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June 29, 2016 | Issue #241

City Reaches Important Milestone for Waterfront Revitalization

On Tuesday, June 21, the Vallejo City Council unanimously approved the Fifth Amended and Restated Disposition and Development Agreement (Fifth Restatement) with Callahan Property Company (Developer) for the Waterfront Project.

The Fifth Restatement updates the real estate terms to acquire the Northern and Central Waterfront areas, a combined 52 acres planned for residential, retail and office development as well as open space amenities.  

The Waterfront Project outlines a vision for a dynamic and vibrant mixed use community on Vallejo's waterfront. Its mix of uses aim to bring 24/7 activity with pedestrian-friendly and well-designed features, making the waterfront a destination for local residents and regional visitors. Public improvements, such as the Vallejo Station Garage and Bus Transit Center, provide a transit-oriented environment, linking to the SF Bay Ferry. The development itself is governed by the Waterfront Planned Development Master Plan (PDMP), approved in 2007.

The Fifth Restatement was necessitated by the end of Redevelopment in California, a significant funding source for the Waterfront Project's public improvements. Next steps include several opportunities for public input before the development can break ground. For more information, visit the Waterfront Project's webpage.
City of Vallejo Wins "Best Business Dashboard" Award at IBIS Conference 

On June 20, the City of Vallejo won the prestigious Best Business Dashboard Award at the annual InfoSol Business Intelligence Seminar (IBIS) conference.

The international event highlighted world-wide business intelligence solutions, and provided attendees the chance to learn and exchange ideas with peers and top experts. Held this year in San Diego, California, close to 1,200 people attended the conference from over 30 different countries.

The City of Vallejo publishes its annual Budget and CAFR (Comprehensive Annual Financial Report) books in physical form, as well as online in PDF format each fiscal year. Together, these massive documents number in the hundreds of pages, making it a potentially daunting task to sort through and/or find specific information. 
Therefore, the City's Finance Department developed an interactive dashboard that enables the internal staff to sort through 10 years of financial data to compare years and trends graphically by department. This approach provides a more current and transparent view of the City's financial information.

During his keynote speech, CEO Paul Grill announced the winners of the Best Business, Most Valuable, and Limitless Business Intelligence Dashboard Awards. The City of Vallejo was the sole winner from the United States of America, competing against entries from non-profit and private sectors, and was the first government agency to receive the Best Business Dashboard award.

To learn more about the IBIS conference, click here.
Vallejo Returns to Brewing Beer, Wine, and Alcohol

In the latest Local Happenings Magazine, an article was published highlighting the resurgence of local breweries, wineries and distilleries in Vallejo.

Mare Island Brewing Co. co-founders Ryan Gibbons and Kent Fortner, paved the way when they opened in 2014 at their popular Vallejo Ferry Building location. Former winemakers, they made the switch to beer and paid homage to Mare Island's history, naming their beers after elements of the former Naval Shipyard. They first released Saginaw, named after the first wooden ship to be christened on Mare Island, and their second release Coal Shed Ale, after the Mare Island coal sheds which are used for the brewery.

The Vino Godfather tasting room opened in October 2015 in one of the historic mansions on Mare Island owned by Frank Kennedy and Twila Nixon. A 20-year veteran in the wine business, Kennedy has been making Vino Godfather wines since 2008, and released Prohibition Wines with Nixon in 2011. The tasting room has been a success, attracting nearly 7,000 customers since opening last October. Kennedy expects more wineries to open on Mare Island and said, "I believe Vallejo is the new frontier for wineries and breweries."

A new distillery and brewery are expected to open towards the end of the year: Splinter Group and Napa Smith Brewery. Splinter Group makes whiskies, offering an 84-proof bourbon whiskey named Straight Edge and an American whiskey called Slaughter House. Last year, Slaughter House won a gold medal and "Best in Class" at the 2015 Whiskies of the World Competition.

The Napa Smith Brewery will be moving from its current location near the Napa County Airport to 101 Yolano Drive, off of Sonoma Boulevard in Vallejo. The brewery offers 11 in-house beers which cover an extensive range of tastes, including pale ales, organic IPAs and Amber ale. Brewmaster Don Barkley, who began his career in 1978, described his excitement for the future of Napa Smith, "There aren't too many careers that span 40 years and culminate in this fashion. I feel very fortunate to be a part of Napa Smith's plans for expansion."

To read the full article, click here.

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In This Issue

Vallejo Firefighter Paramedic Saves Woman's Life in Oahu
While vacationing with his family in Oahu on June 18, Firefighter/Paramedic Ramon Villanueva 
performed a life-saving procedure on an unresponsive woman.  

When FFPM Villanueva noticed the 70 year old woman face down in the lagoon area of a nearby resort, he and two other men walked down to the area and removed the woman from the water. 

FFPM Villanueva placed the woman on her side, removing excess water from her lungs. Emergency services were contacted and FFPM Villanueva stayed with the woman until local Paramedics arrived. 

note was written by the family of the woman, in which they thanked and credited FFPM Villanueva for saving her life.

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