Volume 3 - Edition 17 |
February 6, 2013 |
Hough Howler Submissions
Deadlines for Articles This Year
The Hough Howler is the monthly electronic newsletter compiled by the Hough PTSA. We encourage all Hough staff members, booster clubs and Hough student clubs to provide us information to publicize to the over 1400 Howler e-mail subscribers in the Hough community. Deadlines for articles submitted for publication are the first day of each month, unless that date is on a weekend. Then, the deadline is the first business day of that month. If there is something urgent that needs to go out, the Howler will be distributed on a more frequent basis. These dates are below. The Howler will be distributed within a few days past the deadline, so please submit your articles on time, or even better, early! Thank you for your cooperation.
NEXT DEADLINE: March 1st (Friday)
FUTURE DEADLINES: April 8th (Monday), May 1st (Wednesday),
May 15th (Wednesday), June 3rd (Monday)
Thank you for your submissions!
Linda Petry, Hough PTSA President and Howler Editor
LPetry@mindspring.com |
Important Dates/PTSA Google Calendar Links
To print 2013 Calendar (as of February 6, 2013)
To View Winter Sports Schedules
Hough High PTSA has created Google Calendars that parents, teachers and students can sync with their phones or print out in calendar view. The links for each are below including the combined school and PTSA calendar. Each sport has its own calendar. We hope to add a calendar for clubs soon. We feel these calendars will be a great resource. Please note that these are in ICal Format that will allow you to subscribe to these calendars from your smartphone.
Curriculum Night and PTSA General Meeting
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
6:30 pm
Please report to your child's first block class (A day.) The PTSA will hold its General Meeting over closed circuit tv in the classrooms. We will provide a short financial report and report of happenings to date as well as future activities. This will be followed by short meetings with your student's classroom teachers to hear about the curriculum for your student's second semester classes.
We hope to see you there. |
PTSA Sponsors Hough High Soup Day -
"Warming the Hearts of Our Staff"
Thursday, February 14th
Submitted by Denise Linerode
On Thursday February 14, 2013, PTSA is hosting a soup luncheon for our staff. We are looking for volunteers to bring in a crock pot full of their favorite soup. We will need approximately 30-35 crockpots of soup. Please consider helping!!! We need all soups delivered to the staff breakroom on the first floor C- Hall by 9:30 am. Please label your crockpot and ladle with your name. This is a favorite event for the staff! Please click here if you would like to make a soup. Thank you for your help. |
2nd Semester Parking Sticker Issue THIS WEEK
2nd Semester Parking stickers are going to be issued after school during the first week of February (4-6 Feb) in the same corner of the student parking lot as previous years(next to the tennis court) from 2:30-4:30pm. Students currently holding a parking spot will retain the same spot unless they have exceeded six tardies during first semester, have an OUTSTANDING financial obligation/ticket, fallen below a 2.5 WEIGHTED GPA or had a major disciplinary infraction. If the student's car has not changed from the one on file, the student will simply have to show current registration, proof of insurance and make a payment of $10 (cost of the sticker). The student will then receive the new silver 2nd semester sticker.
Last name begins with:
A - G Monday, FEB 4th 2:30-4:30
H - N Tuesday FEB 5th 2:30-4:30
O - Z Wednesday FEB 6th 2:30-4:30
Make Ups (by exception) Friday FEB 8th 2:30-4:30
Cars without the new sticker will be ticketed and/or booted beginning Monday, February 11th.
Students who have fallen below a 2.5 Weighted GPA, have outstanding financial obligations, exceeded six tardies and/or had a major disciplinary infraction will be notified during the next two weeks so they can make alternate transportation plans.
If you have changed cars, it is imperative that you fill out a new application and turn it in complete to room C120 prior to your assigned date above. This is to ensure a smooth and speedy process -- students with new cars/applications or pending financial obligations at the actual parking lot issue will have to get out of line. Applications for new cars can be printed from the W.A. Hough Webpage under "resources" Click here to access application on the website. Do not forget to attach a copy of your current license, registration and proof of insurance. There have been no changes to our previous policies/procedures; one car/sticker per eligible student.
Waitlisted students - be advised that seniors still have priority and we do in fact have seniors currently on our waitlist. In order to be on the waitlist, you have to have an application, current driver's license, registration, and proof of insurance on file with us.
This message is going out through the PTSA Newsletter, the W.A. Hough Website and morning school announcements.
Questions - contact LTC(ret) Shawn Cowley by email shawnw.cowley@cms.k12.nc.us
Published 1/23/2013
Click to print 2nd Semester Parking Sticker Announcement |
Yearbook News
Submitted by Marcille Nance
Yearbook Purchases - Parents: Buy your student the Hough High School Hyperion for only $75 dollars.You can order online at jostensyearbooks.com or call 1-866-282-1516.
Senior Baby Pictures-- the yearbook staff is collecting baby pictures for a tribute to our seniors. Please submit by this Friday, February 8th!
Parents: please email pictures to marcille@mac.com or send the pictures on a flashdrive with your student. Students can also tweet their pictures to @houghhighYBK. Pictures can be dropped off to Ms. Nance in room C219. |
Hough High Prom 2013
"Bright Lights, Big City"
Submitted by Marcille Nance
Prom Tickets will go on sale Monday, February 11 through Friday, March 15th.
Where: The Urban Garden ~ Bank of America Center
When: April 13, 2013
Time: 8:00-Midnight
Tickets are $65. If you are a Senior Passport Holder or a Junior who paid junior dues, you will receive a $10 discount when you purchase your ticket. To purchase tickets or if you have questions, please see Ms. Nance in C219 before or after school.
AP Exam Payment & Fee Waiver Information
AP Exam Fees Due By February 15th!
AP Exam Fee Communication: The Charlotte Mecklenburg Board of Education has approved funding to cover the costs for half of each AP exam for courses in which a student is enrolled (except for students who have fee waivers - see below).
Advanced Placement Costs:
Students must be enrolled in the corresponding AP course to have their exam fee partially paid by the district. AP exams cost $89 each. Students will be responsible for paying $45 per AP exam.
If a student is not enrolled in the corresponding course this year, they must pay full price for the exam.
AP exam fees are due February 15, 2013.
Payment Options:
Families may pay online using a credit or debit card Click here. A processing fee will be added by the contracted vendor.
Fill out the attached form and make a payment by check or money order. Checks must be made payable to William A. Hough HS. Cash payments will not be accepted. Both form and check needs to be turned in to Jennifer Hudak in Student Services.
Exam Fee Waivers Students considered economically disadvantaged may be eligible for a fee waiver covering the entire cost of exams. Parents must complete a fee waiver form either based on family income or Free and Reduced Lunch status. Fee waiver forms are available at each high school or online Click here
Forms are due to the high school on the same date payments are due. Incomplete forms will not be accepted after the payment deadline. |
PTSA Nominating Committee Members Needed
As per our bylaws, we must establish a Nominating Committee of at least 3 PTA members, at least 2 persons who are on the Board of Directors and at least 1 person who is not on the Board of Directors. These persons will solicit the membership for officer positions (President, Vice President of Membership, Vice President of Fundraising, Treasurer and Secretary.) If you are interested in serving on the Nominating Committee, please contact Linda Petry at LPetry@mindspring.com. The committee would meet twice for an hour or so at a time agreed upon by its members. This doesn't commit you to a position, but being part of this committee will assist the PTSA in finding parents who would be interested in an officer position. |
Hough PTSA Scholarships
Submitted by Stacey Anderson
The William A. Hough PTSA is offering scholarships ranging from $500 to $1000 to graduating seniors who will be furthering their education at either a two or four year college. These scholarships are not renewable and a a GPA of 3.0 (unweighted) or above is required to be an eligible recipient. for consideration to receive one of these awards, please read the following and submit the items outlined on or before Wednesday, March 27, 2013 at 2:15 pm to Mrs. Carr in Student Services. Please click on the link below for Scholarship requirements and descriptions:
Don't forget, seniors, if you want to be considered for a PTSA scholarship, you must join the PTSA by March 1st prior to submitting a scholarship application. Membership form and money must be turned into PTSA mailbox in office on or before March 1, 2013 at 2:15 pm.
PTSA Membership Form |
Hough Senior Student-Athlete Scholarship Applications
1. Outstanding Huskies Leadership in Athletics Scholarship cash award $1,000 (1 male & 1 female) -- This scholarship recognizes leadership, good sportsmanship, commitment to Hough HS and its community as well as athletic achievement.
2. Huskies Excellence in Academics & Athletics Scholarship $1,000(1 male & 1 female) -- This scholarship recognizes high academic achievement, good sportsmanship, commitment to Hough HS and its community as well as athletic achievement.
All applications must be turned in by the deadline date of 3/1/13-no exceptions. All applications must be completed in its entirety to be considered by the Selection Committee. Applications for these scholarships are in the Hough HS Guidance Office and will soon be availlable on the Hough Athletic Booster Club website or just download the application here :
Hough Athletic Booster Club Athletic Scholarship Application Packet 2013
If any student-athletes or parents have any questions, please contact Rebekah Baker at rbaker@cmhp.org
Season Passes Available
submitted by Sonja McCreary
You can still get a season pass - NOW is the time! Season Passes are an easy way to stay involved during the school year! (Please remember that season passes do not include playoffs & championships.)
Future Athletic Booster Club Meetings
Our Athletic booster club meetings are on the following dates: Feb. 11, Mar. 11, Apr. 8, May 13 and June (date TBA). We meet in the Hough High Cafeteria from 6:30-8pm. This information is also available on our website at www.houghboosters.com. |
Counselor's Corner
Mary Towe A-B
Daina Woullard C-Gh
Joseph Williams Gi-Mal
Alison Graves Mam - Ro
Maghen Sickler Ru-Z
National School Counseling Week, sponsored by the American School Counselor Association (ASCA), will be celebrated from Feb. 4-8, 2013, to focus public attention on the unique contribution of professional school counselors within U.S. school systems and how students are different as a result of what school counselors do. National School Counseling Week highlights the tremendous impact school counselors can have in helping students achieve school success, explore postsecondary options and plan for a career. The special week honoring school counselors provides recognition for school counselors who implement comprehensive school counseling programs, a vital part of the educational process for all students as they meet the challenges of the 21st century. Join us in celebrating our Hough counselors in the tremendous work that they are doing on behalf of our students.
The transcript request form for mid-year grades is now available in Student Services and on the Student Services website. Mid-year requests will be prepared after the determination of the updated GPA and Class Rank, unless otherwise specified as being needed earlier. The updated class rank is projected to be available the week of February 18th. There will be no charge for the mid-year transcripts sent to the universities to which you have previously applied to this school year. Mid-year transcripts should only be sent to universities that have requested this information.
On Thursday, January 10th, Hough High School hosted a PSAT / ACT PLAN / College Testing Information Session. Students and parents in attendance received an overview of how to use the
PSAT/NMSQT Score Report as well as the PLAN results as tools for future college admissions testing and postsecondary planning. Please go here here to view the presentation that was shared on that evening.
A wealth of information is available through the Student Services Website. If you are interested in attending the National College Fair, we encourage you to check out The Announcements on our Student Services Website for information and to register. At our site, you will find information about postsecondary planning, scholarship and financial aid resources, and selected school procedures. Please add this link to your "Favorites" and check it periodically for updates on relevant topics for all grade levels. |
Chorus Department News
Submitted by Heidi Hickox
Beginning the week of February 4, the HHS Chorus Department will be selling special chocolates from the Davidson Chocolate Company for Valentine's Day. Orders may be placed during all lunches between 2/4-13, or through a chorus student. We have XOXO's, "smooches", a "kiss", and chocolate roses ranging in price from $2-4.00. Proceeds wil help pay for expenses with music and trips this semester. Thank you for supporting us!
Congratulations to Senior, Tatyana Staton for her selection and performance at the Mars Hill College Choral Festival at Mars Hill College, February 1-3. Tatyana was one of 325 high school students who were selected from across the state of North Carolina after auditioning. These students were honored to have Dr. Rollo Dilworth from Temple University as the guest conductor. We are very proud of Tatyana!
The next HHS Choral Booster Club meeting will be held the same evening as Curriculum Night on February 19 at 6PM in the Chorus Room. Please plan to attend!!!!!
Please support the Howlin' Huskies by dining at Bojangles in Cornelius on the following dates: March 1 & 15, April 9 & 23, and May 3 from 5-8PM. 10% of ALL sales will come directly back to the chorus department. Thank you!
The next chorus concert will be here on campus on Thursday, March 14 at 7PM. The theme of the concert is "For the Love of Music" and all HHS choral ensembles will perform. Admission will be charged and will cover the cost of ticket and a special dessert! We hope you will come join us for a "sweet" evening! |
FBLA Week February 11-15
Submitted by Karen Kyei-Fordjour
FBLA is celebrating FBLA week the week of Valentine's Day! The purpose of this week is to appreciate our members and staff that aid to make FBLA successful. Although we appreciate and adore our members, this week is also used to increase our membership and give other students the opportunity to take part in this organization. So in honor of FBLA week we have a theme for each day of the week!
Monday is FBLA Awareness Day. If you were in FBLA last year, wear your t-shirt!
Tuesday is Career Awareness Day. We are going to have some "real life" business leaders speak to four business classes during fourth block. Then, after school there will be a Q&A in the library allowing any student in the school to ask question to these intelligent business leaders. The Q&A will be followed by some snacks!
Wednesday is Adviser/Faculty Appreciation Day. FBLA is so thankful for the amazing faculty that Hough holds. In honor of them, we are having breakfast for them with donuts, pastries, coffee, and all sorts of scrumptious breakfast food. Most importantly we are going to recognize our hardworking and caring advisor, Mrs. Kyei-Fordjour.
Thursday is FBLA Celebration Day (Valentine's Day.) On this day we are going to celebrate how awesome it is to have the opportunity to be a part of this life-changing club. We will hand out candy to all students during lunch and they will have the opportunity to enter a raffle for that night's basketball game. At the basketball game, the two raffle winners are going to compete in a free throw contest in order to win a gift card!
Friday is Dress for Success Day. FBLA students will dress in professional attire just like an actual business leader in our community.
Congratulations Hough Athletes!
Congratulations to the Hough High School Varsity Cheerleaders for earning the title of State Champions at the NCHSAA State Championship in the Medium Varsity Division in December. Great job, ladies!!!
Congratulations to Hough Varsity Cheerleaders Courtney Sheets, McKenzie Moss, and Kady Castaneda on making the All-Region Cheer Team for North Carolina. They will go on to try out for the All-State team in April.
Congratulations to the Hough Swimming and Diving Team. Both men's and women's teams won the 4A West Regional this past weekend and are competing at NCHSAA States today (Diving) and tomorrow (Swimming.)
Way to go, Huskies!!! |
CMS Budget Survey Open Until This Friday
from the CMS Website
Superintendent seeks public input into CMS budget
Dr. Heath Morrison, superintendent of Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools, is seeking public input on top priorities for the operating budget in 2013-2014 and subsequent years. The district is developing the 2013-2014 budget, and a survey on the CMS website invites members of the community to provide feedback on priorities to help district leadership allocate resources.
"The survey has a dual purpose. We want to share information with you about our budget challenges to provide context and we also want to ask you what you think is important," Dr. Morrison said in an open letter to the community about the survey. "The survey seeks feedback on such issues as funding sources, per-pupil expenditures, factors that affect the budget and employee compensation, among others. It's essential that we address our priorities as a district to help us build a budget."
In November 2012, after an extensive amount of public input, Dr. Morrison identified eight strategic goals for the district.The community feedback on the budget will help inform the development of a district operating budget that aligns with those goals.
The survey, which will be open from Jan. 23 to Feb. 8, is being conducted by K12 Insight, an independent research and communication firm. All responses are completely anonymous. The survey can be accessed from a link on the district's website (www.cms.k12.nc.us). The results of the survey will be analyzed and shared with the public.
"Difficult decisions are a part of every budget cycle, but I'm confident we can work together to make the best choices for all our students," said Morrison. "I very much appreciate the community's support and feedback as we work towards maximizing academic achievement by every student in every school."
The Media Center would love donations
of boxes of tissues. Thank you!
PTSA Update
Thank you for your support!
We greatly appreciate your generous donations to the PTSA! We have reached our Huskies Fund goal of $17,000! Here is an UPDATED LIST AS OF 1/3/13 of our generous donors. If you would still like to make a donation, your donation is 100% tax deductible!
Huskies Fund Contribution Form
The PTSA is to the benefit of all Hough High students; its mission is to be:
A powerful voice for all children, A relevant resource for families and communities, and A strong advocate for the education and well-being of every child.
Thank you for your support! Go Huskies!
Our membership goal this year is 900 memberships. Joining the PTSA does not require you to volunteer or to attend meetings. However, by joining you are showing your support of the PTSA. We also encourage students to join!
Don't forget, seniors, if you want to be considered for a PTSA scholarship, you must join the PTSA by March 1st prior to submitting a scholarship application. Membership form and money must be turned into the PTSA mailbox in office on or before March 1, 2013 at 2:15 pm.
PTSA Membership Form
Hough High School PTSA is pleased to partner with our parents for volunteer opportunities at the school. Thank you in advance for supporting your child. We have compiled all of the Volunteer foms that you have turned in and the appropriate committee chair should have contacted you. If you did not turn in a PTSA Volutneer form, there is still time. Please return the Volunteer Form to the PTSA mailbox in the front office.
PTSA Volunteer Form |
Coffee with the Superintendent
at Hough on May 8th
CMS Superintendent Heath Morrison will be hosting Coffee with the Superintendent. This is an opportunity to hear his latest thoughts on district initiatives and for parents and community members to share their thoughts on how to help Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools best serve every child, every day, for a better tomorrow. See the monthly schedule below through June. We hope to see you there!
January 23 - Harding (7:30-9:00 am)
February 4 - Cochrane (3:00-4:30 pm)
March 6 - South Meck (7:30-9:00 am)
April 15 - Rocky River (3:00-4:30 pm)
May 8 - Hough (7:30-9:00 am)
June 3 - Vance (3:00-4:30 pm)
To print the invitation |
Help Us Reach Our Goal
For Harris Teeter VIC Cards
Linked to Hough PTSA!
We need a big push!!!! We are currently at 367 and need your help to reach our goal of 530 VIC cards linked to Hough PTSA. Harris Teeter's Together In Education program is a fund raising program for schools in our community. When customers purchase select Harris Teeter Brand products using their VIC card, Harris Teeter contributes a percentage of those purchase dollars to the schools of their choice. In addition, a percentage of each prescription filled in a Harris Teeter pharmacy will be donated as well. Customers must have their VIC card linked to a TIE school in order to participate. We need your support! This is a painless way for us to raise needed funds.
You must re-link each year!
Please consider linking your Harris Teeter VIC Card to the following Hough organizations:
PTSA # 8376
Athletic Booster Club # 8348
Band # 8414
JROTC # 8368
There are several ways to re-link your VIC card:
* click on this link Harris Teeter Together in Education
* Customer Service desk
* At the checkout counter
*Call 1-800-432-6111 (number located on the back of your VIC card)
You can link up to 5 organizations/schools (funds will be divided equally).
Which School are You Linked To?
Hough is now linked to Target's Together in Education program! Enroll today and Target will donate a percentage of each REDcard purchase you make to our school! (Only one school can be selected.) Call 1-800-316-6142, visit Target.com/tcoe or an in-store kiosk to sign up and designate Hough as your school today!
Click here to find out more about this program and to link your REDcard to Hough
William A. Hough High School
Class of 2013 Graduation
Bojangles' Coliseum
2700 East Independence Boulevard
Charlotte, NC 28205
Monday, June 10th
12:00 p.m.
CMS High School Spring Graduation Schedule |
William A. Hough High School Alma Mater
We hail thee Alma Mater
our voices let us raise.
With Husky pride and honor
we sing now full of praise.
To remember lasting moments
our friendships never will fade.
Hough High, march on forever
victorious all our days. |
Please click on the above box if someone forwarded this email to you and you would like to be added to the Hough High School PTSA email distribution list. We send out a monthly newsletter, the Hough Howler, and occasional informational emails. We also utilize this list to communicate information for the Athletic Booster club and other Hough organizations. Your name and email address are not given to any third party organizations.
If you wish to unsubscribe from future emails, please click on the link at the end of this email titled Instant removal with SafeUnsubscribe. Thank you! |