Heart Thoughts
March 24, 2016
New In this issue:
As I write to you today, I am watching the snowfall...on the second day of Spring! The good news is that it will not be staying around for long.
First off, I would like to give a shout out to our Youth and Family Ministry for the fabulous talent show following lunch this past Sunday, and a very special thank you to Rev. Elizabeth for organizing it. We are blessed with so much talent in our children and adults.
On Friday evening, I joined with Rev. Jesse James and Wiley Beveridge to begin the journey into Holy Week. It was a contemplative service designed to prepare for the walk into Jerusalem. Then, on Saturday, I participated in a sacred day of silence. It gave me the opportunity to reflect on Holy Week and what it means for me. I had experienced some difficult things in my personal life during 2015; however, when I put those experiences in perspective of what my teacher and wayshower Jesus went through, I am grateful for all that I have learned from His teachings.
The Palm Sunday message isn't a new message. It is, however, a reminder of Jesus' evolution of consciousness. I shared this quote from Ernest Wilson, an early Unity writer:
"No combination of circumstances that confronts anyone today could be more formidable or less encouraging than that which confronted Jesus as he began His ministry. But Jesus had discovered one tremendous principle of Truth that set all possible opposition at naught. He had discovered his own oneness with God."
Unity Magazine March 1932

In His entry into Jerusalem, Jesus demonstrated what could be defined as four general traits necessary in becoming a "good overcomer". They are: (1) putting God first; (2) humility (or the willingness to continue to be teachable); (3) clarity of purpose, and (4) the willingness to take the steps ahead and move forward.
Jesus was always doing the unexpected. He denied personal riches, fame, and political power to follow His guidance, teach the Truth, and demonstrate it to His disciples and anyone else who would listen. He put God's work first, doing the work He was to do - the work only He could do. He demonstrated humility riding into Jerusalem on a colt with his disciples and friends (a rather small crowd gathered, contrary to the image of hordes of people depicted by the movie industry). He kept his focus on the Truth. He was to demonstrate it. Jesus took action and moved forward toward his overcoming.
We all have difficulties, problems, and challenges in life. We all have to go step-by-step through some tough times in life; however, we have a model for approaching life as an unlimited transformative experience. 
It may not be ours to do what Jesus did, but if we:
                        put God first,
                        live with humility,
                        focus on our purpose, and
                        are willing to move forward...
...imagine what we can do!
After all, Jesus did say "Follow Me". These two little words let us know that there is a greater potential in us than we realize. To hear the talk in its entirety please click here...
Please join us next Sunday as we celebrate together EASTER! Just a reminder: the children will have an Easter Egg hunt.

You are a blessing in my life,
Pat's Signature
Rev. Patricia Bessey
If you are having a birthday in March or April, I have a gift for you.  It is meeting with me and completing an Annual Spiritual Checkup.  This can be done in person or by phone.  Let me know when your birthday is and that you would like to schedule a time to receive your gift.  You can email me at 

If you wish to send a tithe/donation to Unity of 
Greater Portland, please click the PayPal button below.

Like us on Facebook

Did you know that Unity's founders, Charles and Myrtle Fillmore, advocated vegetarianism? It was such an important "truth", that Charles Fillmore included the following statement (#28) in Unity's Statement of Faith: "We believe that all life is sacred and that man should not kill or be a party to the killing of animals for food; also that cruelty, war, and wanton destruction of human life will continue so long as men destroy animals."
Each week, Heart Thoughts will include a tip or quote along with a delicious, vegan recipe for you to try! We invite you into an "experiment in truth"...an experience from which you may learn and grow. Gandhi used this approach to virtually every aspect of his life, collecting 'data' and learning as he went along. So...what do you say?

If you have any questions or comments, or would like moire information on vegetarian/vegan eating, email Steph Plourde, Certified Wellness Coach, at unitychurch@roadrunner.com.
Now, for this week's featured recipe click on Three-Bean Chili with Spring Pesto for the recipe.

New in the bookstore this week: Little Buddhas and semi-precious stone hearts... great gifts, all under $3!!! 
Bookstore Hours:
Tuesday - Thursday 10:00-3:00
Sunday before and after service
Feedback for the bookstore? 
Please email Steph Plourde at unitychurch@roadrunner.com.  
We appreciate your business!!

Unity Kindness Revolution
Upcoming Activities: 

April 6, 11:00 am - Singing at Florence House
April 8, 6:00 pm - Pizza and Sing at Logan Place
April 11, 10:30 am - Preble Street Soup Kitchen
April 20, 11:00 am - Singing at Florence House
May 4, 11:00 am - Singing at Florence House
May 9, 10:30 am - Preble Street Soup Kitchen
May 13, 6:00 pm - Pizza and Sing at Logan Place
May 18, 11:00 am - Singing at Florence House

 Sign up on Bulletin Board at church 
For more information contact Rev Elizabeth Peterson at:

Saturday, June 4
10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Please sign-up on Bulletin Board for
Volunteers, Crafters, and Healers.

Sunday, March 27, 2015 - 10:00 am
We invite you to join your Spiritual Community for a joyful celebration of Easter.  It will be a time to honor the resurrection of our Christ Consciousness and includes a flower ceremony.

ThEaster Egg Hunte Youth Ministry will be having the traditional Easter Egg Hunt. 

A Spirituality of Compassion and Nonviolence
Led by Jack Seery

Tuesdays February 2 - April 12
(Except February 16 and March 15)
6:30 - 8:00 p.m. 

As part of the Season for Nonviolence this class is being offered with the purpose to engage in a process of personal and communal transformation through the deeper understanding of silence, compassion and nonviolence. Through readings, presentation and discussion, participants will understand the breadth and complexity of these concepts and their application to our lives. We will support each other as we enter into this way to peace. 
Michael Nagler         The Search for a Nonviolent Future
Karen Armstrong      Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life
Class is offered on a love offering basis. 
Books are available in the bookstore at a 10% discount. 
Open to all; not a closed class.

Silent Retreat 
Led by Jack Seery
April 14-17
There is still room to join us at the retreat.
Thursday evening - Sunday lunch
Location will be at Marie Joseph Spiritual Center in Biddeford Poole.
You are welcome to join us for this silent retreat if Marie Joseph's Spiritual Center has room. The cost is $280.  If you are interested, contact Jack Seery at jseery@sacoriver.net or (207) 651-5990

Sun    Morning Prayer Circle 9:15 a.m. in Unity Hall with Rev. Pat
Meditation 9:30-9:45 a.m. in Sanctuary
A Course in Miracles 12:30-2:00 p.m. Contact: Randall Sawyer 420-6145
Mon    * Preble Street Soup Kitchen (2nd Mon) 10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
           AA Women's Step Meeting 7:00-8:00 p.m.
Tue     Men's Spiritual Progress Group (3rd Tue) 6:30-8:00 p.m.
Women Empowering Women (3rd Tue) 6:30-8:00 p.m. 
Wed    * Florence House Sing (1st and 3rd Wed) 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.  
Prayer Circle 12:00 noon (bring lunch and stay to enjoy fellowship)
Thu    Yoga with Anita Devito 4:00-5:30 p.m.   
Fri       * Logan Place Pizza Party/Sing-along (2nd Fri) 6:30 p.m.
            Cancer Support Group (3rd Fri) 1:00-2:00 p.m.
Sat      Team Leader's Meeting (2nd Sat) 9:30-11:30 a.m. - closed group
* Unity Kindness Revolution Events

Online Church Directory

Join our Online directory - It's simple. Just contact the office at unitychurch@roadrunner.com or call 893-1233 Tuesday -Thursday, 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. and ask for Steph, or leave a message on box 1. We ask that you have been actively attending services and/or classes for at least 3 months and if you no longer are attending to please let us know that you no longer want to be on the directory. We do have to pay for the number of people who are on it and would prefer to pay for those who are actively using the directory. 
You are welcome to join our online directory to be able to connect with one another for social and outreach reasons - We ask you refrain from using it as a marketing tool. Your compliance if appreciated. If we receive a spamming complaint, you will be removed from access to database.

God is our Source and provides us 
with many 

Some of those channels are the following:

When ordering through Amazon, if you go through Amazon Smile (smileamazon.com) and designate Unity of Greater Portland as your chosen charity, .5% of your purchase will be donated to Unity of Greater Portland.  It will show up as Unity Church of Truth, our official name, but it is us! This deal is not quite as beneficial as the old Amazon Associates Program but, if we use it, it will add up. This is a great way to still support UGP! 

Do you shop at Staples? 

Many members of our Unity family shop at Staples and collect a few "Staples Reward Points" each month.  But if you're like me, they seldom amount to enough to really save me much money.  Then I found out that I can use the Staples Rewards Number for Unity of Greater Portland.  My points are added to those of many other members and help the church save money on much needed office supplies. 
Staples Rewards Number for Unity Church

Unity Recycles Ink Cartridges and gets reward for that too!
Also, if you want to you can drop cartridges at Staples 
and use our number and we get credit there as well. 

When you pick up a Clynk bag in our bookstore and  
recycle your bottles in it, Unity gets a check!

Used Books and CD's/Tapes
Check out the gently used books in the hall by the Office.  
Leave a donation and enrich your library!
Thank you God for all the channels of supply 
you provide us with!  We are so Blessed!

Unity of Greater Portland
Office and Bookstore are open from 
10 AM to 3 PM on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
Prayer Support
Minister of Prayer:
Rev. Airin Wolf - unitygpprayers@gmail.com
UGP Confidential Prayer request and Prayer Chaplain 
Line: 893-1233, EXT. 3
Silent Unity Prayer Support 
1-800-NOW-PRAY 1 (800) 669-7729 or Silent Unity's website

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