Volume 3 - Edition 27 |
May 30, 2013 |
Hough Howler Submissions
Deadlines for Articles This Year
The Hough Howler is the monthly electronic newsletter compiled by the Hough PTSA. We encourage all Hough staff members, booster clubs and Hough student clubs to provide us information to publicize to the over 1700 Howler e-mail subscribers in the Hough community. Deadlines for articles submitted for publication are the first day of each month, unless that date is on a weekend. Then, the deadline is the first business day of that month. If there is something urgent that needs to go out, the Howler will be distributed on a more frequent basis. These dates are below. The Howler will be distributed within a few days past the deadline, so please submit your articles on time, or even better, early! Thank you for your cooperation.
NEXT DEADLINE: June 3rd (Monday)
(unless we have urgent news to communicate!)
Thank you for your submissions!
Linda Petry, Hough PTSA President and Howler Editor
LPetry@mindspring.com |
Important Dates/PTSA Google Calendar Links
To print 2013 Calendar (as of May 30, 2013)
Hough High PTSA has created Google Calendars that parents, teachers and students can sync with their phones or print out in calendar view. We feel these calendars will be a great resource. Please note that these are in ICal Format that will allow you to subscribe to these calendars from your smartphone. To access the combined Hough High School/PTSA Calendar, please follow this link:
https://www.google.com/calendar/ical/houghhighptsa%40gmail.com/public/basic.ics |
Hough PTSA Student Representatives Collecting
Donations of GIANT-Size Lunch Bags
for Angels and Sparrows Soup Kitchen
Summer Lunch Program
Submitted by PTSA Representative Ariail Hazel
It has recently come to the PTSA's attention that Angels and Sparrows Executive Director Sandy Tilly is looking for donations of Giant lunch bag size brown paper bags for her summer lunch program that she coordinates to feed lunch to children over the summer. She needs about 12,000 bags. People can buy the larger (giant) size bags at Harris Teeter and other groceries stores. These are usually 50 to a bag and they measure 12 3/8 x 6 1/8 x 4 inches. Again, they need the larger GIANT size lunch bag which is slightly larger than the regular size lunch bag because it contains a sandwich and other items. If we an get 240 student to contribute 50 bags each, we will reach our goal!!!
Hough PTSA Student Representatives Ariail Hazel and Aleah Robinson will lead this collection and asks that you bring all bags to the "zebra decorated" collection bin that will be set up in the lobby by the cafeteria. Hough students, this is your way to help other in your community, some of whom even attend Hough High School.
Thank you for your participation!!!!
We hope to collect enough bags by tomorrow, May 31st! If not, we will continue until we have 12,000 bags. Come on Huskies, lets do it!!! |
End of Course (EOC) Proctors Still Needed
June 3-6
Submitted by Kim Benz
Would you be willing to proctor for the June EOCs? We need volunteers for the following dates from 7 am until 12:30 pm:
Monday, June 3rd -Thursday, June 6th
Monday, June 3 - 1st period exams
Tuesday, June 4 - 2nd period exams
Wednesday, June 5 - 3rd period exams
Thursday, June 6 - 4th period exams
Please go to the following link to get more information and to sign up to volunteer. |
Student Parking Application/Process
for 1st Semester of 2013-2014 School Year
Deadline to turn in: THIS Friday, May 31st by 2:15 pm
Submitted by LTC(ret) Shawn Cowley JROTC Rm C120
The parking application for 1st Semester 2013-2014 is now posted on the Hough Parking wiki site and we will have copies in the front office - Deadline for turn-in is May 31st by 2:15 pm to the box in the front office. Applications received after that time will be placed on the waitlist. Some key points and procedures follow:
To Be Eligible:
· You must have a driver's license by the day of sticker issue (Aug 13th-15th), ensure you provide a copy of your license or permit w/ application
· You must have a current registration and provide a copy w/ application
· You must have current proof of insurance and provide a copy w/ application
· You must be a senior or junior academically with a CUMULATIVE weighted GPA of 2.5 or higher as calculated at the end of this school year (early release or work release, athletics, and other curricular activities will not have a bearing on whether or not a student receives a parking spot)
· Remember, we will only register one car per student per parking spot (no duplicates)
· Application must be signed and initialed on all pages by parents and students
· Incomplete applications will not be processed for a parking spot, every effort will be made to notify those with an incomplete application, but it is the student's responsibility to ensure completeness
· DO NOT enclose any cash or checks, those will be received with the issuing of your sticker August 13th-15th, 2013
Procedure for assigning parking spots. We hold a drawing with a parent representative from the PTSA to assign parking spots. We will draw the seniors (3.5 GPA and above) first and assign them to the closest spots to the school followed by the remaining seniors. Once we have the seniors assigned, we will then assign the juniors by academic class rank until we run out of spots (last year students with a weighted GPA of 4.0 and below did not receive a spot).
Receipt of parking sticker and $25 fee. Approximately, one to two weeks prior to the start of school, students or an adult representative will drive the car to the student parking lot. At that time, we will verify that you have a valid driver's license, current registration and proof of current insurance. We will receive the $25 fee and provide the student with their assigned parking spot sticker and a receipt.
2nd Semester. We will review tardiness, academic eligibility (>2.5 Cumulative) and school conduct (i.e. major infractions resulting in suspensions) at the end of the 1st semester. We will then re-register and issue a new sticker for all cars for 2nd semester. This will also allow for senior transfers and some outstanding juniors who previously did not have their license to have the opportunity for a parking spot and subsequently will bump others from their 1st semester position. Additionally, unfortunately, we have had cases of students moving stickers to their friend's cars - this will help us to reduce those violations. All seniors and juniors who have met the standard (GPA/class rank) for 2nd semester will retain their spots but are required to receive a new sticker. Last year we did have a number of seniors lose their spots due to the reasons above.
Please help us spread the word! We will publish this on student announcements and in the Howler and on the W.A. Hough website for this entire month. IF you know of a transfer student coming in, please tell them as well!
-Thanks for helping us make this process as smooth and as fair as possible
Please contact me via email with questions or concerns,
LTC(ret) Shawn Cowley
Note: Students with Individual Education Plans (IEPs) should still submit applications; you will be contacted by Ms Amy Kelleher, Chair of the W.A. Hough EC Dept.
Forms can be accessed on the Hough website NOW through this link Student Parking Application |
Seniors with Financial Obligations
All Outstanding Fines Due
THIS FRIDAY - May 31st
Parents of seniors please make sure that your student has no financial obligations. ALL outstanding fines should be paid by May 31. Seniors who have financial obligations will be receiving notices on April 17 and a Connect-Ed message will also go out to those students. If senior financial obligations are not paid by noon on Friday, June 7th, your senior will not be able to walk at graduation and will not receive his/her diploma until the financial obligation has been satisfied. Fines can be paid each day from 8:00 AM to noon by seeing Ms. Festa, the financial secretary. |
Graduation is quickly approaching! W.A. Hough has a graduation website up and running with everything you need to know about graduation and more:
Graduation 2013 Website
A few important notes:
- IF you still have not purchased a Cap and Gown for graduation or have not picked up the cap and gown that you already ordered, you may contact Herf Jones' Keith Guercio at ncringman@aol.com or call (704)531-0015
- We need your help! If you know of someone who may be attending the graduation who is hearing impaired and will require an interpreter, please contact LTC(ret) Shawn Cowley at shawnw.cowley@cms.k12.nc.us as soon as possible so we can coordinate to have an interpreter. Currently we are not aware of anyone requiring this assistance.
In case you have missed it, W.A. Hough will be graduating at Bojangle's Coliseum on Monday, June 10th at 12:00pm (Doors open at 11:00).
ALL graduating seniors MUST attend the rehearsal on June 3rd at 7:00pm at Bojangle's Coliseum without exception....all means all or you will not be allowed to participate in the actual ceremony.
Questions? Check out our website first (see above) and then if you still have questions or concerns, contact LTC(ret) Shawn Cowley at shawnw.cowley@cms.k12.nc.us |
Important Letter from Dr. Cockerham
to Graduates, Family Members and Guests
Attending Hough Graduation
As originally distributed in the Howler on May 19, 2013
Dear Parents,
Graduation is an exciting and rewarding time for all of us. This is an important day, and our graduates deserve a ceremony they can take pride in now, and throughout their lives.
As a result, we ask all graduates, family members, and guests to please be mindful of the following guidelines:
· Show respect for all graduates
· Applaud politely for each graduate
· Limit cheers so every graduate's name is heard by all attendees
· Remain seated during the entire ceremony including when taking photographs
For safety and security reasons, and to keep the focus on our graduates, guests will not be allowed to bring the following items into the graduation venue:
· Flowers
· Duffel bags
· Fanny packs
· Backpacks
· Gifts
· Balloons
· Air horns
· Noisemakers
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools, in cooperation with the local law enforcement, will provide security at all CMS graduations. Our goal is to allow our graduates and their families to enjoy this very special day without distractions. For this reason, we reserve the right to search all individuals and bags, including diaper bags and camera bags, as you enter the facility.
Thank you for supporting your child throughout his/her K-12 experience, and thank you for allowing us to serve you and your family. We know our graduates are prepared to compete in a global marketplace, and we look forward to their continued success.
Dr. Teresa Cockerham,
To open this letter in a separate window and print, please click here |
The Technical Institute
Offered Next Year at
North Mecklenburg HS
Applications due by May 31st
North Mecklenburg, Hopewell, Mallard Creek and Hough in coordination with CMS CTE have formed a Technical Institute for students in the Northeast Zone to have access to some wonderful career curriculums.Cosmetology, Culinary, Horticulture, and Automotive technology are the four areas.The courses will be offered at North Mecklenburg HS, due to facilities.During the 2013-14 school year each program will open with five 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students for each program from each of the four schools.For the 2014-15 school year goingforward there will only be open seat availability for 10th and 11th graders, while 9th graders will have full availability.Students will move through their programs as a cohort completing the courses with their program peers.There will be an application process for each interested student.Students will be selected based on GPA, Attendance, Discipline and other criteria.Students that are accepted will transfer to North Mecklenburg and become fully athletically eligible North Meck students for 2013-14 year and forward as long as they remain in the program and in good standing.Beginning 2014-15 incoming only 9th graders will be fully athletically eligible on arrival.
If you have questions, contact Donna Davis in room A139 at Hough or donna.davis@cms.k12.nc.us.
Applications are available in the student service area and are due by May 31st to Ms. Davis. |
Seniors, Turn in Scholarship Information Forms ASAP
Submitted by Maghen Sickler
So that we may celebrate the accomplishments of our seniors, we are in the process of collecting and posting scholarship award information for the Class of 2013. If any senior has been selected as a recipient of any academic or athletic scholarship award, we ask that you please bring a copy of the award letter to Student Services ASAP. We would like to receive information about any scholarship received, including any that might be declined for any reason. We will be posting scholarship awards on our Student Services wiki page, which is accessible from the Hough High website. As we get closer to the end of the school year, we will then be announcing the grand total of scholarship dollars awarded to the senior class, and we would like to have all awards included. We have a very talented senior class and we want to celebrate your achievements! Thank you for your assistance in this endeavor.
Seniors, please complete the attached Scholarship Information Sheet ASAP. In our last Howler, we will provide a listing of all senior scholarship received. |
Important News for
Senior Cafeteria PayPam Accounts
Submitted by Cafeteria Manager Debbie Gibson and N. Francey, CMS Child Nutrition Services
Parents of Seniors, do you currently utilize a cafeteria PayPam account for your Senior? Per the CMS Child Nutrition Website:
Refunds on Closed Accounts
Parents of students leaving CMS have up to 90 days to request a refund of money on account or have it transferred to another CMS student. Amounts less than $5 will be transferred, upon request, to another CMS student account but not refunded. Contact the Child Nutrition Services office at (980) 343-6041 to request a refund or transfer of money on account.
There are four options regarding end of year balances:
1) A refund-by-check may be requested via email to paypams@cms.k12.nc.us. If your child will be eating lunch for the remainder of this school year, wait to request the refund until after the last day of school or after the last day your child will be purchasing a meal. If you prefer this method, please provide the payee, verify the address you would like the refund check sent to and provide a current telephone number. It will take approximately 6 weeks for the check to complete processing and be mailed to you due to the volume of requests received near the end of a school year.
2) Cafeteria Manager Debbie Gibson has this form that you can fill out for your child and return to her. Then she will send it to the child nutrition department. They will in turn mail you a check at the address on the form. Again, please wait until your child has purchased his/her last meal. It takes a minimum of three - six weeks to process.
3) Call (980) 343-6041 to request a refund or transfer of money on account;
4) If there are siblings in CMS, funds may be transferred from one student to another by Child Nutrition Services. If you would like funds transferred, for each child, provide the first name, middle initial, last name, and date of birth. Indicate which child's account the funds are being taken from and which child's account will receive funds. Transfers made on or after the last day of school will update in PayPAMS once the cafeterias reopen in August. Funds transferred to student's accounts who are changing from one CMS school to another CMS school will transfer with the student to the new school. If applicable be sure to remove automatic payments and email notifications
If you have any questions, you can contact Cafeteria Debbie Gibson at carol.willis@cms.k12.nc.us or email CMS Child Nutrition at paypams@cms.k12.nc.us. |
Chorus Department News
Submitted by Heidi Hickox
We, the HHS Chorus Booster Club, invite all parents to be proactive and become members of our booster club. We need all the help possible so the Huskies can participate in more festivals like Carowinds and even national competitions, allowing Hough High the ability to gain recognition for the arts programs where we strive for superior performance and a balanced education, just as Huskies do for other programs. Please contact Ms. Heidi Hickox, heidi1.hickox@cms.k12.nc.us for more information about how you, as parents, can help take the Hough Howlers to the next level. We appreciate any and all support.
Join the HHS Choral Booster Club! For any donation of $5 or more, every contributor will receive a Howlin' Huskies Choral Booster Club Luggage Tag! We also have new tshirts for $10...just see a chorus member if you would like to purchase one.
It's not too late...NOW RECRUITING SINGERS!!!!!! Any students interested in singing in one of the HHS Choruses next year who did not register should see Ms. Hickox ASAP for placement options for the 2013-14 school year. Choruses offered are Chorus 1, Mixed Chorus (Intermediate), Concert Choir, Chamber Singers, and Show Choir. We will also be starting a Gospel Choir club before the end of the school year. Please contact Ms. H: heidi1.hickox@cms.k12.nc.us for more information. |
Counselor's Corner
Mary Towe A-B
Daina Woullard C-Gh
Joseph Williams Gi-Mal
Alison Graves Mam - Ro
Maghen Sickler Ru-Z
Students are encouraged to explore college and career opportunities by participating in summer enrichment programs at some point during the high school experience. Programs vary in length, setting and focus. Students and parents may begin research about available opportunities by reviewing the 2013 Summer Programs Bulletin. As we continue to receive information about upcoming programs, the bulletin will be updated to reflect new information. Carefully read the requirements, application procedures and deadline for each application. Most applications are available online, while others may be available in Student Services.
Students and parents may also find additional information about enrichment programs offered for high school students by searching for "pre-college programs" or "high school programs" directly through the websites of respective colleges and universities.
A wealth of information is available through the Student Services Website. We encourage you to regularly check out The Announcements on our Student Services Website where you will find information about postsecondary planning, scholarship and financial aid resources, and selected school procedures. Please add this link to your "Favorites" and check it periodically for updates on relevant topics for all grade levels. |
Submitted by Catherine Bumgarner
| Our 27 Hough DECA competitors did an outstanding job representing NC at the International Competition in Anaheim. |
News from Career Development
Submitted by Sue Colbert
Parents of Graduating Seniors interested in CPCC:
Any graduating senior that is interested in attending CPCC for Fall 2013 and did not participate in the registration process here at Hough on April 18th may attend a CPCC make-up session.
Go to www.cpcc.edu/outreach-recruitment to RSVP and reserve your spot in a session. RSVP is required. For questions please contact Outreach at 704.330.6637.
A student should have completed the CPCC application
Taken a qualifying placement test
Created a CPCC login
Rising Juniors and Seniors:
If you are interested in participating in the CPCC/CMS Career and College Promise Program (College Experience) for the 2013 - 2014 school year, please see Mrs. Colbert in Student Services or you may email her at s.colbert@cms.k12.nc.us. Registration for CPCC takes place this spring for Fall classes.
The Career and College Promise Program gives qualified high school students the opportunity to take college level classes on the CPCC campus.
For more information about the program and qualifications you may visit the following website:
CMS Academic Internship Program
The CMS Academic Internship Program is now accepting applications for their internship program. Applications are being accepted for 2013 - 2014 Summer, Fall, and Spring internships. This is a non paid internship program that provides opportunities for high school students to have hands-on experiences in areas of academic or career interest prior to high school graduation.
Students must be sixteen years old or older to participate.
An intern in the program usually spends two afternoons per week after school at their internship site on days that they and the community sponsor arrange. Participating in an internship demonstrates imitative and helps students obtain a more realistic view of a career area.
To begin the process fill out an online application at the following link: http://www.cms.k12.nc.us/cmsdepartments/ci/cte/Pages/AcademicInternship.aspx
Please email Mrs. Colbert for additional information an application at s.colbert@cms.k12.nc.us.
Charlotte Fire Department Internship
July 15 - 22 2013 or July 22 -26, 2013
Police Academy
July 8 - 12, 2013 or August 12 - 16, 2013
Please see Mrs. Colbert for applications. Mrs. Colbert is located in the Student Services Department at Hough.
The Boy Scouts of America Exploring Program
The Exploring Division of the Mecklenburg County Council, Boy Scouts of America provides career internship opportunities through the Explorer's Program.
Your child was given a career interest inventory to fill out in homeroom this week, Thursday, May 2nd. The completion of this survey was voluntary and a part of our School Improvement Plan.
After receiving the survey, the Exploring Program will use this information to mail invitations to students to an "internship type" opportunity in one or more of the 35 businesses and agencies that are partners in education.
Look for the Explorers invitation in the mail or contact Jonathan Russell for follow up questions:
Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools has developed a new resource to provide parents, students, and community members with quick access to reliable information on the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). The standards are designed to help ensure that students graduate from high school fully prepared to be successful in college or in the workplace. We know the new Common Core State Standards initiative may not be easy to understand, so the site includes tools and resources such as:
New Common Core Resource Videos-explaining what Common Core is all about Parent Roadmaps-with useful tips for parents Answers to frequently asked questions Myths vs. Facts about Common Core.
To access the site, simply go to www.cms.k12.nc.us/parents/commoncore or visit the CMS homepage www.cms.k12.nc.us and click on the Common Core State Standards button.
Common Core flyer
Common Core flyer (Spanish) |
Thank you
to the Town of Cornelius and Comfort Suites of Huntersville for their complimentary use of their facilities for
Hough High AP testing.
Help Us Reach Our Goal
For Harris Teeter VIC Cards
Linked to Hough PTSA!
We need a big push!!!! We are currently at 396 and need your help to reach our goal of 530 VIC cards linked to Hough PTSA. Harris Teeter's Together In Education program is a fund raising program for schools in our community. When customers purchase select Harris Teeter Brand products using their VIC card, Harris Teeter contributes a percentage of those purchase dollars to the schools of their choice. In addition, a percentage of each prescription filled in a Harris Teeter pharmacy will be donated as well. Customers must have their VIC card linked to a TIE school in order to participate. We need your support! This is a painless way for us to raise needed funds.
You must re-link each year!
Please consider linking your Harris Teeter VIC Card to the following Hough organizations:
PTSA # 8376
Athletic Booster Club # 8348
Band # 8414
JROTC # 8368
There are several ways to re-link your VIC card:
* click on this link Harris Teeter Together in Education
* Customer Service desk
* At the checkout counter
*Call 1-800-432-6111 (number located on the back of your VIC card)
You can link up to 5 organizations/schools (funds will be divided equally).
Which School are You Linked To?
Hough is now linked to Target's Together in Education program! Enroll today and Target will donate a percentage of each REDcard purchase you make to our school! (Only one school can be selected.) Call 1-800-316-6142, visit Target.com/tcoe or an in-store kiosk to sign up and designate Hough as your school today!
Click here to find out more about this program and to link your REDcard to Hough
William A. Hough High School Alma Mater
We hail thee Alma Mater
our voices let us raise.
With Husky pride and honor
we sing now full of praise.
To remember lasting moments
our friendships never will fade.
Hough High, march on forever
victorious all our days. |
Please click on the above box if someone forwarded this email to you and you would like to be added to the Hough High School PTSA email distribution list. We send out a monthly newsletter, the Hough Howler, and occasional informational emails. We also utilize this list to communicate information for the Athletic Booster club and other Hough organizations. Your name and email address are not given to any third party organizations.
If you wish to unsubscribe from future emails, please click on the link at the end of this email titled Instant removal with SafeUnsubscribe. Thank you! |