The Presentation School e-News
November 18, 2012







NOV. 19

Hot Buttered Music Show 



NOV. 20

Grandparent's & Special Friends Day


Noon Dismissal

No after-care


End of Trimester


NOV. 26

Christmas Shorts story contest deadline


NOV. 27

Reader's Books Book Fair 


NOV. 28

Grades 3-5 to Lawrence Hall of Science


Grade 6 to Rosticarium Museum


DEC. 6 & 7

Christmas Shorts


DEC. 7

Music Demonstration 7:30am


DEC. 12

PA Meeting 8:30am


DEC. 14

Holiday Home Tour




Happy Thanksgiving!
We are thankful for our wonderful students and supportive 
school community! 
Grandparent's & Special Friends Day Schedule
We look forward to welcoming your child's grandparents or special friends this Tuesday!  

From 8:15am to 8:45am, our guests will gather for coffee and refreshments in the Activity Center.  At 9am, we will have a prayer service, after which our guests visit classrooms with their student.  At 11am, we will have an all-school Showcase.  And from Noon onwards, classes are dismissed but students and their guests are invited to stop by the library to have their photo taken, as a gift from us. Thank you Sharon Neves for being our portrait photographer.
7th & 8th Grade Girls Basketball Season Underway
Under the direction of coaches Barry Serota and JD Dierking, our 7th and 8th grade girls basketball season is now underway, with practices and games happening after school twice weekly.  Go Patriots! 
Presentation Welcomes Exchange Student
Presentation is pleased to be welcoming an exchange student from Colombia starting this Monday. Suzi Roldan-Concha will be joining out 7th grade through mid-January. Suzi will be living with her cousins, Donald and Ligia Booker in Sonoma while she is here. Please join us in welcoming Suzi to our school!
Presentation Third Grader Golfs to Victory
Total Golf Academy of the North Bay held their first annual Gobble Golf Scramble for kids and parents at the Washoe Creek Golf Course earlier this month.  In the hotly contested upper division, played on the challenging Executive layout, Sonoma students Anders Mathison and Bennett Steiger carried their dads to a two-shot victory with an impressive score of 2 under par.  Anders sunk a 15 footer for the final birdie of the day to clinch the victory!
Presentation's Annual Holiday Home Tour, Lunch & Boutique December 14
Home Tour
Hostesses, drivers and boutique helpers are needed for our much-beloved Holiday Home Tour & Boutique at the Lodge at Sonoma on Broadway.  Please contact Nancy Bei in the office if you can help out before or during the event.  
New families... this is an event that you are not going to want to miss. Home tours begin at 10am and there are two luncheon seatings at 11:30am and 1:30pm.  The tour and catered lunch are $75.  
Reader's Book Fair to Benefit Presentation
The Reader's Book Store/Presentation School Book Fair is on Nov. 27th between 6-9pm and our school will receive 15% of all sales. Please help us by putting the date on your calendar and spreading the word with friends and family. That night we will be serving tea/coffee, treats, and goodies, to further entice sales!!


Tickets to the Christmas Shorts play, which will run the evenings of Dec. 6 and 7, are on sale now in the school office.  Also, there is a sign up sheet in the office for volunteers and for some prop and costume items we are looking for. More than two dozen students are hard at work at rehearsing several times a week with Mrs. Miller. Mark your calendars to see this special holiday production.
Presentation Hosts Special Musical Performance on Campus


This Monday, from 3:30-4:15pm in the Activity Center, Presentation will be hosting an opportunity for your children to enjoy the Hot Buttered Music Show.


Join us and see local musicians and teachers Leta Davis, David Ross (drums and piano) and Chris Dupree (guitar) play and teach with Aaron Redner, the fiddle player from nationally known band Hot Buttered Rum. Aaron has classical violin degree from the New England Conservatory, taught at the renowned Crowden School and toured professionally for 10 years.  The music will range from folk rock to classical with string instruments, guitars and drums.  In addition to playing, Aaron and Leta will talk briefly about learning an instrument and provide a brief teaching lesson on several instruments. Leta runs Sonoma's Green Light Orchestra which is always looking for students to join her community orchestra. 


On Friday, December 7 from 7:30am-8:20am in the library, there will be a follow-up mini-show and demonstration during which time students who have never taken instrument lessons as well as experienced students are encouraged to come and check out various instruments and to meet and ask questions of Aaron. For more information, email  

Presentation Students Shine in BBK production of "Hairspray"!
Over the weekend, more than a dozen current and former Presentation students took the stage in the Broadway Bound Kids production of "Hairspray"!  Congratulations on a job well done to: Shea Casey, Annabella Curotto, Talia Daft, McKenna Dobson, Ella Freudenberger, Tess Freudenberger, Elena Golubovich, Olivia Harb, Ana Harb, Brianna Lehane, Julia Little, Sophie Riebli, Ava Ronglien, Dylan Rooney, Nell Sheridan, Olivia Teranchi, Jack Wolff and Kavanaugh Zopp-Henderson!   The next BBK show is "Annie"!
Do All Your Holiday Shopping With Scrip 
and Earn Money for the School!!

Did you know there are over 600 retailers that you can buy Scrip cards for? Plan ahead and shop this holiday season using Scrip cards and earn money back for the school. There are tons of popular retailers to choose from, including favorites like Target, Amazon, iTunes, Macy's, Old Navy, and the list goes on. Register online at and purchase your cards to use in lieu of cash for your holiday shopping. Planning on cooking a holiday meal? Scrip has cards for grocery stores too, like Whole Food, Safeway, and Lucky. Going to Costco? Get a Scrip American Express Card to use there too! 

If are interested in buying gift cards, please stop by the office for more information or e-mail our Scrip coordinator at

Mrs. Wallace is so appreciative of the help that she receives from parents in the school office.  An extra set of hands enables her to help out our students when they come in with a "crisis" and to make sure the administration of the school runs smoothly.  

Thank you to Kirsten Flaherty, Allison Sebastiani, Suzanne Wilkinson, Alice Duffee and Yalda Teranchi.



Sonoma Conservatory of Dance (formerly Sonoma Ballet Conservatory) will soon offer their annual performance of  The Snow Maiden, a Russian fairy tale of love and magic.  The show will be held at the Sebastiani Theater the weekend of December 8th and 9th, 2012 at 1pm. This is a  wonderful opportunity to give your children exposure to a classical and modern style of ballet dance, and will feature dancers 6 years old and up.   


Open Houses:  San Domenico, the day and Monday-Friday boarding all-girls boarding school in San Anselmo, is having an Open House on Sunday, December 2 at 11am.  To attend, rsvp to  


IMPORTANT:  Starting this week, after-care on Fridays will always end at 4:30pm. Thank you for your understanding.

eScrip:  Remember to register or renew your Safeway card at Group ID - 137107396.  Club card members must 

renew EVERY November. Sonoma Market and Glen Ellen Market are also now offering "club" cards that are free, and to which you can assign any school to receive a donation based on your purchase. Stop by the office if you need help registering.


Help Needed!:  We are still in need of help in after-care on Friday afternoons and substitute (fill-in) lunch helpers on occasional week days. Please let Laura Wallace in the office know if you can help out!