other questions were on the table as the PRAC, comprised of representatives from community based organizations and clinics, distilled the many questions down to a few key research topics.   


Stay tuned for more information about the priority topics the PRAC selected, and how they plan to address them on a fast timeline as health care reform becomes a reality in California. 

Happy Holidays
In This Bulletin
December Steering Committee Meeting Recap
New PCMH Project Info Sheet
PRAC Meeting: Fast-Tracking Policy Research
Voices from the Field: Dr. Amy Sitapati
Evaluation Update
Voices from the Field: 
Amy Sitapati MD
Click on the video below to hear Dr. Amy Sitapati discuss the Patient-Centered Medical Home Demonstration Project at the Owen Clinic at the University of California, San Diego.  You'll also get a tour of the clinic, meet some of the key staff who work on the project, and get a glimpse of the patient-friendly electronic health record Dr. Amy is piloting.
Patient-Centered Medical Home at the UCSD Owen Clinic
Patient-Centered Medical Home at the Owen Clinic


Evaluation Update

Our local evaluation team at BTW informing change has been busy wrapping up the year.   After collecting patient and clinic staff focus group data this fall, they are now in the process of compiling the data and scheduling provider focus groups for early 2013.  The BTW team will be joining the PCMH Steering Committee for several meetings in the coming year to share the findings of their evaluation and best practices for PCMH implementation.


For more information about the PCMH Project Evaluation, please contact Nadia Salibi at BTW informing change.

Next Steering Committee Meeting: February 13, 2012


The next PCMH Demonstration Project Steering Committee meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, February 13th at Alameda Health Consortium. More information will follow soon. 

Want to know more about the PCMH Project?


For more information on our grant, view California HIV/AIDS Research Program's website.


For more information about the Alameda Health Consortium HIV ACCESS program, check out our webpage.


Check out our Evernote Notebook, which we've compiled to keep track of all the tools, articles, and other PCMH-resources we've come across. For help finding a resource, or to suggest an addition to the Notebook, contact Megan Crowley.

Contact Us:

Erin Gael Friedman, Project Director



Megan Crowley, Project Coordinator



Dan Clanon, IT Systems Specialist



Lois Bailey Lindsey, HIV Program Director



Kathleen Clanon MD, Principal Investigator


View our videos on YouTube