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The Navigator
Charting a Path to Leadership Excellence
Volume: # 19
Fall/Winter 2013

President's Message

Coming Soon - Polaris Version 4.0

A Preview of Coming Attractions

We are very pleased to announce that in the first quarter of 2014, OSI will officially release the latest version of our comprehensive competency model content, the Polaris series. This latest iteration, Polaris 4.0, reflects our most recent research conducted in the past four years with dozens of high performing leaders, managers, and professionals across a number of successful brands. We also included the collective wisdom of our extensive network by doing a reality check with our most seasoned coaches, consultants, and clients. Our update confirmed that the fundamentals of leadership, management, and professional competence are persistent, but did result in several changes to the basic model to reflect some nuances we found in how competence really drives results. We have also updated and upgraded the Polaris Development Guide and Proficiency Continuums to reflect our research and to add more productive ways to acquire needed knowledge and skill.

Polaris 4.0 will be the freshest model on the market, and represents over 33 years of cumulative OSI experience in selecting and developing top talent in top brands. The Polaris 4.0 universal model can serve as the foundation for talent management systems by providing valid criteria, and an integrating language across talent management applications. As research has shown, anything short of this common language suboptimizes all organizational talent selection, development, and appraisal systems as managers struggle with competing criteria for interviewing, training, and providing performance feedback.


Our official release will include more specifics (and some celebration!) so please stay tuned as the release approaches.


Bruce Griffiths Bruce's signature  


Polaris Certification Workshop

On Friday, February 21, OSI will be holding the quarterly Polaris Certification Workshop. This one day workshop will be for certified coaches and/or HR professionals interested in the OSI Polaris Competency Model and its supporting applications, especially the 360 degree developmental assessment. If you are interested in further information or to register, please contact Crystal Matsuura at OSI at [email protected] or 858.455.0923.



Happy Holidays!
OSI would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your families an enjoyable holiday season as well as a prosperous New Year in 2014.
In This Issue
President's Message: Coming Soon - Polaris Version 4.0
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OSI 30 Years
At Organization Systems International, we are celebrating over 30 years of quality, service, and innovation. We deliver client success with a high-performance approach designed to enhance occupational relationships, improve operational efficiency, and sustain customer relationships. 


OSI Clients Include:

American Greetings 
Blizzard Entertainment
Bowling Green State University
Dow Corning Corp.
GE Capital
Insurance Company of the West
Limited Brands
Nike, Inc.
Northwest Pipe
Portland State University
Schneider Trucking Company
Standard Insurance Company
Starwood Hotels & Resorts
State Auto Insurance
The Walt Disney Company
Wendy's International Inc.