Immanuel eNewsletter

July, 2015

Happy Fourth of July!

In This Issue
Worship with Us!    



All children going into 4K-6th grade are welcome to join us nightly, July 26th-30th, 5-8 p.m. for Everest Adventure! We'll start each evening at Base Camp singing and learning how to conquer challenges with God's Mighty Power. Our adventure continues with Glacier Games, Crafts, Bible Expeditions and dinner! We'll end each night with more songs and a Summit Celebration.   Please fill out the registration form found below (or at church) and email it to or return to church as soon as possible so that we can get our crews ready.   Don't forget to purchase your CD's ($10)  and T-Shirts ($7)  Click here to print registration form: VBC Registration 2015 or VBC Youth Helper Sign up




Looking for the monthly Worship Leader Schedule, the Health Newsletter, Immanuel's Website, the Calendar or the Staff Directory? Click on the links to the right.  -->




Classical Service Choir


The early service choral ensemble is taking a break for the summer. We'll reconvene rehearsals in September. Contact Amberleigh at if you would like to sing a special song or lay an instrument at the 8:15 a.m. service.


Combined Contemporary Choir

The Combined Contemporary Choir will take a summer break, and then start rehearsals for the mini cantata in September. Watch for details in the bulletin and newsletter.


Bells of Immanuel: Rehearse Sundays, 9:15-10:15 AM

The Bells of Immanuel is taking a break for the summer. They will begin rehearsing in August on Sundays at 9:15-10:15 a.m. downstairs in the music room! Director Ellen Hanson will show you how to ring, no musical training is necessary. Contact Ellen Hanson at or 262-210-1001 if you are interested.


Youth Praise Team: Rehearses Wednesdays, 5:30 PM

The Youth Praise Team rehearses Wednesday nights at 5:30PM in the music room downstairs. Newcomers are welcome, and will have a blast with this group! The YPT is open to ALL teens 5th-12th grade. Both vocalists and instrumentalists are needed! Contact John Ivan for more information at

Praise Team: Rehearses Wednesdays, 8:00 PM

The Praise Team rehearses on Wednesday's at 8:00PM. Their spectacular leadership each Sunday morning is outstanding. They are learning new contemporary music to keep worship fresh and innovative. If you are interested in joining the team, contact John Ivan at or 262-620-2349 for details.


Media Specialists


The media team utilizes modern technology during every worship service. Positions include running the computer, managing the sound board, and operating live video. We are continually inviting newcomers to learn the new system. If you are techy and interested in contributing your skills contact John Ivan at so we can get you involved!


Large Bulletins Available at Each Service


Large bulletins are available Ask an usher for a large print bulletin prior to the worship service.


Ear Piece During Worship


If you want an ear piece to enhance your worship experience, stop at the sound desk at the back the church. This new system works far better than a hearing aid, as it brings the sound straight to your ear - with no background noise! You can control the volume with the dial on your unit.


Favorite Hymns


First Service worshippers are all invited to share the names of their favorite hymns ! We would like to sing them all during these summer n=months! Write them on your worship card or drop off a list on Pastor Mary Ann's desk!


Welcome Center Volunteers

Do you like to meet people? We are looking for some fun people to be on the Welcoming Team.  They will set up coffee and water in the Welcome Center and then greet and help connect visitors to members between services. Contact Edith Draper at 248-1861 with any questions.

Worship Schedule Sign-up


You can sign-up for helping lead worship by going to the Immanuel website Click on "Worship Sign Up" and choose the month and service you would like to help. You will see highlighted in yellow the positions that need to be filled.  Click in the box or by the number, and type your name.  When you exit, it automatically saves your name in that spot.  Anyone who clicks on the link will see the updated version.  You can also sign-up in this newsletter. Go back up to the top and look on the right column under Worship Leader Schedule.

There is also a sign-up board in the Fellowship Hall to manually sign-up if you prefer to do it that way.  Or you can always email me dates, times and position you would like to fill.  Thank you, again, for your willingness to serve!  You are a gift!  Know you are loved! Evie Schulz, Ministry Coordinator



Please help yourself to a hymnal at the entrance of the worship space if you like to follow the music for hymns. Hymnals are also available at each church entrance which can be taken home.


Memory Quilts

Barb Kwiatkowski has generously offered to make a memory quilt for the spouse of members of Immanuel whose partner dies to Christ. Quilts will be made out of fabric from favorite clothes of the deceased and may also include a photo. If you would like to be part of this very moving new quilt ministry, call Barb at 262-215-9614.

Coffee Hour


Beverages are available following the first service at the Welcome Center Counter in the Gathering Space. Help yourself to information about Immanuel on the counter. Our Coffee Hour follows the first service in the Fellowship Hall to the left of the worship space. Join us for treats, beverages, and conversation. It's a great way to meet new friends, and to share in fellowship with others. All are welcome!! Many thanks to those who help serve for these two ministries. If you are interested in helping, we need you!! Sign up on the Worship Card. Thanks!


Parking on Sundays and Special Services


Able bodied members are encouraged to park in the outer parking stalls or the Middle School Lot when they can, so visitors and seniors can be closer to the entrances. Many Thanks! It's a wonderful challenge to already be short on parking spaces! Praise God, who gives the growth!!



Sizzlin' Summer Series


The first session of our Sizzlin' Summer Series, "Getting to Heaven by Going Through Hell," absolutely blew us all away! Dr. Scot Hodkiewicz's presentation on his new book, relating his family's journey through the hellish auto accident that nearly killed them all, touched every listener in the depths of our spirit.


Dr. Scot spoke with such transparency and humility, about the ways God changed him throughout his ordeal, that we could only drop our own defenses and let his message impact us at a personal level. The informal small group conversations that followed, about questions Dr. Scot prepared for us, freed us to also speak of how adversity and suffering have impacted us personally.


Two sessions remain in the series, and we can't encourage you enough to attend! Mark your calendars: Wednesdays, July 22 and August 26, 5:30 PM dinner, 6:15 PM Worship. Please bring a dish to pass for the potluck meal if you can.

Worship includes music, powerful presentations from Dr. Scot, programs for children and teens, and time for informal discussion. We are honored that Dr. Scot is sharing his personal story of pain, addiction, tragedy, anger, hatred, forgiveness, new life, turning his life over to the power and control of God, and the salvation available through faith in Jesus Christ as Lord.


Copies of Dr. Scot's book are available at church, and we highly recommend it as a summer read. We guarantee that you won't be able to put the book down!!!  


Men's Friday Small Group Bible Study


A Men's Small Group Bible Study meets on Friday from 6:45 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. at Peet's Coffee and Tea in Lake Geneva. Come join them!


New Members Discovery Class: July 23rd, at 6:00 PM


If you are interested in membership, join us for the New Members Discovery Class on Thursday, July 23rd, at 6:00 p.m., in the Fellowship Hall. We will discuss God's plan of Salvation and questions of participants, and ways to be involved in ministry at Immanuel. A pizza supper will be provided. Sign-up on the worship card. Come join us! Child care is available.


"The Story" Bible Study


"The Story" Bible Study is Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. at the home of Edith & Dan Draper, 1440 Linda Lane, Lake Geneva. Here is your opportunity to go through the Bible if you missed this Study a couple years ago. Please sign-up on the worship card if you are interested.


Saturday Morning Women's Alpha Bible Study: July 11th, 10:00 AM


The Saturday Morning Women's Bible Studymeets the 2nd Saturday of the month, July 11th, at 10:00 a.m. at church for the Alpha Classes. All are welcome! Call Trish Fry-Misener at 262-949-2480 with any questions.


Men's Breakfast and Bible Study: Sat., September 19th at 7:30 AM


Join other men of faith for our Men's Bible Study and Breakfast at Immanuel! You will be treated to deep conversation about the issues in our time.  We will look at the Biblical teaching, and how to apply it to our lives. Please bring your favorite breakfast food to share with other men.  




 Sunday Morning Nursery Staff

A nursery is provided during worship for children 4 and under to the left of the Sanctuary. Children over 5 years are encouraged to join their families during worship. Little treats are available on the coffee bar counter. Grab a "busy bag" for your pre-schooler at the entrance to the worship space, to help your child stay focused during worship.
Please return it to the stand when the service is finished.


Just For Kids


"Just for Kids: Summer Chapter"-for children entering kindergarten (5 years) through fifth grade-is flourishing! JFK is designed so that students can have fun being a kid and enhance their everyday learning in a safe and nurturing environment through investigation, play, and well-structured activities. JFK hours are Monday-Friday 6 a.m.-6 p.m. The daily rate is $25/day. Call Katie Nagel with any inquiries. 262-248-4211.


IMMEDIATELY NEEDED: Just For Kids is looking to hire someone for 12 hours per week immediately.


Qualifications: Minimum Age - 18 (required by DCF). Completed High School or its equivalent and have 2 credits in child development. Please contact Katie Nagel (Children's Ministry Director) at 262-949-6393 with any questions or stop in and fill out an application by Wednesday July 8th.

Vacation Bible Camp

All children going into 4K-6th grade are welcome to join us nightly, July 26th-30th, 5-8 p.m. are welcome to join us for Everest Adventure!


Please fill out the registration form online or at church and email it to or return to church as soon as possible. Don't forget to purchase your CD's ($10) and T-Shirts ($7)


Contact Katie Nagel at or call the church 262-248-4211 if you would like to volunteer for VBC in some way!

Currently, we are collecting 200-300 gallon milk jugs with a cap and rinsed out with bleach water for a special project we are creating! All individuals involved with Vacation Bible Camp are required to attend the meeting on July 16th at 5:00 p.m. to finalized plans for VBC! The Youth Training Meeting and Pizza Dinner is July 16th @ 6:00 p.m. Can't wait to climb mountains together! 


Ministry Quick Links

Like us on Facebook 
Worship Leader Schedule

Click the appropriate link to sign up from your computer or see the schedules! You can ALWAYS visit our website also. Thanks for your willingness to serve! 

Contact Us


Serving in the Military


John Allison, Chris Bollwahn, Jimmy Flores, Robert Knowlton, Alex Novak, Brian Novak, Tim Sireno, Andy Sireno, Ben Swatek, Jacob Swatek, Daniel Tschida.


In Hospice Care


Ruth Johnson, Lawrence Norem, Margaret Welsch

Health and Strength


Kelli Jo Anderson, LaVerne Anderson, Pastor Ron Backman, Pam Baldwin, Priscilla Barth, Christian Bauer, Karen Baumgartner, Leo Baumgartner, Elsa Baur, Rich and Toni Bergland, Christie Bevon, Max Biedermann, Faye Biesel, Michael Bivona, Justin Border, Brian Bulman, Stacey Carlson, Brian Carr, Ann Chant, Kenny Clark, Tyler Clark, Jack Clarquist, Danielle Cloutin, Jeremy Coleman, Christina Conboy, Jack Cook, Ed Cox, Shelley Cruz, Jim Daily, Ed Dee, Lila and Doc DeVries, Amy Dorner, Carmen du Four, Tina Elblein, Michael Edwards, Holly Ekornaas, Judy Elston, Keith Etycheson, Vickie Fergenian, Susie Fleischer, Jeanette Fontaine, Doug Fossell, Kevin Frank, Bob Freitag, Bill Fry, Debbie Garcia, Vicki Gibson, Philip Giese, Lynn Gilson, Jaxon Giovannoni, Susan Grenning, Patrick Hale, Mark Hall, Haley Hand, Lorraine Hanneman, Grace & Jim Hanny, Doug Harrod, Mark Herich, Cynthia Hibbard, Jim Honzelka, Erin Horn, Ken Hovland, Betty Howes, Tony Huml, Mary Inwood, Jordan Ivans, Debbie Jensen, Brian Jeters, Ruth Johnson, Nicole Jones, Mark Justison, Jody Kaylor, Tom Kerkman, Sharon Kimmel, Mary Klein, Ruthie Kloppstein & Family, Patti Ann Koga, Ruth Kramp, Ron Lavin, Colton Lazzaroni, Gary Lechner, Bill Lembcke, Michael Lindgren, Ashley Lodarek, Nancy Lyon, Jeanne Madaus, Ruby Madsen, Les Malsch, Manka Family, Deangelo Mantilla Family, Joan Mellien, Todd Mendell, Craig Middleton, Larry Miller, Julian Misener, Larry Moe, Yvonne Mol, Pastor Mark Moller-Gunderson, Kameron Morris, Pat Morrissey, Virginia Natemann, Brian Neidigh, Bob Nelson, Dean Nelson, Jeff Nelson, Carrie Novak, Pam O'Brien, Craig Olson, Patricia Owen, Nina Pappas, Joan Parsons, Pat & Gary Parsons, Beverly Peacock, Denise Peck, Ken Pedersen Sr., Carolyn Phillips, Delores Pifer, Jerry Polek, Jerry Polocet, Trudy Rauch, Brad Rindfleisch, Chris Rizzo, Kathy Rizzo, Nichole Robertson, Lindsey Robinson, Abbey Rosenquist, Maria Ruby, Karen Rudin, Helju Salkaitis, Tim Schaitel, Madgel Schluga, Tom Schmidt, Don Schmitz, Herte Schulte, Betty Schulz, Rick Schultz, Grace Shepstone and Family, Donald Smith, Vivian Spanjer, Mckinnon Spraker, Steve Stone, Kathy Strombach, Marilyn Sullivan, Annette Swan, Jeff Teel, Mary Teel, Mae Tenuta, Deborah Tews, Michael Tews, Ivy Thilleman, Bob Threadgill, Joyce Toerpe, Doris Tolar, Mickey Tolar, David Totten, Ron Trochuck, Bob Tupper, Luke Van Hausen, Tom Van Maren, Beverly Vogel, Joyce Vorpagel, Wayne Vorpagel, Lou Voss, Teri Voss, Sara Wahlstedt, Megan Warner, Karen Wells, Jessica Willard, Max Wiseman, Audrey Yakes, Sophia Zematis, Gianna Zernia, Ethan Zimmerman.



+ Ernie Kloppstein, husband of Ruthie, died to Christ on June 3rd.


+ Shelly Shepstone, husband of Grace, died to Christ on June 18th.


+ Susan Marks, sister of Tina Elblein, died to Christ on June 24th.



Serving on the Mission Field


Zach  & Misa Harrod, Jenn and Jason Byers, Karen Flowers, Chris and Irene Okuna, Ginger Peterson



+ Congratulations to Jeff and Jena Ecklund on the baptism of their son, Henry Alan Ecklund, on June 7th.


+ Congratulations to Nicholas and April Munoz on the baptism of their son, Xavier Dean Munoz, on June 14th. The proud great-grandparents are Dean and Odella Nelson.


+ Congratulations to Michael and Kimberly Raether on the baptism of their son, Franklin David Raether, on June 14th.


+ Congratulations to Wes and Emily Stonehocker on the baptism of their daughters, Harper Rae Stonehocker and Everly Reid Stonehocker on June 28th.


Expecting a Child!

Emily Soley-Johnson, Katie Nagel, Erin Wester -twins



+ Congratulations to Steve Deering who accepted a new job as counselor at Badger High School.


+ Congratulations to Jim Gaugert who qualified for the US Senior Open on the PGA Tour in California June 26th! So proud of you, Jim! He will play in California on June 26th.


+ Congratulations to Sean Hinzpeter and Courtney Bonk on their recent engagement.


+ Congratulations to Thomas Larwa and Makayla Wescott on their engagement.


+Congratulations to Robyn Bakken on her new position as a DJ for The Lake WLKG 96.1 FM Radio Station.


+ Congratulations to Bob and Mariann Pearce who celebrated their 60th Anniversary on June 20th.


+ Congratulations to Jeff Klaisner, new principal of Woods School!

+ Congratulations to Jen Castleman and Doug Bartz who exchanged their wedding vows on June 6th.


+Congratulations to Tim Rizzo and Rikke Jepsen who were married on June 6th. Tim's proud grandparents are Dick & Arlene Redell and Finn & Harriet Nor.


+ Congratulations to Catrina Pfaff & Bryan Erskine who exchange their wedding vows on June 27th.

New Members

Donna Neimeyer

364 Waubun Drive

Fontana, WI 53125



Mike and Kim Raether


1173 Springbrook Drive

Burlington, WI 53105



Wes and Emily Stonehocker

Harper and Everly

858 Chelsea Drive

Elkhorn, WI 53121



Mike Ketchpaw

612 Sage Street

Lake Geneva, WI 53147


Day Camp Scholarships


Covenant Harbor Bible Camp is offering scholarship money for Immanuel kids to experience a life changing week of Day Camp during the summer. This is a wonderful opportunity for children in our congregation to try camp who might otherwise not be able to go. Brochures are available at Immanuel. Please see Pastor Mark if you have questions or are interested in having your child attend.

Little Sprouts Day Care News


Little Sprouts Learning Center Hours of operation are 6:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m., for children 6 weeks through 4 K. Full-time registration is available for child care for the Fall 2015 for the following ages: 5 Full-time positions for 4-K noon drop-offs. We are looking for volunteers for child care advisory board for Fall 2015. Please call Sue Gifford at 262-812-7346 if interested.


Drama/Musical: The Summer Drama / Musical has been cancelled! Thanks to all who came to the initial rehearsals.




Middle School Youth Group Summer Schedule


Our Middle School Youth Group will have a full summer schedule with awesome activities and learning opportunities.


Wednesdays, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Bible Beach Bash Come join Zach Ortiz for a Bible Beach Bash through August 5th. Middle School students are invited for a fun afternoon of learning and activities with the group. Kids should bring money for beach admission and lunch.


July 17th - July 18th Lock-In - 3:16 Youth Group will be having their first mid-summer lock in on Friday July 17th. The lock in will be held in the lower level of Immanuel from 9pm until 8:30am the next day. The night will be filled with games, snacks, dance parties, and only a little bit of sleep! Incoming 6th, 7th, 8th and freshman are invited to participate in this event. Friends and family are invited to join in. Feel free to bring your favorite snack to share!


Drama/Musical: The Summer Drama / Musical has been cancelled! Thanks to all who came to the initial rehearsals.


August 14th-15 6:30pm-3pm Fire 2015 - Immanuel is also hosting a brand new event this summer: FIRE 2015. We and 10 other local churches have partnered up to create an amazing event for middle school kids. The event will be filled with Christian speakers, Bands, and fun breakout sessions. The event is August 14th-15 6:30pm-3pm (Next Day) at our church. Cost is $10 and registration will be available in the church office.



High School Mission Trip


The 2015 High School Mission team is travelling to Harlan, Kentucky, July 6th, to work alongside the people who live in Appalachian Mountains. Mission Trip Team - remember to bring your packed bags to church on Sunday, July 5th by 12:15 p.m. The Team member will be commissioned at the end of each worship. If you would like to make a donation to the team, please make a check payable to Immanuel Lutheran Church and on the memo put "mission team".   Thank you!


High School Youth Group


High School Youth Group will be meeting on the 3rd Wednesday of each month (July 15 and August 19) for the summer.  Watch your email and texts for what is planned!  Any questions, please contact Carolee at 262-215-1008.


High School Helpers!


The children's program is in need of High School helpers once per month. The church is having Wednesday Worship Services on Wednesdays: July 22nd, and August 26th. We need High School helpers to lead our elementary children in activities associated with our theme each time. Contact Katie Nagel if you are interested!




Relay For Life


Relay for Life in Walworth County is being held at the fairgrounds on July 17-18th this year in Elkhorn.  Immanuel has a small, but mighty team that would love to have more participants!!!  Funds go toward the American Cancer Society and the night is a fun, fulfilling and touching experience.  How can I help you ask?

1. Join our team and help raise funds or participate the night of the event

2. Donate to our team

3. Donate a silent auction item

4. Buy a luminaria in honor of a cancer survivor, fighter or in memory of someone lost to cancer (luminarias are the lighted candles in a bag weighted with sand and decorated with the name of the person being honored or remembered)

5.  Attend the Luminaria ceremony at 10:00 at the Walworth County Fairgrounds---names are announced during a silent ceremony that is very moving.

6. Donate baked goods to be sold or games to be played at our "campsite" during the event

We would LOVE to have more members representing Immanuel!  Cancer has touched many of our lives and the American Cancer Society is a top notch organization that provides so many resources and assistance to families and patients.

This year's theme is board games and our team is using the game of CLUE as our campsite theme.  You can donate or buy a luminaria online OR at church beginning this Sunday, June 14th. Go to online and search for team name Immanuel.

For more information please call either Linda McWherter: 262-348-1342, or Ashley Miu, 262-325-4443.


Health Newsletter


"The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace." Numbers 6: 24-26

Parish Nurse, Karen Stein, addresses Rosacea in her July newsletter:


The "Pillowcase "Ministry


Adorable handmade pillowcases are available for sick or hospitalized children. Their therapeutic effect is heaven sent! Contact the office for one.


In Need of Prayer Shawls?


Prayer shawls made with Christ's love are available through the office for anyone in distress. Wrap your loved one in comforting prayers. Call Karen Stein at 262-203-5260 or Donna Hove at 262-749-0599, for more information.


Healing Services


Healing Services are scheduled during worship on July 12! Worshipers will have the opportunity to have a prayer minister pray with them. It is extremely moving to have another believer pray with you!


Blood Pressure Checks


Blood pressure checks after the 1st service on the 3nd Sunday of each month in Pastor Mary Ann's office.


29th Annual Lutherdale Fest Quilt Auction


The 29th Annual Lutherdale Fest Quilt Auction is Saturday, August 8th. For more information call 262-742-2352 ext. 103 or


Community Connections Meal: July 16, 5:15-6:30 PM


The next Community Meal, providing the gifts of nourishment and fellowship is set for Thursday, July 16th at 5:15 PM. Please sign up on the Worship Card if you can help cook, set up, serve, or clean-up for this delicious meal available to all in the surrounding communities.


Side By Side Screening


Side By Side screeningis the 3rd Tuesday of each month, July 21st, at 7:00 p.m. at the First Congregational UCC Church, 715 Wisconsin Street, Lake Geneva. Funds are available for rental assistance and utilities - for those living in the Lake Geneva School District. Bring a copy of the bill you need help paying.


Side By Side


Side By Side is a collaborative ministry between area churches and civic groups that raises funds to help individuals and families in crisis in the Lake Geneva Area School District.


Card Ministry


Our Card Ministry will gather on July 16th at 6:30 p.m. in the Community Room, to create greeting cards to encourage the ill, hospitalized, or grieving. There is no cost to participate! Join us!  


Ronald McDonald House Charities


Greetings Immanuel Community! I am Stacy Dennis, member of Immanuel, wife of Matthew and mother of our 3 kiddos! I wanted to take a moment to ask for your kindness and support in running my very first FULL marathon this October: The Chicago Bank of America Marathon. That's 26.2 miles, folks! I am very scared but extremely excited in this endeavor. I am fundraising for Team Ronald McDonald House Charities, and my goal is to raise at least $1000! Please consider any donation made to the following website! Or feel free to email me personally! Thank you all and many blessings. Email:


Debtors Anonymous Meetings


DA, Debtors Anonymous, meets Tuesdays at 7:30 p.m. in the Library in the church office. Is your life unmanageable because of debt? Are you sick of bouncing checks, paying late fees, & having creditors hound you? Is your marriage or other relationships in constant strife due to debt? DA Statement of purpose: to stop incurring unsecured debt one day at a time. Come join us & break free of crushing debt!


St. Vincent De Paul (Milwaukee) Soup Kitchen


We are starting to collect clothes again for St. Vincent De Paul - Milwaukee Soup Kitchen. They are in need of socks, underwear, toiletries and towels. Please bring them to the church office. If you have any questions regarding clothes call Mickey Tolar at 248-0506.


Meals on Wheels Volunteers Needed


We are looking for volunteers to substitute or help occasionally with Meals on Wheels. Please contact Pauline Malsch at 262-248-6050.


Fellowship Hour


If you can help staff our "Coffee Hour" it would bless a huge number of people! We need folks to bring goodies or to help serve or to clean up. Thanks! Please sign up on the worship card.


AA Meetings


Women's AA Meeting - Sun., 4:00 p.m. in the Community Room off the Fellowship Hall. Open AA Meeting - Tues. 8:00 p.m., Community Room.


Weight Watchers Meeting


Weight Watchers - Mondays at 9:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. in the Youth Room. Leader: Deb Olkives, 262-496-9965,; Weight Watchers Hotline 1-866-204-2885.


Coupons for Servicemen and Women


Servicemen can use all coupons (except restaurant and store specific). If possible, please cut them out before you bring them in. Thank you from Mary Rose Long and the American Legion Auxiliary.


WC Food Pantry


The WC Food Pantry, Wednesdays from 1:00-5:00 PM, and Saturdays from 10:00 AM-2:00 PM, at 205 East Commerce Court, Elkhorn, 262-723-4488. They are in desperate need of bar soap and razors.


The Lake Geneva Food Pantry


The Lake Geneva Food Pantry, Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 9:00 - 11:30 AM at First Congregational Church, 715 Wisconsin Street. 262-248-2337.




Immanuel Softball Team


Immanuel has a coed softball team! We play on Mondays nights at 7:00 p.m. throughout the summer at Duck Pond Field (Fontana). Contact Matt Schulz at 773-848-4487 with questions. Bring your family and support our team!


Lake Geneva Area Christian Women's Connection


The Lake Geneva Area Christian Women's Connection "Authors Who Inspire" event is Wednesday, July 8th at Geneva Ridge Resort by local authors Becky Melby & Judith Rolfs. Brunch 9-11 a.m. Reservations essential by June 29th. $16 per person. Contact Terry 262-325-9246 or Carol 2626-245-6659. Stonecroft Ministries:


Church Council and Staff Dinner


Members of the church council, staff and their families, are all invited to a barbecue at the Pastor's home, 325 Oakwood Lane in Lake Geneva, on Tuesday, August 18th at 6:00 p.m. Please bring a dish to pass for the meal. Come share in fellowship with other leaders of Immanuel!




Anyone who would like a sailboat ride or would like to learn how to sail, contact Pastor Mark.




Call Pastor Mark if you would like to so some group cycling. All levels of experience are welcome.


Thrivent Day at Miller Park


Thrivent Day at Miller Park is Saturday, August 29, 6:10 p.m. The Milwaukee Brewers play the Cincinnati Reds. Loge Outfield: $17, Terrace Reserved:$9. Ticket includes access to the Thrivent tailgate party starting at 4 p.m. complete with food & non-alcoholic beverages. All attendees are asked to bring a school supply to support the back to school Drive through the Salvation Army. For questions or more information, call Lisa Truong at 262-777-1435. To purchase tickets, go to


Immanuel Book Club


Our Book Clubwill meet on Wednesday, July 22nd at 2:00 p.m. in the Community Room off Fellowship Hall at Immanuel. Our next book is

"Me Before You" by Jojo Moyes. New members are welcome!


Awesome Soup Recipes from Lenten Dinners


Many of us enjoyed the wonderful soups we had throughout Lent. Jennifer Kramp has volunteered to compile and share these recipes on a blog or a page. Those interested in contributing recipes can email them to Jennifer at .


Electronic Giving


Throughout the year, if you can't make it to church we encourage you to automate your regular donations. Immanuel relies on the consistent financial support of the congregation and electronic giving offers an easy way to give on a recurring basis. Visit or contact the church office for more information. We have authorization forms in the church office. We thank you for your continued support! 





All Hands on Deck


We have grand and glorious good news to share with you about the results of our "All Hands on Deck" Building Appeal!


The Bible says in Eph. 3:20:

"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to HIS POWER that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen"


Immanuel is living proof of God's power and goodness. As of June 29, we received 175 pledges totaling $1,260,537.00! Absolutely amazing!! Our goal was $1,000,000.00! God's people at Immanuel sacrificed and stretched to lift us even beyond that goal. This means our mortgage will be retired sooner, and the savings in interest can be used instead for vital ministries at home, and around the world.


If you have not yet pledged to the appeal, it isn't too late. Additional commitment forms are available in the church office. We cherish having all hands on deck.


Many thanks to all who provided leadership for the appeal, and to each and every one who responded so generously. Praise God from whom all blessings flow! 


Free Smoke Detectors


The Lake Geneva Fire Department is committed to ensuring the safety of all citizens in this area. A working smoke detector is the most important measure you can take to prevent injury or death in the event of a fire. The fire department if offering to install smoke detectors, free of charge, for any resident in Lake Geneva. Call 248-7228 to request a smoke detector. Check with Pastor Mark if you have questions.




 + Thank you to Covenant Harbor Bible Camp for the use of their Sunfish sailboat for our "All Hands on Deck" appeal. The visual really emphasized our theme for the appeal.


+ Many thanks to Pastor Herb Priester for presiding at all 3 worship services both on June 14th and June 21st. Herb's enthusiastic leadership was uplifting and vibrant. His impassioned messages were expressive, inspiring, and enduring! We are blessed by Herb's eagerness to volunteer and his availability throughout the weeks while our pastors were out of town. He went above and beyond-what a treasure!


+ This is a note of thanks to all who have served the Milwaukee Soup Kitchen either by being there and/or by sending clothing, boots, towels, etc.  The "guests" served show much appreciation for all these things, even with a verbal "God Bless You" as you pour a glass of milk for them.  There is special appreciation for Mickey Tolar who began the appeal for these clothing donations.  On May 17th we took 12 bags of items that she collected.  That evening, just prior to serving the meal, there was a prayer for her health and thanks for her work.  Although we don't serve there again until August 16, we already have 10 bags of clothing items and several nice jackets donated by others.  It's great to have the Immanuel people committed to this ministry! Bob Rosenthal


+ Thank you to Jeff Bakken for designing the mission trip t-shirts.  Each year he uses his gifts and comes up with new ideas for the design!   Thank you so much! The 2015 Mission Team


+ Thank you to the phone calling committee for the appeal... Teri Voss, Ann Priester, Donna Neimeyer, Sue Gifford, Barb Robers, Toni Jooss, Georgia Gehrmann, Samantha Polek, Jackie Biller, Sharon Payne and Joanie Fields.  You were all amazing!  Thank you so much!  Cynthia


+ Thanks to Adam Smith who sang "Hallelujah for the Cross" on May 3rd! We were inspired through his passionate musical offering and appreciate his musical gifts! See video here:


+ Thanks to the Praise Team teaching us new music! They introduced "Because He Lives (Amen)" and "Thrive" during the Easter season. Both songs are vibrant music with powerful text! We appreciate their dedication and passion for God and music!


+ Special thanks to the Women's Small Ensemble from Badger HS for sharing their powerful gospel tune on May 17-"He Never Failed Me Yet"-accompanied by Adam Smith on piano! The ladies hailed impressive solid harmonies and prodigious solos by Kelly Gerlitz and Becca Murray! Participants include: Adam Smith (piano), Kelly Gerlitz, Genevieve Heyward, Kelsey Landers, Morgan McAndrews, Becca Murray, Taylor Radtke, and Abby Schiltz. See video here:


+ Thank you to the Mission Team for all you do to help people. Joanne Maggio

+ Dear Mission Team Leaders, Thank you for leading the youth mission team and teaching the members the importance of serving our community as well as those who may be in need no matter where they might live.  It is with a grateful heart that Ron and I share our talents, in a donation, to assist in the youth mission team with their Kentucky mission trip.  Please extend a joyful kudos to the youth.  God Bless, Ron and Nancy Williams


+ Thank you to all who donated to the 2015 High School Youth Mission Team!  We are so blessed to have a congregation that supports our missions globally.   Your gifts enable us to help others.  Please know that you each walk alongside of us as we make our journey to Kentucky, work with the Appalachian people and journey home.   Thank you for your continued prayers throughout this journey.    The 2015 High School Mission Team


+ Dear Carpie, Teri, Sara and the Immanuel quilters, Thank you for my beautiful quilt for high school graduation.  It's perfect as it's long and wide enough for me!  It will be a constant reminder of my home family while I'm away at college.  Thank you for making it so special.  Love, Jonathan Hibbard


+ Charles Brown and Jaime Ivan sang the powerfully poignant song "Another Time, Another Place" on May 31st! Their passionate singing, exceptional talent, and LOVE of God oozed from their souls-filling the sanctuary with magnificent music! The emotional presentation excited, consoled, tugged at our heartstrings, and simply took our breath away! See video here:


+ Immanuel's Combined Choir presented "Patriotic Medley" as a tribute, blessing, and prayer in observance of Memorial Day on May 24th. The celebrated traditional songs with fresh new arrangements filled the sanctuary with glorious music as we remembered those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms. Special thanks to the choir and band for offering their special talents at all three services! See video here:


+ Immanuel's Combined Choir and Praise Band presented "I Need You to Survive" under the rousing leadership of Bobbi Gutman to underscore the All Hands on Deck! Phase 2 Appeal on June 7th. The choir, along with Bobbi's passionate guidance, electrified the congregation and touched listeners in infinite ways. We are blessed substantially by the faithful participation of ALL our musicians who are such treasures to Immanuel! See video here:


+ Joelle Dahlgren played a truly special pair of piano solos, "Wish Upon a Star" and "Tendresse", on Father's Day! Special thanks to Joelle for sharing her growing, wonderful talents. Her playing was tender, beautiful, and musically solid. We are very excited to hear Joelle again! "I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth." (3 John 1:4) See her video here:


+ Brenda Follensbee, together with the Praise Team, sang "Praise You In This Storm" to underscore Pastor Herb's message on June 21st. Brenda's vast, warm voice was breathtaking! Thanks to Brenda for her inspiring leadership and the entire Praise Team for sharing their amazing gifts! See video here:


+ Thanks to our funeral lunch team for their extraordinary lunches for the funerals of Ernie Kloppstein and Shelly Shepstone and to all who made a dish to share for the luncheons.



Check out our website for information about the ministries at our church.  If you click on the "sermons" link, you will find video links for the sermons and special events!  Spread the word!


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  2. Grace Overflowing for Immanuel Lutheran Church
  3. Immanuel Lutheran Youth Group