Monthly NewsletterMay 2010
Warners Bay Community Garden

Thanks for your patience and ongoing support of the community garden proposal. Here is a brief update.  
Council Meeting Result  
Monday night's Council meeting confirmed the result of the previous meeting, that the decision on the community garden is to be deferred, pending an analysis of other sites, and the re-assessment of a variety of issues at Bunya Park such as parking, pests, runoff, fencing and so on. Councillors have been criticising their own staff and their assessment and consultation process, however, we feel that the real reason for the deferment is that some councillors just don't like Bunya Park location. Unfortunately, it is our Mayor Greg Piper and Deputy Mayor Kay Fraser that have led the charge against our proposal. We hope they can change their position on this. Bunya Park is clearly the best site for the community garden and we hope that truth will eventually come out in the wash. In the meantime there is a lot we can do!!
Council Pressure 
In the last 48 hours we have spoken with both Councillors and Council staff regarding the deferred decision, and how to move forward from here. We have requested a short and specific timeframe and process be committed to for the next phase of assessment, to ensure the garden proposal continues to move forward.
Concept Design 
The concept design has now been on public display for over two weeks. The feedback has been incredibly positive.
People just love it!
We have already received input and suggestions from local residents, which we have gratefully taken on board.
We would love to hear your thoughts on the design so far. Thanks again to our amazing design team for all their time, knowledge and skill.
If you've not seen it yet, click here to take a look!
Congratulations to the many people have been writing fantastic letters to the editor in The Herald. Perhaps you might consider airing your thoughts about the council's inability to make a decision and the time we have waited for our community garden site.
You can do so by clicking here. Let's keep them rolling in!
Every bit helps in building momentum for the garden.
Next Public Meeting
Our next group meeting is on Sunday 6th June at 2pm at the Lions club hall. All welcome. The focus of the meeting will be on deciding on some new activities for our group, while we to wait for council.

As always, afternoon tea is provided free of charge, courtesy of our fantastic cook, Mrs Carmen Eastlake. Please come along and share your ideas and to see how you can get more involved with the group.

Ideas already are: a charitable garden blitz, a pizza oven night, a picnic and site tours or joining working bees at other community gardens...what else could we do?
Our seedling growers have been busy growing seedlings for our next market stall and we are establishing a hot-house for seedling raising over the winter months.

If you would like to become involved with the seedling group please contact Trish. All materials are provided.

Our compost heap is growing with donated grass clippings, manure and shredded paper!

If you are itching to get your hands dirty the compost heaps loves to be dug and turned, please visit our website.
Our stockpile of materials is growing steadily!
We now have a selection of garden tools, a garage full of newspapers, a gazebo for our market stalls, a stack of railway sleepers for building garden beds, and an offer of all the pavers and bricks we can transport from the old Mitchells Masonry site at Munmorah! If you have more ideas about materials and/or donations towards the garden please get in touch with Trish.
Market Stall
Our next market stall will be on Sunday 13th June.
There is talk of brewing up a huge batch of pumpkin soup from local homegrown pumpkins.
Come along and have a chat, grab a seedling or two and have a bowl of soup with us!
If you'd like any more information please call or email Trish.
Click here for contact details.  
The Operating Committee
Warners Bay Community Garden Inc.
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