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Central Pennsylvania Conservancy
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In This Issue
Don't Miss the 2015 GLLI
Ironmaster's Challenge Roundup
2015 Season at Ironmaster's Mansion
CPC Members Assume Leadership Positions
Ironmaster's Mansion
available now!
Individual Overnights in Hostel available until October 31, 2015.
$25 per night 
(closed Tuesday and closed during camp week, July 12-16, 2015)
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Please consider a donation of any amount to help us continue our critical conservation efforts.
May 2015 CPC E-News
News about CPC's projects and events
Don't Miss the June 1st deadline for CPC's Goddard Leadership Legacy Institute-Spread the Word!
When: July 12-17, 2015
Where: The Ironmaster's Mansion at Pine Grove Furnace State Park
Who: Rising 8th, 9th, and 10th grades (ages 13-15)
Cost: $450/person, includes all meals, snacks, housing, programs and speakers, field trips, and supplies for a 5-night/6-day program duration)
Scholarships: Yes! The CPC has up to 10 scholarships to award from $100 to up to $450! Apply online today. Scholarships are considered as part of the program application form.
Application: Apply online only at www.goddardleadership.org 

Please take a look at a few photos from past years to see how our students get out and about in the South Mountain landscape during this program!
Water Quality Monitoring!
Brownfield Redevelopment!
Water Conservation & Sustainability!
Farmers on the Square in Carlisle and a Farm to Table Cooking Class!
Michaux Forest Greenway Tour!
Pine Grove Furnace History Tour!
We are delighted that so many local organizations have sponsored scholarships for these students, including Appalachian Audubon, the Chris Thorpe Foundation in Carlisle, the Cumberland County Conservation District, and the Friends of Pine Grove Furnace State Park. During the week, students will spend one day each on leadership development, watershed education activities, sustainable land use planning, forestry and agro-ecology, and the final day on team presentations. Small teams will solve community planning challenges as a group, offer low impact development strategies on their assigned case study project, and sell their plan to a panel of experts. We are looking forward to an enriching week, and will post photos each day on the program website, www.goddardleadership.org. There are several spaces in the program available--apply online today!
CPC Spring Monitoring and Carson Long Academy

Cadets from Carson Long Military Academy in New Bloomfield, Perry County partnered with CPC this spring on an innovative volunteer initiative. As part of the school's service learning curriculum, the five boys are participating in the National Association of Independent School's 20/20 Challenge. Their class identified habitat loss as the twenty-first century problem it wanted to face. The boys met with our land protection director and have led spring monitoring, including for our easement at Spiral Path Farm (pictured). In cooperation with CPC, they also showed strength lopping four-inch bush honeysuckles as part of invasive plant management at Cave Hill Nature Center in Carlisle. If all works out, the gentlemen will participate in planting hundreds of seedlings at our Shuman Easement to wrap up. Mr. Warner's class demonstrated outstanding character and made a substantial contribution to CPC's spring monitoring efforts.
Shuman Easement Owner Manages for Emerald Ash Borer Devastation

CPC promotes conservation easements as one means for a landowner committed to stewardship to assure that his successors share a land ethic. In addition to protecting ecological resources, we work to secure the productivity of those working lands and the viability of rural economies and lifestyles.


Our easement on the Shuman farm requires that wildlife and ecological values take priority in all forestry decisions, and like all modern conservation easements, it promotes, not prohibits, management practices to protect these values.


The Shuman example demonstrates that the human footprint in PA's forests extends beyond where we step. In 1907, Pennsylvania's forests bottomed out at less than half their current extent. Even as forest area recovered, the quality suffered from high-grading, which selected the healthiest and most valuable trees for timber, and harvests without acceptable conditions for desirable regeneration, and skewed forests toward trees that have less benefit to wildlife or humans, such as black birch and red maple. Additionally, invasive species of plants and animals introduced diseases, air pollution and acid deposition, and along with excessive deer herds and climate change, our forests were all profoundly affected.

Leaning over new stumps at the Shuman property, the rings point to the early 1930s. White ash was one of the most important and successful species for reforestation after horses disappeared from farms. Ash samaras were easily blown on the wind into areas that had been grazed as pasture or harvested for straw. A considerable 7% of PA trees are ash, however, on some forest block scales including the former-Shuman property, ash can represent the dominant species.


Tragically, emerald ash borer arrived in Michigan from Asia in the early 2000s and in PA in 2009. As it sweeps across the state, the beetle larva eat through the cambium under the bark. Once emerald ash borers arrive, they kill 99% of ash trees within three years. Not since chestnut blight have we seen such a rapid and widespread eradication, and effectual extinction, of a commercially and ecologically important family of trees.


On the Shuman farm, the death of all the ash could trigger snowballing threats to the conservation values, including increased infestations of invasive plants. Because the forests occur on reforested steep slopes where ash is the primary element, desirable trees are not abundant or close enough to seed in effectively after the ash has died. The landowner, in cooperation with the local Natural Resources Conservation Service, devised a plan to plant thousands of bare root seedlings of high wildlife value to replace the ash. These include oaks, pawpaw, and persimmon.


The owner has taken an opportunity to harvest the ash himself using low intensity forestry practices, a skid steer and a tractor. After he skids logs to his landing, the family can saw it on-site. With its investment in a Norwood sawmill, they make lumber for use on the farm while reinvesting in new habitat through the massive tree planting project this spring. 

2015 Ironmaster's Challenge Roundup

We are thrilled to report a very successful outcome for the 2015 Ironmaster's Challenge on several different levels, including, participation of almost 550 people; excellent volunteer and trail support; achieving our fundraising goal in sponsorships and event income for the Central PA Conservancy; and of course, the wonderful weather, few injuries, and plenty of food and beer at the Finishline Picnic. We extend a hearty thanks to all the volunteers, sponsors, and partners, who contributed to this event for the benefit of the nonprofit mission of the Central Pennsylvania Conservancy.

For finish times/results, please link to the RESULTS page on our website. Please stay connected via our Facebook Page with updates through the year until the 2016 Ironmaster's Challenge registration has opened (December 2015-January 2016). Next year's anticipated event date is scheduled for Sunday, April 24, 2016. Please mark your calendars for this local springtime rite of passage! 
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A Record Year for AT Thru-Hiking!

We've been informed through several sources, including The Appalachian Trail Conservancy, which monitors the AT, that the 2015 thru-hiking season will be a record-setter, in terms of numbers of thru-hikers making their way north or south on the 2,180 miles of the Appalachian Trail. Most say the reason for the increased traffic is the popularity of movies featuring thru-hikes, like Wild and the upcoming film adaptation of Bill Bryson's popular 1998 book, A Walk in the Woods. The Pacific Crest Trail Association already noted a dramatic 300 percent increase in foot traffic along the trail between 2013 and 2014. 


The Ironmaster's Mansion looks forward to serving weary hikers who have reached the halfway mark at Pine Grove Furnace State Park! Our wonderful new Innkeepers, Mike Jones and Mary Dumas, can take reservations at the overnight hostel over the phone (717-486-4108) or email, at [email protected]. Happy trails!





CPC Members in Statewide Leadership
The CPC Board of Directors congratulates two of its longtime members for assuming exceptional statewide leadership positions in the environmental field. Just yesterday, Cindy Dunn was unanimously confirmed by the Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee as Secretary of the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. In her remarks, Cindy expressed that she would take inspiration from PA's great conservation leaders such as Pinchot, Rothrock, and Goddard, and look toward the future to, "provide parks that inspire; forests that support jobs and wildlife; and technical know-how that will create a greener Pennsylvania."  Click Here for a copy of remarks from Cindy Dunn's confirmation speech.

Former CPC Vice President and current CPC Development Committee Chair, Bill Chain, has accepted a position with the Chesapeake Bay Foundation-PA Office as Senior Agricultural Program Manager. Click Here for more details on his new position. The CPC Board and staff extend a big congrats to Bill as he works to address water quality challenges facing Pennsylvania's agricultural community. We look forward to working with him in this new role!


Central Pennsylvania Conservancy is a 501(c)3 non-profit, tax exempt organization as provided by IRS regulations. A copy of the official registration and financial information may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll free (within PA) 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.