December 14, 2015
Dear Friend,
This is a magical time of the year. We wish to share some good news to show how LIHI changes lives:

WARM SHOWERS for homeless people at the new Ballard Urban Rest Stop. LIHI opened our third Rest Stop in October to serve the thousands of homeless men, women and children who now have clean and staffed restrooms, showers and a place to wash their clothes. Being presentable helps people find work, keep their job, and access housing.
TWO TENT ENCAMPMENTS have opened up in Ballard and Interbay to create safe places for over 100 unsheltered families and individuals. LIHI social workers provide case management services to help people obtain employment, healthcare and housing. We partner with Share and Nickelsville to provide fiscal oversight and raise funds for the camps.
COMPLETED CONSTRUCTION and opened Cheryl Chow Court, 50 energy efficient apartments for low income seniors in Ballard, and August Wilson Place, 57 apartments for low wage workers, homeless veterans and families in downtown Bellevue.
THREE BUILDINGS (160 apartments) being built to meet the needs of low income families, veterans, young adults and people with disabilities: University Commons in University District, Abbey Lincoln Court in Central Area, and Billy Frank Jr. Place in Olympia.
TWENTY TINY HOUSES have been built by volunteers with donated wood to create 8' x 12' insulated houses which are wired for electricity, light and ventilation. Our first Tiny House Village will open by Christmas at 22nd and Union in Seattle. Come stop by and visit!
FOUR HUNDRED VOLUNTEERS have donated their talent and time to help LIHI at the Urban Rest Stops, build tiny houses, read books to children, help with summer camp, prepare meals for Nickelsville, and help our families, seniors and veterans.

Please consider making a year-end gift to the Low Income Housing Institute so we can make substantial progress in addressing the homelessness crisis and the lack of affordable housing. Your donation can be designated for: Urban Rest Stops, supportive services, Tiny Houses, or area of greatest need.  Donate Online or by check made out to "LIHI" and sent to:
LIHI Fund Development
2407 First Ave.
Seatle, WA 98121
Warmly, and best wishes for the holidays!  
Sharon Lee & Real Change's Tim Harris 
on the Seattle Channel 
Tent Encampments in Response to Homelessness

We are thankful for you support!
Sharon Lee
Executive Director
Low Income Housing Institute