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RGHF - Rotary's Memory since 11 October 2000
 RGHF now has a closed Facebook group for representatives of the First 100 Rotary Clubs. If you are a member of one of these clubs, (see the link below) we'd like to invite you to this closed discussion group. RGHF began, at Rotary Club of Pueblo #43, with a list of the First 100 Clubs of Rotary on 11 October 2000. So, we're going back to our roots and looking for members of these clubs, who would be willing to join RGHF and Facebook for a special discussion.
If you are a member of one of the First 100 Clubs listed at the above link, please respond to this email. We have created a closed discussion for first 100 club members.   
What Paul Harris Said
RGHF History Day 
(RC of Pueblo #43, the birthplace of RGHF)


What Paul Harris Said, a feature of RGHF since December 2001. 
Paul Harris
Paul P. Harris, Founder of Rotary 23 February 1905
"During the past ten years hundreds of Rotary clubs in the U. S. have conducted some two thousand institutes of international understanding bringing to their communities hundreds of capable speakers, from both the U. S. and various other countries, to present and discuss before public audiences of from 200 to a 1000 people the current factors of international affairs. The total attendance to date at these institutes is something like 1,500,000. A fine accomplishment in adult education! And in addition these speakers have been used to address high-school assemblies totaling about 3,500,000.

Consequently it was not surprising that Rotary International was invited by the United States Department of State to send consultants and associate consultants to the United Nations Conference on International Organization at San Francisco in May, 1945, and in all eleven Rotarians served in one or the other of these capacities." page 257, My Road to Rotary, by Paul P. Harris. 
RGHF Pin with
RGHF since 11 October 2000
The story of Rotary and the UN is a fascinating one, which continues 67 years later. Two RGHF members are alternate representatives to The UN today. 

What Paul Harris Said, is our longest running feature, started in December of 2001. His writings are timeless and speak to Rotary leaders and visitors at   


Yours for the Global History of Rotary,

Jack M. B. Selway, RGHF Founder 


The Global History of Rotary and RGHF is always at 

RGHF History Day
History Day at RGHF, honoring the First 100 Clubs of Rotary
Pueblo #43 (Rotary 43)

Pueblo in the early 1900's was hardly the unified, coordinated city it is now. In 1912, for example, what is now Pueblo was four municipalities with two city halls, two water-supply districts, two city school districts, and lots of inter-community rivalry and competition. Local business man Bert Scribner happened, in 1911, to visit the newly formed Rotary Club in Salt Lake City where differing factions had come together in friendship "in Rotary." He brought that concept to his community. Pueblo was one of the first cities of under 50,000 to be allowed to join Rotary. Pueblo formed their own club and Rotary then allowed their charter to be granted on 1 June 1912. The account, on this page, of the first organizing meeting from Pueblo's local newspaper.  (Dr. E. Duane Strachan & Jack M. B. Selway) 


Rotary Global History Fellowship had its beginnings at Rotary Club of Pueblo, CO, on 11 October 2000. 

If you, or a Rotarian you know, is about to be nominated or elected as a future district governor, now is the time for you/them to join RGHF
Five years of RGHF for just $120. You can have a solid background in the Global History of Rotary by the time you/they serve as Rotary officers. 

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