Rotary Global History Fellowship
RGHF - Rotary's Memory since 11 October 2000
Special Comely Bank Issue
Click on the image of Jean and Paul to contribute to the preservation of Comely Bank. 
Comely Bank
Comely Bank with Paul and Jean Harris
What Paul Harris Said, a feature of RGHF since December 2001. 
Paul Harris
Paul P. Harris, Founder of Rotary 23 February 1905
 From My Road to Rotary, Chapter 38 - Comely Bank
"Having no children of our own, Jean and I have adopted Rotary International. While our cup of joy at `Comely Bank' has consistently overflowed, we have also had our share of sorrows. For instance: The city fathers established arc lights on Longwood drive. No longer need God pin the curtain of night back with his stars; no longer need the harvest moon shine; no longer need the commuters of our community grope their way back through the darkness, to the warmth and good cheer of their firesides. The city fathers take care of all such matters. Night has, in fact, been banished forever." Page 274

"My wife and I have tried to make the best possible use of `Comely Bank.' We have entertained scores of Rotarians from all parts of the world, sometimes seating at our table guests from as many as eight different countries at tone time. In honor of our guests, we have planted many trees in our friendship garden, and, in many instances, guests so honored have passed to the Great Beyond, but the trees still stand, as memorials to our friendship." by Paul Harris, Page 274 

"Upon several occasions, Boards of Rotary International have extended to us invitations to visit the Rotary clubs of other counties; such invitations we have, as a rule, accepted and we have tried to make ourselves ambassadors of good-will. With the cooperation of Rotarians and local governments, I have planted friendship trees in the parks and playgrounds on all the five continents of the world and even on some of the major islands of the seas. Our trees stood as symbols of international understanding and good-will. National and municipal governments have participated in the ceremonies incident to such plantings and monuments bearing bronze plates with appropriate inscriptions, have, in several instances, been erected. Our tree plantings are merely gestures of good-will but they are intelligible to all the citizens of the various countries whatever language they speak." Paul P. Harris page 275

"Rotary was born of the spirit of tolerance, goodwill and service, all qualities which characterized New England folks of my boyhood days, and I have tried to interpret, so far as lies within me, that faith to other men." Paul Harris from page 278

To support the preservation of Comely Bank, visit - Supported by Rotarians and Rotary International. 
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RGHF since 11 October 2000

What Paul Harris Said, is our longest running feature, started in December of 2001. His writings are timeless and speak to Rotary leaders and visitors at   


The Global History of Rotary and RGHF is always at 

Toronto has been the host city for four international conventions, in 1924, 1942, 1964, and 1983. The House of Friendship was inaugurated at the 1924 convention that saw 9,000 Rotarians and spouses in attendance. The 1942 convention attracted 7,000 attendees, which far exceeded expectations given the wartime conditions in which it was held. The 1964 convention hosted 14,661 and the convention in 1983 had more than 16,000 in attendance.



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