Rotary Global History Fellowship
RGHF - Rotary's Memory since 11 October 2000
What Paul Harris Said
RGHF History Day
RI 2013
RGHF is now part of the new Rotary International website
What Paul Harris Said, a feature of RGHF since December 2001. 
Paul Harris
Paul P. Harris, Founder of Rotary 23 February 1905
 "May Rotarians continue to be ambassadors of good-will to high and low, rich and poor, to all races, to the devotees of all religious faiths and to members of all political parties, purveyors of tolerance, forbearance, justice, kindliness, neighborliness and friendliness to the inhabitants of this snug little world, the best little world of which we know." Paul P. Harris, "This Rotarian Age" page 257, 1935. 

RGHF Pin with
RGHF since 11 October 2000
Would the world be better off if there were 1,000,000,000 Rotarians? Look what just a few Rotarians did nearly a century ago. The key is that they still knew where they came from. They knew their history. That was a powerful tool. If today's  1,000,000 Rotarians knew what they knew, we might soon be 2,000,000 Rotarians and 2 would become 4 and so forth. 

What Paul Harris Said, is our longest running feature, started in December of 2001. His writings are timeless and speak to Rotary leaders and visitors at   



RGHF History Day
History Day at RGHF, honoring the First 100 Clubs of Rotary

It is time to MAKE Rotary history. (by RGHF member PDG Patrick Coleman)


"Africa Calling" refers to the fact that there has never been a Rotary International convention on the African continent since our organisation was founded in 1905 and we are calling on you to help us "complete the circle" of conventions around the world that have taken place on every other continent.

The Rotarians of Africa, representing 54 countries, are uniting to show their support and we are launching an interactive website where you can catch up on the unfolding news and join the support group.

With your help we expect that the board of Rotary International will confirm Durban as the venue for the 2019 convention when it meets in October 2013.
After all, Africa is the world's greatest receiver of humanitarian support from Rotarians the world over, supported by the Rotary Foundation, and we would like to have an opportunity to express our thanks, extend our hospitality and showcase the beautiful coastal city of Durban, the ICC venue, as well as our accommodation and attractions that are without equal in Africa.

The convention will provide opportunities to network with Rotarians from across the globe, visit and promote projects, enjoy our special brand of fellowship and experience our spectacular scenery and game parks.

This convention will take place only six years from now and the planning and preparation required for us to receive some nineteen thousand Rotarians and partners will require all your support.

We invite YOU to join us now and "complete the circle".  

See all conventions and RGHF activities at


Find us on Facebook

Join RGHF on Sunday 1 June 2014 at Novotel Olympic Park, Sydney for the RGHF Annual Meeting & Awards Breakfast. Just a few minutes walk from the RI convention center.

For more information on our fellowship and to see our private Facebook groups, please join us at



Answer a one question survey: "When Rotarians know and share the rich Global History of Rotary, that will benefit membership retention." From (this poll will remain open indefinitely) 

Play the Rotary Global History Fellowship quiz



Continue the conversation, with your comments, on our public Facebook page at and also at ROTARY GLOBAL HISTORY FELLOWSHIP'S OPEN GROUP AT ROTARY INTERNATIONAL