Immanuel eNewsletter

December, 2015

Merry Christmas!

In This Issue
Worship with Us!    



The Heart of Christmas!
The Season of Advent is 40 days of preparing to receive the Heart of Christmas: the babe in the manger, who came as our Savior, Jesus the Christ. Join us each week in Advent as we prepare our own hearts to receive the Christ child.
Sunday, Nov. 29: "Preparing Our Hearts for Christmas"

Jesus taught: "Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." Matt. 6:21

As Advent begins, open your heart to receive the only treasure that lasts: a relationship with Jesus Christ. The child in the manger was God's rescue mission! Because Christ lives, we will live also! Join us as we fix our eyes on the one who opened eternity to us all.
Sunday, Dec. 6: "Cherishing Moments of the Heart"

God promised: "I will give you a new heart, and put a right spirit within you." Ezek. 36:26
Continue this season by slowing down frantic preparations for Christmas. Cherish each glimpse you see of a new heart and a right spirit within your family, friends, and in your own life. Celebrate it in each warm embrace, and in the eyes of a stranger as you offer a helping hand or word of encouragement.
Sunday, Dec. 13: "Welcoming the Heart of a Child" - SCS Christmas Pageant
After Mary gave birth to the Christ child, "Mary treasured all these things and pondered them in her heart." Luke 2:19
Just as Mary welcomed her son, cradling Jesus in her arms, we all long to feel our Savior's loving embrace. See, hear, and experience the childlike anticipation of Christmas through the wonder of our children! Allow your heart to rediscover that wonder through the witness of our Children's Christmas Pageant.
Sunday, Dec. 20: "Rejoicing from the Heart" - Christmas Cantata

St. Paul wrote: "Make music in your heart to the Lord." Eph. 5:19
Indulge your senses through our glorious Christmas Cantata Musical! Rejoice as the magnificent fifty voice choir, dynamic orchestra, and uplifting narration transform your spirit! Ponder anew in awe and wonder as this music fills your heart with the love of the Christ child.
Thursday, Dec. 24: "Receiving the Heart of Jesus": 3:00, 5:00, & 8:00 PM
St. Paul teaches: "It is with your heart that you believe." Rom. 10:10
Invite your family and friends to our Christmas Eve Celebration of the glorious good news of the birth of Jesus Christ. In the shadow of a steeple, and in the star that lights the way, you will find Him in a manger. The Heart of Christmas is Jesus, the Son of God! Our cherished Christmas worship includes festive carols, brass choir, celebrative choral music, a playful children's message, reflections on   "Receiving the Heart of Jesus," and a treasured candlelighting ceremony!



Looking for the monthly Worship Leader Schedule, the Health Newsletter, Immanuel's Website, the Calendar or the Staff Directory? Click on the links to the right.  -->



Christmas Cantata
Christmas Cantata rehearsals are Wednesdays nights at 6:45PM downstairs in the music room. We would LOVE to include you! Music is a vital ministry that belongs to ALL people of God, no matter how "talented" you are. It is a chance to lift your hearts and voices to Christ, draw closer to Him, celebrate the season together, and align your heart with the true reason for the season. The music will anchor you in the heart of the Christmas story, and the heartbeat of our loving God. Childcare is available, including Wednesday rehearsals, Dress Rehearsal, day of presentation, for instrumentalists, etc. The glorious presentation will be Sunday, December 20th at all three services!
Bells of Immanuel: Rehearse Sundays, 9:15-10:15 AM
Get those arms swinging and ringing! The Bells would be so blessed by more ringers. Rehearsals are Sundays in the music room downstairs from 9:15AM-10:15AM. No musical training is necessary! Director Ellen Hanson leads the group-she is a God-send-and will train you and highlight your music parts. Consider joining this ministry of 4 generations! Contact Ellen at
Youth Praise Team: Rehearses Wednesdays, 5:30 PM
The YPT rehearses at 5:30 PM on Wednesdays. The team is open to ALL teens 6th-12th grade! The kids have a blast as they learn vibrant new Christian music to inspire their generation! Vocalists and instrumentalists are needed! Newcomers are welcome!
After rehearsal, the team leads weekly confirmation classes in song at 6:30PM. Contact John Ivan for more information at
Praise Team: Rehearses Wednesdays, 8:00 PM
Praise Team rehearses at 8:00PM on Wednesdays. Participants vibrantly lead contemporary worship songs each week at 9:45 & 11:07. The group also leads special services throughout the year. Attendance at rehearsals is required. Contact John Ivan at if you are interested in participating.
Media Specialists
The media team utilizes modern technology during every worship service. We are so grateful for their incredible devotion and humble hearts. Positions include running the computer, managing the sound board, and operating live video. We are always inviting newcomers to learn the new system. Contact John Ivan at if you are feeling techy.
Ear Piece During Worship
If you want an ear piece to enhance your worship experience, stop at the sound desk at the back the church. This new system works far better than a hearing aid, as it brings the sound straight to your ear - with no background noise! You can control the volume with the dial on your unit.
Welcome Center Volunteers
Do you like to meet people? We are looking for some fun people to be on the Welcoming Team.  They set up coffee and water in the Welcome Center, and greet and help connect visitors to members between services. Contact Edith Draper at 248-1861 with any questions.
Worship Schedule Sign-up
Sign-up to help lead worship on Immanuel's website:  Click on "Worship Sign Up" and choose the month and service you would like to help. The positions that need to be filled are highlighted in yellow.  Click in the box or by the number, and type your name.  When you exit, it automatically saves your name in that spot.  Anyone who clicks on the link will see the updated version. There is also a sign-up board in the Fellowship Hall to manually sign-up if you prefer to do it that way.  Or email me dates, times and the position you would like to fill.  Thank you, again, for your willingness to serve!  You are a gift!  Know you are loved! Evie Schulz, Ministry Coordinator
2016 Offering Envelopes
The 2016 Offering Envelopes can be picked up in the Gathering Area.
Pledge Card and Time and Talent Sheets
Please mail or hand in your Pledge Card and Time and Talent forms for 2016 to the church office. If you need a new set of forms, pick them up in the church office.
Large Bulletins Available at Each Service
Large bulletins are available. Ask an usher for a large print bulletin prior to the worship service, if you would like one.
Hymnals & Bibles
Please help yourself to a hymnal or Bible at the entrance of the worship space if you like to use one.
Exchange Library at Immanuel
Thanks to Loretta Frank, Immanuel has a new Book Exchange Library adjacent to Pastor Mary Ann's office. The library has many books to deepen our understanding of God, and strengthen our relationship with our Savior. Books are available for all ages, and have been donated by our members. Using the Exchange is simple! Sselect those you want, bring them back when you are finished, or keep them. If you do return a book, please drop it in the basket marked "returns." If you have books you no longer need, that would help others in their faith journey, please drop them in the basket marked "donations." Please come and browse the new library! We hope it will be a blessing to many.
Memory Quilts
Barb Kwiatkowski has generously offered to make a memory quilt for the spouse of members of Immanuel whose partner dies to Christ. Quilts will be made out of fabric from favorite clothes of the deceased and may also include a photo. If you would like to be part of this very moving new quilt ministry, call Barb at 262-215-9614.
Coffee Hour
Beverages are available following the first service at the Welcome Center Counter in the Gathering Space.  Help yourself to information about Immanuel on the counter.  Our Coffee Hour follows the first service in the Fellowship Hall. Join us for treats, beverages, and conversation.  It's a great way to meet new friends, and to share in fellowship with others.  All are welcome!!  Many thanks to those who help serve for these two ministries.  If you're interested in helping, we need you!!  Sign up on the Worship Card. Thanks!
Parking on Sundays and Special Services
Able bodied members are encouraged to park in the outer parking stalls or the Middle School Lot when they can, so visitors and seniors can be closer to the entrances. Many Thanks! It's a wonderful challenge to be short on parking spaces! Praise God, who gives the growth!!

Ministry Quick Links

Like us on Facebook 
Worship Leader Schedule

Click the appropriate link to sign up from your computer or see the schedules! You can ALWAYS visit our website also. Thanks for your willingness to serve! 

Contact Us


Serving in the Military

John Allison, Chris Bollwahn, Jimmy Flores, Robert Knowlton, Alex Novak, Brian Novak, Tim Sireno, Andy Sireno, Ben Swatek, Jacob Swatek, Daniel Tschida.
In Hospice Care
LaVerne Anderson, Al Bettisch, Ray Christian, Margaret Welsch. Barb Zich 

Health and Strength
LaVerne Anderson, Pam Baldwin, Karen Beasley, Marcus Brugger, Brian Bulman, Brian Carr, Christina Conboy, Olivia Deering, Lila DeVries, Jen Foster, Bonnie Gilbertson, Gary Grams, Jim Hanny, Tony Huml, Ruth Johnson, Ryan Johnson, Betty Keissler, Brenda Kelly, Doug Kerkman, Mary Klein, Bob Kloppstein, Ruthie Kloppstein, Bill Lembke, Laura Langston, Ashley Lodarek, Stephanie Luengen, Nan Lyon, Jeanne Madaus, Ruby Madsen, Joan Mellien, Edie Michaelson, Craig Middleton, Yvonne Mol, Carol Morem, Dean Nelson, Norma Nelson, Carrie Novak,   Craig Olson, Bert Ortiz, Patricia Owen, Zlata Podipnik, Topher Rabe, Trudy Rauch, Tom Riley, Brad Rindfleisch, Maria Ruby, Don Sauerman, Tim Schaitel, Madgel Schluga, Don Schmitz, Lorraine Schober, Madyjo Schuessler, Herte Schulte, Vivian Spanjer, Joyce Sutton, Steve Sutton, Dottie Swatek, Doris Tolar, Mickey & Don Tolar, Ron Trochuck, Tom Van Maren, Elaine Vorpagel, Wayne Vorpagel, Sara Wahlstedt, Carolyn Warfield, Karen Wells, Mike Woods, Aimee Yakes, Audrey Yakes, Sophia Zematis.

Serving on the Mission Field


Zach  & Misa Harrod, Jenn and Jason Byers, Karen Flowers, Chris and Irene Okuna, Ginger Peterson


+ Congratulations to Natalie Stetter and Chris Vos on the baptism of their daughter, Carly Shae Vos on November 8th.
+Congratulations to Jessica and Jeff Lloyd on the baptism of their daughter, Dakota Rose Lloyd on November 8th.

Expecting a Child!
Kelsey Hanneman, Jenny Pearce


+ Congratulations to our 9th grade students who were confirmed in November:  Emily, Jared & Ethan Sheen; Katie Porubcan.

New Member

Jackie Witt
683 Greenview Circle
Lake Geneva, WI  53147


Michael and Shirley Kieny
W785 Hafs Road
Genoa City, WI  53128


Jessica and Jeff Lloyd
Trinity and Camryn Knaack
PO Box 414
Lake Geneva, WI  53147


Mark and Rebecca Johnson
703 S Lakeshore Drive Unit 1A
Lake Geneva, WI  53147


Carol Cossitt
N1824 Sidney Smith Lane
Lake Geneva, WI  53147


Debra Wilson-Stansilawski
6617 Deerpath Road
Lake Geneva, WI  53147


David and Pamela Gyger
PO Box 13
Wilmot, WI  53192

All Church Small Group Bible Study: Believe
"BELIEVE!" The second section of our Small Group Bible Study, "Believe," begins the 1st week of January. If you missed the 1st section, consider signing up for the 2nd one!
Whether in Sunday School, Confirmation, High School Youth Group, Small Group Bible Studies for adults, or Sunday morning worship and preaching - we are all gaining a better understand how to think, act, and be more like Christ. Know what you believe and why!
Check out the list of Small Groups below for January!    
Mon., 10:00 AM at the home of Maria Dean, 395 Oakwood Lane, Lake Geneva, 262 215-3179. Group is for moms & tots. Facilitator: Sarah Beauregard, 414 699-9156.
Mon., 5:00 PM TBD. Facilitators: Vijay Narayanan, Todd and Erin Huemann, 262 206-0386.
Mon., 6:00 PM at the home of Ashley Miu & Travis Alexander,
513 Danielson Dr., Darien, WI 53114. Kids and families welcome! Facilitators: Ashley & Travis, 262 325-4443.
Mon., 6:00 PM in the Conference Room at church. Facilitator: Cyndi Dietze, 262 374-1026.
Mon., 6:30 PM at the home of Pat Schulz, 117 Johnson St. in Burlington, # 262 763-7105. Facilitator: Ellen Hanson, 262 210-1001.
Tues., 10:00 AM in the Conference Room at church. Facilitator: Kristy Danna, 512 966-8488.
Tues., 6:30 PM at the home of Susan and Gene Krinn, 1125 Terrace Court in Geneva National. (Use gate on right before the Club House). Facilitator: Susan Krinn, 262 245-5579.
Tues., 7:00 PM 301 E. Lake Street in Silver Lake, WI 53170, "living room" of the Silver Linings Consignment Shop. Facilitator: Moira Toner 331 422-9333 and Michelle du Vair 630 301-2437.
Wed., 9:30 AM in the Conference Room at church. Women's Group. Facilitator: Jill Rosenthal, 262 949-2569. Group meets 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month, starting Sept. 23.
Wed., 6:30 PM in the Conference Room at church. Facilitator: Grace Peterson, 414 322-0388.
Wed., 6:30 PM, High School Youth Group in the Youth Room at church. Facilitators: Sharon and Sean Payne, 262 745-9341 & 262 745-1471; Carolee Hanny-Barnett, 262 215-1008.
Wed., 6:30 PM at the home of Phil and Donna Neimeyer, 364 Waubun Dr., Fontana. Facilitators: Phil, 314-488-8884, and Donna 262 725-3453.
Thurs., 10:00 AM, at the home of Jeri and Buz Bozovsky, 1800 LaSalle St. #5, Lake Geneva. (Top of Edgewood Hills). Facilitators: Jeri and Buz, 262 203-5400.
Thurs., 6:30 PM, bi-weekly, starts at home of Karen Crusey, 500 S. Edwards Blvd. #40, in Lake Geneva. Group rotates homes, so call Facilitator, Karen Crusey, for details, 262 348-9502.
Thurs., 6:30 PM, at the home of Dan and Edith Draper, 1440 Linda Lane, Lake Geneva. Facilitators: Dan, 262 903-5898, and Edith, 262 903-5333. Group is full.
Thurs., 6:30 PM at the home of Pastors Mary Ann and Mark, 325 Oakwood Lane in Lake Geneva. Facilitators: Pastor Mary Ann, 262 215-3177, Pastor Mark, 262 215-5214.
Thurs., 6:30 PM, at church. Men's Group. Facilitator: Steve Guy 262 210-9332.
Fri., 6:45 AM at Peets Coffee Shop in Lake Geneva. Men's Group. Facilitator: Ken Field, 262 374-1795.
Fri., 9:30 AM, in the Fellowship Hall at church. Women's Group. Facilitator: Mickey Tolar, 248-0506. Group is full.  
Sat., 6 PM, meets in rotating homes. Children are welcome.   Facilitators: Lisa and Greg Bunge, 248-4804. Group is full.    
November launch. Couples Group that will meet in the home of Jennifer and Mike Kramp, 460 Oakwood Lane in Lake Geneva. Facilitator: Jennifer Kramp, and friend. Call for information. 262 348-6245.
Saturday Morning Women's Bible Study: Dec. 5th, 10:00 AM
The Saturday Morning Women's Bible Study will meet December 5th at 10:00 a.m. at Janet Yakes' home, 3127 South Road, Lake Geneva. Contact Janet for directions at 262-325-2195.    
Sunday Morning Bible Study
Sunday Morning Bible Studymeets in the Conference Room, in the administrative area to the right of Sanctuary, at 9:45 a.m. All are welcome! Contact Trish Fry-Misener at 262-949-2480.
Coffee, Tea and Thee - Needed!!!
Creative, energetic and enthusiastic ladies of ALL ages are needed to help develop plans for a Women's Retreat this winter (February anticipated date) along the lines of the above title.  Do you have ideas and/or a gift for presenting on an interesting topic, leading music, ideas for breakout sessions, including scripture, art or other topics of interest to ladies of Immanuel, and perhaps their special guests as well?  Contact Evie Schulz via phone, email or in person....she is excited to have you on this special ministry team.
The organizational meeting for the Women's Retreat on December 1st, 6:30 p.m. Contact Evie Schulz with questions at 262-248-4211 or . This will be an awesome opportunity for a special ministry to our "women of faith."
Men's Breakfast and Bible Study
Men's Breakfast and Bible Study meets Saturday, January 23rd at 7:30 a.m. Join with other men of faith for deep conversation about the issues in our time.  We study the Biblical teaching, and how to apply it to our lives. Please bring your favorite breakfast food to share.
New Men's Bible Study
NEW MEN'S BIBLE STUDY. Due to some awesome changes to the curriculum, the new men's bible study will now begin on Wednesday, January 6th at 6:00 a.m. Charlie Brown will lead a study by Robert Lewis, "THE QUEST FOR AUTHENTIC MANHOOD." Refreshments will be served and study materials will be available for everyone. This series is open to the whole community. It's a great opportunity to gather with other men, share in fellowship, and help one another discern what God's word has to say to our lives. Watch for more details in the future.


Sunday Morning Nursery Staff

A nursery is provided during worship for children 4 and under to the left of the Sanctuary. Children over 5 years are encouraged to join their families during worship. Little treats are available on the coffee bar counter. Grab a "busy bag" for your pre-schooler at the entrance to the worship space, and
return it to the stand when the service is finished.
Sunday School
Sunday School is from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Bring your children to our classrooms. Preschool (3 and 4 year olds that are potty trained), kindergarten and first grade classes are near the church office to the right of the sanctuary. Second through fifth grade classrooms are to the left of the sanctuary, just off the fellowship hall.
If you want to teach, give our Children's Ministry Director, Sarah Beauregard, a call at 248-4211. We welcome donations of juice or snacks!
Children's Christmas Pageant Rehearsals
December 5th, 1-3:00 p.m., we will have a rehearsal for the Christmas pageant, followed by hot chocolate!  Dress Rehearsal is December 12th, 10:00 a.m.-12 noon, followed by a pizza lunch!
The Children's Christmas Pageant is December 13th at all 3 services! It will be your child's day to shine! If you have any questions, or would like to volunteer to help, please see Sarah.
Early Release Day
The next Early Release Day is Thursday, December 10th, at 1:30 PM.  If you are looking for a fun, engaging, and safe environment for your child during that time, look no further!  We are also looking for volunteers to help with this great ministry. Please see Sarah or Holly for details.
Just For Kids
Our JFK After School Ministry for elementary school kids is each school day from 6:00-8:15 a.m., and 4:00- 6:00 p.m. Contact Holly at 262-949-6227 for more information. JFK will be closed from December 23rd to January 1st over the school Christmas Break.
Little Sprouts Day Care News
Little Sprouts Learning Center is open from 6:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m., for children 6 weeks through 4 K. The center is full, except for children in 4-K programs at Star Center and at Central Denison. We are currently receiving registrations for new 4 K kids, and would be honored to have yours with us! Lunch is provided before or after school for 4-K students, as well as transportation to and from school. Call Sue Gifford to enroll at   262-812-7346.

A Seminar NOT to Miss!  "Being 13"  Inside the Secret World of Teens"
If you are a parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, teacher, or work with kids at church, scouting, sports, or other kid-friendly events - this Seminar is created just for you!!  
Join us at Immanuel on Mondays, Nov. 30, Dec. 7 and 14, from 6:30-8:30 PM - as we hear results of a two year groundbreaking research project by national correspondent Anderson Cooper. The study revealed profound, and deeply unsettling insights about the secret world of teenagers using social media. Discover the impact their digital life has had on teens, and be part of the conversation with other adults about how we might respond.
Rob Ocker, School Counselor with over 20 years of experience working with teens and families, and Zach Ortiz, our Middle School Youth Director, will facilitate this discussion. Together we will learn practical ideas and solutions for dealing with today's teens.
The evening begins with a potluck dinner, so bring a dish to pass if you can. Invite your friends and neighbors to attend. Child Care will be available each evening. A donation of $5.00 per adult participant is requested for the seminar
Christmas Caroling: Wed., Dec. 16 at 5:30 PM.
Join our Middle and High School students, children and adults for an evening of Christmas Caroling for our homebound members, and at several area nursing homes. Meet at church at 5:30 PM to head out for caroling. We'll gather at church afterward for a hot meal and more fellowship! We need drivers - so please sign up on the Worship Card. Thanks!

Sunday Middle School Confirmation Class
Our 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Confirmation Sunday morning class is from 9:45- 10:45 a.m. in the lower level theatre room. Join our Middle School Director Zach on Sunday's and grow your faith, while also having a blast!
3:16 Middle School Youth Group
3:16 Middle School Group is Wednesdays from 6:30 - 8:00 pm. All 6th, 7th, and 8th graders are invited to join the outrageous fun and great learnings! Bring your friends. Between 40-50 kids attend each week!  
VIBE for Middle Schoolers continues Monday through Thursdays from 3:00-6:00 p.m. VIBE is for Middle School students who need a safe place to gather, and is a free ministry. We need volunteers willing to spend time with middle school kids, and to be positive influences in their lives!  Come play games, tell stories, help with art projects, any and all talents welcome!

High School Youth Group
The High School Youth Group meets on Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m. at church. Check with Sean and Sharon at 262-745-9341 for details.
High School Mission Trip
Our High School Mission Team will serve in Jamaica from July 9-16. They will help build a church and will do children's ministries in local churches.  All Immanuel High School students finishing 9th grade next July through new graduates are welcome! The team is almost full so sign-up with Sharon and Sean immediately. A $50 deposit is needed to hold your spot and is non-refundable.
A Mandatory Fundraising Meeting is at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 30. Mission Trip participants can view fundraising opportunities under the Mission News in this insert, or go to 2016 Mission Trip Fundraisers page on Facebook & like us.


Ring the Bells for Salvation Army
Sign up now on the clip board in worship to ring the bells for Salvation Army on Sunday, November 29, Friday, December 4, Friday, December 11, Saturday, December 12, Friday, December 18, Sunday, December 20, or Monday, December 21.
The Salvation Army provides emergency assistance to families in need throughout the year.  85% of the funds collected stay in Walworth County.  Last year we raised over $18,000 for those in need. 
There will be a copy of completed sign-up sheets on a clipboard in the Gathering Space. Brenda will have a copy in the office, and I will have a copy at home in case you forget your time or place.  While most churches and organizations ring for a day or two, Immanuel steps up to ring for 8 or more days.  Thanks for your heart to care.  Georgia Gehrmann 248-5745.         
Card Ministry
Our Immanuel Card Ministry is selling Christmas cards in between services on November 29th and December 6th.  
Side By Side Ornament Fundraiser
Side by Side is proud to announce our 9th annual Christmas ornaments!! Suggested donation is $10 per ornament. Ornaments will be available for purchase in between services on Sundays! Thank you for your continued support in allowing Side by Side to serve our community families in need!
Angel Tree
The "Angel Tree" is in the Gathering Space, with angels for children with an incarcerated parent. Each angel has a hope for Christmas gift for a child who is separated from their imprisoned parent. Please bring back gifts by December 13th and put in the office. Thanks!
Card Ministry
Our Card Ministry will gather on December 17th at 6:30 p.m. in Classroom A, to create greeting cards to encourage the ill, hospitalized, or grieving. There is no cost to participate! Join us!

Chile Cook-Off Mission Trip Fundraiser
The Chile Cook-Off Mission Trip Fundraiser is Sunday, December 20th, 10:30am - 1pm in the fellowship hall after the 2nd and 3rd services. It's "CHILI" in Wisconsin, but warm in Jamaica and Belize! Please come eat on Sunday, December 20 and help us get there...All proceeds go to benefit the Immanuel Lutheran Church mission trips to Belize and Jamaica in June 2016.  Five dollars includes a bowl of chili, a dessert, and a drink! Eat at church, or take lunch to go.
Side By Side Screening
Side By Side screening is the 3rd Tuesday of each month, December 15th, at 7:00 p.m. at the First Congregational UCC Church, 715 Wisconsin Street, Lake Geneva. Funds are available for rental assistance and utilities - for those living in the Lake Geneva School District. Bring a copy of the bill.
Side By Side is a collaborative ministry between area churches and civic groups.
Community Connections Meal: December 17th, 5:15-6:30 PM
Thursday, December 17th, 5:15 pm Immanuel will host the next Community Meal.  Dinner is free to anyone in our community who might be hungry, lonely or need fellowship.  How can you help? We need volunteers to help cook, set up, serve or clean up. Contact Jill Rosenthal at 262-949-2569.
As a thank you to our volunteers and businesses who made this ministry possible. The Community Connection Committee invites you to join us this month and meet your guests. Through you, God has truly blessed this ministry. Come see what a difference you have made in the lives of God's people.
Rummage Sale for Community Connections Meal
As a result of the huge rummage sale to help support our Community Meal, Rich McWherter and Lynn Gerlitz filled over 50 large bags with clothing and filled several boxes with shoes from the unsold items and donated them to the Milwaukee Soup Kitchen.  Rick Ruby supplied his trailer and hauled them as we gave them to St Vincent de Paul people in Milwaukee.  They were very pleased with this much needed donation and want to thank all involved!  Many thanks to all who have contributed to this great need! 
Most sincerely, Bob Rosenthal
Mission Teams
A Mandatory Fundraising Meeting is at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, November 30th. Please attend if at all possible. Thanks!

Adult Mission Trip
An Adult Mission Team will serve in Belize from July 7-15. A mandatory Fundraising Meeting is at 6:30 PM on Monday, Nov. 30. Mission Trip participants and our congregation can view fundraising opportunities at the 2016 Mission Trip Fundraisers page on Facebook and like us. Team members will make home repairs for residents of impoverished villages. There are only a few slots remaining, so call Lynn Gerlitz at 262-215-8846 to sign-up.
Yard Work
Both adult and teen members of our 2 Mission Teams are available for "hire" to do yard work! Call Rich McWherter at 262-215-1243 to schedule a date for work.
St. Vincent De Paul (Milwaukee) Soup Kitchen
With winter coming on, items especially needed at the Milwaukee Soup Kitchen are men's pants, jackets, coats and other warm clothing.  Sleeping bags are a very important need.  Toiletries, the small sizes, are also needed. Many thanks to all who have contributed to this great need! 
Most sincerely, Bob Rosenthal
Join our Sunday Morning Coffee - Fellowship Hour Team(s)
Many of you have enjoyed our fellowship hour between the first and second services.  Lutherans are renowned for socializing - by providing coffee, wonderful treats, and time to get to know new members and reconnect with others. 
Sadly, we no longer have teams to organize and contribute to this valuable ministry on the alternating third Sunday of the month starting in 2016 (Jan/March/May/July/Sept/Nov) and on the 5th Sundays (Jan/May/July/Oct).
Please prayerfully consider coming on board...the most effective team consists of 4 members minimum.  Please also be aware that we have monies set aside to reimburse the costs of coffee, juice and treats. Team members are not expected to bake treats! They can be purchased instead, and all costs are reimbursed. Contact Evie Schulz to let her know of your interest in assisting on one of these two teams.
2016 High School Graduates and Parent: High School Quilts
If you have a student graduating from High School in 2016, please call the church ASAP to let us know their favorite color (s) and verify that they will be graduating next spring. The deadline for graduate names and colors is December 1st. Call the church at 248-4211 or text Barb Kwiatkowski at 262-215-9614.

Fellowship Hour
If you can help staff our "Coffee Hour" it would bless a huge number of people! We need folks to bring goodies or to help serve or to clean up. Thanks! Please sign up on the worship card.
Refugee Resettlement

Po Po Too's family from Burma (Myanmar) has arrived. The "new Toos" will need help with all aspects of daily life at the beginning, so there will be opportunities for everyone to help. Call Rhonda Ganansky (262/248-5266) for more information.
Items needed for the Bumese Family:
Furniture: 5 dressers/set of drawers. Kitchen: cooking pots (frying pan, baking dish, large pots), mixing/serving bowls, cooking utensils (paring knife, wooden spoons, serving utensils), can opener, rice cooker, kitchen towels, cutting board. Linens and household supplies: crib sheets, pillow for each person, alarm clock, paper, pens, pencils, scissors, stapler, folders. Cleaning supplies: dish soap, laundry detergent, sponges, cleaning cloths/paper towels, bathroom/kitchen cleanser, trash bags.
Toiletries: toilet paper, shampoo/conditioner, hand soap/body wash, toothbrushes, floss, toothpaste, deodorant, personal hygiene items appropriate for each family member. Clothing (new or gently used)
(including maternity clothes, including hats, mittens, scarves, snowsuits. Children's toys and books
Car booster seat, Car seat.
***Gift cards or monetary donations to the "Refugee Fund" are always much appreciated.
Meals on Wheels Volunteers Needed
We are looking for substitutes to help with Meals on Wheels every 5 weeks. We will train you and work with your schedule. Call Pauline Malsch at 262-215-3121.
Health Newsletter
"It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect."  
2 Samuel 22:33
Parish Nurse, Karen Stein, addresses Aplastic Anemia in her December newsletter:
Blood Pressure Checks
Blood pressure checks after the 1st service on the 3nd Sunday of each month in Pastor Mary Ann's office.
AA Meetings
Women's AA Meeting - Sun., 4:00 p.m. in the Community Room off the Fellowship Hall. Open AA Meeting - Tues. 7:00 p.m., Community Room.
Weight Watchers Meeting
Weight Watchers - Mondays at 9:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. in the Youth Room. Leader: Deb Olkives, 262-496-9965,; Weight Watchers Hotline 1-866-204-2885.
Coupons for Servicemen and Women
Servicemen can use all coupons (except restaurant and store specific). If possible, please cut them out before you bring them in. Thank you from Mary Rose Long and the American Legion Auxiliary.
WC Food Pantry
The WC Food Pantry, Wednesdays from 1:00-5:00 PM, and Saturdays from 10:00 AM-2:00 PM, at 205 East Commerce Court, Elkhorn, 262-723-4488. They are in desperate need of bar soap and razors.
The Lake Geneva Food Pantry
The Lake Geneva Food Pantry, Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 9:00 - 11:30 AM at First Congregational Church, 715 Wisconsin Street. 262-248-2337.
Free Lunch Community Meal
A Free Community Meal will be offered the 1st Wednesday of each month at 12 noon at the First Congregational UCC, 624 Park Street, Genoa City. December 2nd, January 6th, February 3rd, March 2nd, and April 6th.
Contact: 262-279-5547 or .


Immanuel Book Club
The Immanuel Book Club is taking a break during the winter months. Watch for details about the start up in 2016.
Thrivent Long Term Care Seminar
Thrivent will provide a Long Term Care seminar at Immanuel Lutheran Church on Monday, November 30th, 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. Discussion will cover Assisted Living and Nursing Homes for long term care.
Electronic Giving
Throughout the year, if you can't make it to church we encourage you to automate your regular donations. Immanuel relies on the consistent financial support of the congregation and electronic giving offers an easy way to give on a recurring basis. Visit or contact the church office for more information. We have authorization forms in the church office. We thank you for your continued support!
Free Smoke Detectors
The Lake Geneva Fire Department is committed to ensuring the safety of all citizens in this area. A working smoke detector is the most important measure you can take to prevent injury or death in the event of a fire. The fire department if offering to install smoke detectors, free of charge, for any resident in Lake Geneva. Call 248-7228 to request a smoke detector. Check with Pastor Mark if you have questions.

+ Thank you to our Sunday School children for singing in all three worship services Another huge thank you to Kelly and Adam for directing them! Sarah Beauregard
+ Thank you to all my Immanuel friends for the visits, cards, flowers, fruit and snacks during my 95 days in the Lake Geneva Rehabilitation Center with my broken leg. It meant a lot to me. God be with you! Jean Madaus
+ Dear Immanuel Lutheran Family, Thank you so much for the beautiful celebration of Judy's life.  We received so many wonderful words about how touching and true to Judy's life the service was.  Many thanks to Pastors Maryann & Mark for presenting a message that was a vivid and beautiful picture of Judy's life.  But we also appreciated all the help from others who made the day special. John Ivan on music, Eileen Weyrauch on flute, Ken Field & Rick Ruby on tech support, Vijay & Claire Narayanan on communion assistance, and ushers:  Joan Anderson, Bill Gehrmann, Merle & Frank Peiler.  Finally, we cannot thank the funeral meal support team enough!  The meal time was wonderful, and no doubt, a ton of work.  This has been a difficult time for our family but this church stepped in to not only show God's Love but demonstrate serving as Jesus would....and, at the end of the day, that is what Judy would have wanted.  Sincere Thanks The Huemann Family
+ Thanks to everyone who participated in this year's Crop Walk on Sunday, October 18th! It was a gorgeous day for the 130 plus walkers of all ages. Thanks again for making this year's Crop Walk a success! Marilyn Heiden
+ A big thank you to Tami Buntrock and Crew for another successful Turkey J.A.M. We appreciate all you do in organizing and running this fundraising Basketball Tournament.
+ Thanks to all who brought food for the many funerals we've had here at Immanuel. It's such a blessing to the families! Please pick up your dishes in the Fellowship Hall and Kitchen area.
+ A huge thank you to everyone who helped with the Judy Huemann memorial service on Saturday evening.  This was my first experience serving with a funeral service at Immanuel and I was deeply moved by the experience.  What an amazing gift all of you have provided by your unselfish giving of food, time and energy.  The amount of care you take in preparing and providing for a family during their time of grieving is an amazing gift of love.  Thank you again for all your help and for taking the time to teach me.  I recommend and invite every church member (young and not so young to help in this ministry... at least once).  With much love and appreciation... Vijay, Beth, Grace, Lilly and Clara
+ Thanks to all who contributed to the Community Connections Meal! It was a huge success and so many individuals were blessed by this outpouring of generosity.
+ Dear Pastors Mark and Mary Ann, this note is to thank you for your September special donation of $85.50 sent from your school supply sale. We are appreciative of your designing us as a recipient. Much good is done by these activities you sponsor. It's especially appreciated that you have after-school events for children as this has been so needed in our community. Locating your church right by the middle school was a wonderful idea. We think of your congregation as one that strives to meet the needs of families. By helping us, you also are working towards that goal. We are grateful! Sincerely, Side By Side, Inc.
+ Dear Immanuel Lutheran Church, Thank you for your recent gift of $1933.00 to Flooding - United States. Gifts like your make it possible for our church to continue its effective and efficient response to disasters. Your support helps families and communities get back on their feet again after they have been harmed. Your gifts also provide resources for preparedness and risk reduction programs. To neighbors who can feel alone and in despair, your gift brings immediate help and hope for the future. We will partner for as long as it takes to rebuild, reclaim and recover. A Lutheran Disaster Response, we support and pray for the well-being of people all over the world who are recovering from a disaster, and for our partners and volunteers who assist them in their journey to renewal. Thank you for providing help, hope and healing. In Christ's service, Rev. Daniel Rift, director, ELCA World Hunger and Disaster Appeal


Check out our website for information about the ministries at our church.  If you click on the "sermons" link, you will find video links for the sermons and special events!  Spread the word!


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  2. Grace Overflowing for Immanuel Lutheran Church
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