Volume 3 - Edition 14 |
January 4, 2013 |
Hough Howler Submissions
Deadlines for Articles This Year
The Hough Howler is the monthly electronic newsletter compiled by the Hough PTSA. We encourage all Hough staff members, booster clubs and Hough student clubs to provide us information to publicize to the over 1400 Howler e-mail subscribers in the Hough community. Deadlines for articles submitted for publication are the first day of each month, unless that date is on a weekend. Then, the deadline is the first business day of that month. If there is something urgent that needs to go out, the Howler will be distributed on a more frequent basis. These dates are below. The Howler will be distributed within a few days past the deadline, so please submit your articles on time, or even better, early! Thank you for your cooperation.
NEXT DEADLINE: February 1st (Friday)
FUTURE DEADLINES: March 1st (Friday), April 8th (Monday),
May 1st (Wednesday), May 15th (Wednesday), June 3rd (Monday)
Thank you for your submissions!
Linda Petry, Hough PTSA President and Howler Editor
LPetry@mindspring.com |
Did you know that the Hough Howler isn't just for parents? Students, this piece of communication is important to you also! Parents, please encourage your student to sign up for the Howler. Students, please encourage your friends to sign up. This is the best way to keep up with important Hough High School news that STUDENTS need to know.
Forward this email and tell your friends click on the above link to be added to the Hough High School PTSA email distribution list. We send out a monthly newsletter, the Hough Howler, and occasional informational emails. We also utilize this list to communicate information for the Athletic Booster club and other Hough organizations. Your name and email address are not given to any third party organizations. There is also a link to join on the left side of the Hough High website.
If you wish to unsubscribe from future emails, please click on the link at the end of this email titled Instant removal with SafeUnsubscribe. Thank you! |
Important Dates/NEW PTSA Google Calendar Links
To print 2013 Calendar (as of January 4, 2013)
To View Winter Sports Schedules
Hough High PTSA has created Google Calendars that parents, teachers and students can sync with their phones or print out in calendar view. The links for each are below including the combined school and PTSA calendar. Each sport has its own calendar. We hope to add a calendar for clubs soon. We feel these calendars will be a great resource. Please note that these are in ICal Format that will allow you to subscribe to these calendars from your smartphone.
URGENT NEED for EOC Proctors January 14-17
Submitted by Kim Benz
Would you like to help us proctor for the January EOCs? We need volunteers for the following dates from 7 am until 12:30 pm:
Monday, January 14th - Thursday, January 17th
2 important things you must do:
1) Register as soon as possible as a CMS Volunteer for Hough High School. Please follow the link: https://www.cmsvolunteers.com/
2) It is required that you attend a 30 minute training session. Even if you have proctored in the past, you must be retrained each year. Ms. Jennifer Hudak will provide training and is offering the following four sessions: January 9th at 10am or 1pm, January 10th at 10am or 1pm. Training will take place in the Student Services office at Hough. Please read The Proctor's Guide prior to attending your training session. The proctor's guide is accessible at the sign up site.
Yes, I would like to proctor for the January EOCs!!! |
Hough PTSA Scholarships
Submitted by Stacey Anderson
The William A. Hough PTSA is offering scholarships ranging from $500 to $1000 to graduating seniors who will be furthering their education at either a two or four year college. These scholarships are not renewable and a a GPA of 3.0 (unweighted) or above is required to be an eligible recipient. for consideration to receive one of these awards, please read the following and submit the items outlined on or before Wednesday, March 27, 2013 at 2:15 pm to Mrs. Carr in Student Services. Please click on the link below for Scholarship requirements and descriptions:
Don't forget, seniors, if you want to be considered for a PTSA scholarship, you must join the PTSA by March 1st prior to submitting a scholarship application. Membership form and money must be turned into PTSA mailbox in office on or before March 1, 2013 at 2:15 pm.
PTSA Membership Form |
PTSA Update
Thank you for your support!
We greatly appreciate your generous donations to the PTSA! We have reached our Huskies Fund goal of $17,000! Here is an UPDATED LIST AS OF 1/3/13 of our generous donors. If you would still like to make a donation, your donation is 100% tax deductible!
Huskies Fund Contribution Form
The PTSA is to the benefit of all Hough High students; its mission is to be:
A powerful voice for all children, A relevant resource for families and communities, and A strong advocate for the education and well-being of every child.
Thank you for your support! Go Huskies!
Our membership goal this year is 900 memberships. Joining the PTSA does not require you to volunteer or to attend meetings. However, by joining you are showing your support of the PTSA. We also encourage students to join!
Don't forget, seniors, if you want to be considered for a PTSA scholarship, you must join the PTSA by March 1st prior to submitting a scholarship application. Membership form and money must be turned into the PTSA mailbox in office on or before March 1, 2013 at 2:15 pm.
PTSA Membership Form
Hough High School PTSA is pleased to partner with our parents for volunteer opportunities at the school. Thank you in advance for supporting your child. We have compiled all of the Volunteer foms that you have turned in and the appropriate committee chair should have contacted you. If you did not turn in a PTSA Volutneer form, there is still time. Please return the Volunteer Form to the PTSA mailbox in the front office.
PTSA Volunteer Form |
Hough Senior Student-Athlete Scholarship Applications
1. Outstanding Huskies Leadership in Athletics Scholarship cash award $1,000 (1 male & 1 female) -- This scholarship recognizes leadership, good sportsmanship, commitment to Hough HS and its community as well as athletic achievement.
2. Huskies Excellence in Academics & Athletics Scholarship $1,000(1 male & 1 female) -- This scholarship recognizes high academic achievement, good sportsmanship, commitment to Hough HS and its community as well as athletic achievement.
All applications must be turned in by the deadline date of 3/1/13-no exceptions. All applications must be completed in its entirety to be considered by the Selection Committee. Applications for these scholarships are in the Hough HS Guidance Office and will soon be availlable on the Hough Athletic Booster Club website or just download the application here :
Hough Athletic Booster Club Athletic Scholarship Application Packet 2013
If any student-athletes or parents have any questions, please contact Rebekah Baker at rbaker@cmhp.org
Season Passes Available
submitted by Sonja McCreary
Are you gearing up for winter sports? If you haven't applied for a season pass - NOW is the time! Season Passes are an easy way to stay involved during the school year! (Please remember that season passes do not include playoffs & championships.)
Future Athletic Booster Club Meetings
Our Athletic booster club meetings are on the following dates: Jan. 14, Feb. 11, Mar. 11, Apr. 8, May 13 and June (date TBA). We meet in the Hough High Cafeteria from 6:30-8pm. This information is also available on our website at www.houghboosters.com. |
CMS Survey
Dear CMS Parent,
Our CMS website is an important part of how we communicate with you. Many of you have said it is not as customer-friendly as it needs to be. So we are asking you to participate in a short survey which will help inform the redesign of our website. Your input is critical if we are to develop the best website to serve your needs. To take the survey, simply go to our CMS websiteat www.cms.k12.nc.us and click on the CMS Website Redesign Survey button
(Editors' Note: or click below on the link.)
Thank you again for your support of CMS as together we strive to provide an environment of academic excellence that supports every child, every day, for a better tomorrow.
--Kathryn Block
Chief Communications OfficerCharlotte-Mecklenburg Schools
(click here to print copy of this letter)
AP Exam Payment & Fee Waiver Information
AP Exam Fees Due By February 15th!
AP Exam Fee Communication: The Charlotte Mecklenburg Board of Education has approved funding to cover the costs for half of each AP exam for courses in which a student is enrolled (except for students who have fee waivers - see below).
Advanced Placement Costs:
Students must be enrolled in the corresponding AP course to have their exam fee partially paid by the district. AP exams cost $89 each. Students will be responsible for paying $45 per AP exam.
If a student is not enrolled in the corresponding course this year, they must pay full price for the exam.
AP exam fees are due February 15, 2013.
Payment Options:
Families may pay online using a credit or debit card Click here. A processing fee will be added by the contracted vendor.
Fill out the attached form and make a payment by check or money order. Checks must be made payable to William A. Hough HS. Cash payments will not be accepted. Both form and check needs to be turned in to Jennifer Hudak in Student Services.
Exam Fee Waivers Students considered economically disadvantaged may be eligible for a fee waiver covering the entire cost of exams. Parents must complete a fee waiver form either based on family income or Free and Reduced Lunch status. Fee waiver forms are available at each high school or online Click here
Forms are due to the high school on the same date payments are due. Incomplete forms will not be accepted after the payment deadline. |
Counselor's Corner
Mary Towe A-B
Daina Woullard C-Gh
Joseph Williams Gi-Mal
Alison Graves Mam - Ro
Maghen Sickler Ru-Z
A wealth of information is now available through the Student Services Website. At our site, you will find information about postsecondary planning, scholarship and financial aid resources, and selected school procedures. Please add this link to your "Favorites" and check it periodically for updates on relevant topics for all grade levels
If the shipment is received from the College Board as projected, all sophomores and juniors who took the PSAT in October will receive their official score report just after the Winter Break. In addition, students will receive the actual test booklet that he or she used on that day. Once these materials are received, please review this information carefully to assist with preparation for future college entrance examinations.
PSAT/College Admissions Testing Information Session
On Thursday, January 10th, Hough parents and students are invited to attend a PSAT / College Admissions Testing Information Session to learn more about the PSAT Score Report as well as additional resources available for SAT and ACT preparation. The meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. in the Auditorium.
Parent University Workshop at Bailey Middle School - Bailey Middle School invites Hough families to its Parent University Workshop-Why School Attendance Matters on January 17, 2013 at 6pm in their media center. Please see the attached flyer for further details.
Parent Assistant
In addition to the scheduled distribution of progress reports and report cards, parents may view student progress updates online at any time. Parents have access to updates to your child's performance through Parent Assistant. Click here to access Parent Assistant, an Internet-based program that provides information about attendance, assignments, grades and other important information. If you do not know your Parent Assistant User Name and Password, please send an e-mail to Julee Carr (julia.carr@cms.k12.nc.us), Student Services Secretary, with your name, address and phone number, as well as your student's name and student ID number. You will receive a Parent Assistant User Name and Password within five business days. |
Financial Obligations
Submitted by Grace Festa
As the first semester of the 2012-2013 school year comes to a close, parents are reminded that if your student has incurred any previous Financial Obligations and those fines have not been paid, his/her report card will be withheld at the school on January 31. Please remind students to turn in all textbooks and any borrowed classroom materials to their teacher no later than the classroom deadline. These items should only be returned to the teacher who distributed the items and not dropped off in the front office or with any other staff member.
Board Policy IKAB allows principals to withhold report cards of students who owe money and these students' report cards may be held at the school rather than mailed out.
Financial Obligations include a wide range of debts, such as fees for overdue library books, damaged textbooks, unpaid lunch charges, unreturned uniforms, or damage to school property. The fees accrue over the student's time in CMS and carry from school to school until those obligations are satisfied.
As a reminder, any senior with a financial obligation will have to pay the fine before graduation in June in order to participate in commencement ceremonies. Financial obligations may be paid by coming into Hough HS and seeing the financial secretary Ms. Festa between the hours of 8:00am to 12:00pm, Monday -Friday. |
Senior Ad Deadline -- Monday, January 14, 2013
Submitted by Marcille Nance
Senior Ad Deadline is Extended to Monday, January 14th! - Get your Senior Recognition Ads now! Payments and ad content can be dropped off in the main office or you can order online 24/7 at JostensAdService.com. See the senior ad brochure flyer below:
Senior Ad Brochure Front
Senior Ad Brochure Back
Yearbook Purchases - Parents: Buy your student the Hough High School Hyperion for only $75 dollars.You can order online at jostensyearbooks.com or call 1-866-282-1516. |
Junior Class News
Submitted by Marcille Nance
Junior Dues Final Collection- The deadline to collect Junior Dues has been extended through January 18, 2013. This will be your last chance to receive your free Jr. class t-shirt and discounted prom ticket. Please bring money to Ms. Nance in Room C219. Thank you! |
Hough High Prom 2013
Submitted by Marcille Nance
Plans for this year's prom are underway!
Where: The Urban Garden ~ Bank of America Center
When: April 13, 2013
Time: 8:00 pm - Midnight
Details Coming Soon in Homerooms! |
A special thanks to our Cadets who helped the parents set up and tear down for our JORTOC Holiday Ball on December 15th. The parents were absolutely magnificent! Also, it was great to see so many returning from our alumni/graduates. Have a very Happy New Year! LtC (ret) Shawn W. Cowley
We would like to thank Christopher Bell Photography for the photographs.
JROTC Seniors |
JROTC Holiday Ball Attendees |
Chorus Update
Submitted by Heidi Hickox
As you may have read in the last edition of the Howler, December was a very busy month for all of the HHS Chorus students. All choruses participated in the Holiday Combined Choruses Concert on 12/13 to a full and very appreciative audience. Repertoire included a mix of sacred and secular carols celebrating Christmas, Hanukkah, and Winter traditions and stories. The Bailey Middle School Honors Chorus, conducted by Mr. Patrick McCarthy, made a guest appearance featuring a few selections such as "All I want for Christmas is You." A select group of instrumentalists from the HHS Band Department were featured on several songs, including "Calypso Lullaby," a carol from the Caribbean Islands. The HHS Show Choir performed their debut, "I Love Christmas", a 20 minute musical revue featuring song and dance selections such as "Jingle Bell Rock." Special friends Frosty, Rudolph, and even Santa made special appearances. The HHS Chorus Boosters hosted a reception for everyone who participated and their parents to celebrate the evening.
In January, Chorus students are encouraged to attend two off campus performances. Student Night sponsored by the Carolina Opera is on Thursday, 1/17 at 7PM at the Belk Theatre in Charlotte. The opera is Mozart's "The Magic Flute" and features several extremely talented guest artists with the Carolina Opera. Elisabeth Von Trapp, the grandaughter of the legendary Maria Von Trapp, of the Von Trapp Family and the Hollywood film musical, "The Sound of Music", will be performing Sunday, 1/27 at Myers Park Presbyterian.
Please stay tuned for other upcoming important news such as: the Valentine's Day Chocolate Fundraiser that will begin the first week of February. Fancy, but affordable chocolates from the Davidson Chocolate Company will be available to Hough students to pre-order during lunchs for delivery on 2/14. Most importantly, chorus parents and students, please check your emails for news regarding the first trip deposit and other pertinent information regarding music rehearsals for the DC Trip to the National Memorial Day Chorus Festival in May. |
Help Us Reach Our Goal
For Harris Teeter VIC Cards
Linked to Hough PTSA!
We need a big push!!!! We are currently at 367 and need your help to reach our goal of 530 VIC cards linked to Hough PTSA. Harris Teeter's Together In Education program is a fund raising program for schools in our community. When customers purchase select Harris Teeter Brand products using their VIC card, Harris Teeter contributes a percentage of those purchase dollars to the schools of their choice. In addition, a percentage of each prescription filled in a Harris Teeter pharmacy will be donated as well. Customers must have their VIC card linked to a TIE school in order to participate. We need your support! This is a painless way for us to raise needed funds.
You must re-link each year!
Please consider linking your Harris Teeter VIC Card to the following Hough organizations:
PTSA # 8376
Athletic Booster Club # 8348
Band # 8414
JROTC # 8368
There are several ways to re-link your VIC card:
* click on this link Harris Teeter Together in Education
* Customer Service desk
* At the checkout counter
*Call 1-800-432-6111 (number located on the back of your VIC card)
You can link up to 5 organizations/schools (funds will be divided equally).
Which School are You Linked To?
Hough is now linked to Target's Together in Education program! Enroll today and Target will donate a percentage of each REDcard purchase you make to our school! (Only one school can be selected.) Call 1-800-316-6142, visit Target.com/tcoe or an in-store kiosk to sign up and designate Hough as your school today!
Click here to find out more about this program and to link your REDcard to Hough
Supply Request from the Health Room
Submitted by Nurse Karyn Jackson
Nurse Jackson says THANK YOU to everyone who has sent in snacks, cups, band-aids and tissues. The next time you are out shopping, we would love the following donations for the health room:
Band-aids (Latex free)
Sandwich size zip lock baggies
Thank you for your support! |
William A. Hough High School
Class of 2013 Graduation
Bojangles' Coliseum
2700 East Independence Boulevard
Charlotte, NC 28205
Monday, June 10th
12:00 p.m.
CMS High School Spring Graduation Schedule |
William A. Hough High School Alma Mater
We hail thee Alma Mater
our voices let us raise.
With Husky pride and honor
we sing now full of praise.
To remember lasting moments
our friendships never will fade.
Hough High, march on forever
victorious all our days. |
Please click on the above box if someone forwarded this email to you and you would like to be added to the Hough High School PTSA email distribution list. We send out a monthly newsletter, the Hough Howler, and occasional informational emails. We also utilize this list to communicate information for the Athletic Booster club and other Hough organizations. Your name and email address are not given to any third party organizations.
If you wish to unsubscribe from future emails, please click on the link at the end of this email titled Instant removal with SafeUnsubscribe. Thank you! |