SLO County Air Pollution Control District
E- Newsletter

In This Issue
Local Resident Goes Green
Energy Awareness Month
GHG Reduction Plan
APCD Website
Rideshare Month

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October 2012

Upcoming Events:
  • October: Energy Awareness Month & Rideshare Month
  • October 18: National Alternative Fuel Vehicle Day - C5's Car Show at Downtown SLO Farmers' Market
  • October 20: Energy Efficiency Expo at Veteran's Hall in San Luis Obispo
  • October 28: Giddy Up Round Up Family Fun Day at Santa Margarita Ranch
Local Resident Goes Green!

Grover Beach resident ditches his gasoline car for alternative transportation and an all electric truck!

Duke Sterling loves his commute to work; he gets the opportunity to meet new people, get some exercise in and does not have to worry about parking, car washes and oil changes. Why? Earlier this year he ditched his gasoline car and now takes public transporta
tion to work every day!
Sterling was inspired to sell his car when he attended National Train Day at Union Station in Los Angeles in May, where he learned more about the SLO Car Free program. He experienced how relaxing it was to be able to sit back, read a book and not struggle with a GPS during his commute. 
Sterling says he hasn't always been conscious of his environmental impact; he owes it to his wife, Lori. He finds her very inspirational because she bikes and walks for most of her local commutes. The couple have now purchased an all electric truck (pictured) that they use for any longer trips they may have. 
Sterling wants to challenge members of the community to purchase a day pass for their work or social travel to see how fun and easy it really is. Sterling says, "Besides being helpful to the environment, you will get great exercise, meet friendly people, and save money!"  
The APCD wants to commend Duke Sterling on his great efforts to rethink his commute for the improvement of our local air quality!
Energy Awareness Month!
October is National Energy Awareness Month, and APCD is partnering with other local agencies and non-profit organizations to provide many community events in support of energy awareness. On Saturday, October 20, The Energy Event will be held at the San Luis Obispo Veteran's Hall. Attendees will gain practical information on financing and resources for energy efficiency and renewable energy to assist with their home, business and transportation needs. The expo will feature panel sessions in the morning and mobile workshops in the afternoon. Attendees will also get the opportunity to hear keynote speaker, Sam Blakeslee! 
For more information, click here!
Collaborative Greenhouse Gas Reduction Planning Project

Work continues with the cities of Arroyo Grande, Atascadero, Grover Beach, Morro Bay, Pismo Beach, and Paso Robles, on a collaborative planning effort to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions consistent with the goals of Assembly Bill 32 (AB 32). In August, the GHG Stakeholder Group held its first public workshop at Cuesta College to provide an opportunity for residents throughout the county to learn more on the process. The next series of workshops are scheduled for the end of November. 


For more information, please visit www.CentralCoastGHGPlanning.com. 

APCD website gets an update

The APCD's updated website (www.SLOCleanAir.org) has been updated to improve the navigation and accessibility of information on the homepage. The update also includes the addition of auto-rotating, clickable images in the masthead of the home page; the images depict important APCD programs and provides helpful information to the community. The APCD's Twitter Feed was also incorporated into the design.  




Click here for more info!
Thank you for taking the time to read our e-newsletter! If you have any questions regarding programs of the Air Pollution Control District, please give us a call at 805-781-5912. You can also email the APCD at info@slocleanair.org. 
SLO County Air Pollution Control District