A weekly news source for the village of San Pancho, Mexico


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San Pancho  


San Pancho Life Newsletter



 August 10, 2012



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Kimberly King - Executive Director
Christmas season brings us joy and happiness.

I wish to all our readers a very Happy Holiday!

Feliz Navidad!

I look forward to bringing you all the happenings in our community, and share with you, the joy of living in San Pancho.

Please feel free to post your comments, share your photos, and report any news about San Pancho on our  Facebook page. 

You can contact me directly at, if you would like to talk about advertising or submit a written article. 


I look forward to talking to you about San Pancho and encourage you to come by the office, at #50 Tercer Mundo. 






Kimberly King is a community website for the village of SanPancho, Nayarit, Mexico 

New Immigration Information

Mexico - Following up on the ongoing consultations with Chapala immigration office chief Juan Carlos Galvan, this week we delve into the different permit categories, referred to in the law as Condiciones de Estancia.

But first, let's reiterate the official's admonition to scrap outdated terminology. Once the Ley de Migracion went on the books in May 2011, the National Immigration Institute (INM) eliminated no-inmigrante, inmigrante and inmigrado status as we know them. The FM2, FM3 and FMT permits of yesteryear no longer exist.

Galvan gave the following run down of the new document scheme:


Like the former tourist visa, the Visitante permit is appropriate for anyone wanting to visit or reside in Mexico for a maximum period of 180 days. The permit cannot be renewed or extended beyond the allowed six-month period.

There are six different classes of Visitante permits, issued depending upon the purpose for coming to Mexico: non-working visits (tourists), working visits, short-term non-working visits in the border zone, working visits in the border zone, visits permitted for humanitarian reasons, and visits to carry out adoptions.

Citizens and permanent residents of the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Japan, and most European nations do have to obtain a visa prior to coming into Mexico as tourists. In general they are only required to present a valid passport and completed visitor form at any port of entry. (See for complete list of nationalities exempt from pre-approved visa requirement.)

Galvan underlines one significant difference in the new law: persons entering as visitors are no longer allowed to apply for a switch to resident status from inside the country, except under special circumstances cited in the statutes. They must leave before the permit expires and start the procedure for a new condition at a Mexican consulate abroad.

Residente Temporal

Temporary Resident is the status of choice for people who want to remain in Mexico for up to four years, with permission to travel in and out of the country as often as they like.

After that time lapse the holder must leave the country, with the option of initiating application for a new temporary resident or permanent resident permit through a consulate abroad. (Again, exceptions may apply under special circumstances.)

Temporary residents have the right to apply for work permits, obtain the same status for immediate family members, and bring a load of household belongings into the country.

Retirees and pensioners who will live by their own means are required to prove economic solvency.

First-time applicants are required to initiate the permit procedure outside the country through a Mexican consulate. Those who meet requirements will be issued a visa to enter Mexico under the stipulation that they appear at an INM office within 30 days of crossing the border to obtain their immigration status cards.

Galvan says that individuals who already live in Mexico with legal status as temporary residents (i.e. admitted prior to November 9th under no-inmigrante or inmigrante documents) do not immediately start from square one. They are allowed to apply for renewals at the Chapala office without leaving the country until the full four-year period of the original permit ends.

He also points out that higher income requirements now in effect are only taken into consideration in reviewing cases of individuals whose status is irregular, such as those whose documents have expired within the previous 60 days.

There is a separate temporary resident category for persons who intend to pursue academic studies, research, and training in Mexico.

Residente Permanente

The permanent resident permit is geared for persons who want to settle in Mexico indefinitely. It has the advantages of freeing the holder from renewal procedures. Permanent residents are granted rights to freely engage in lucrative activities, obtain the same status for immediate family members, and bring in a household load. They are allowed to leave and return to Mexico at will and the new law does not put limitations on the length of their absences. They are required to notify INM of any change of address, marital status, employment or nationality.

Since there is no expiration date for persons previously granted inmigrado status, they are automatically in the door as permanent residents. They will eventually have to exchange their original IMN booklets or identity cards for new ones, but no deadline has been set for that as yet.

Family Ties

One important aspect of the Ley de Migracion is its focus on guarantees for family unity. Galvan observes that while a specific status for dependents no longer exists, the new law allows anyone whose residency permits are in order to request papers for his or her spouse or common law mate, children, and parents without each one of the applicants needing to meet individual income requirements. Foreigners who are spouses or parents of Mexican nationals also enjoy certain privileges, including ability to initiate application for temporary or permanent residency condition inside Mexico's borders.


The requirements and allowances to qualify for each type of IMN visa or permit are spelled out in the Ley de Migraci�n, the complementary Reglamento (rules) and Lineamientos (procedural guidelines) published in the Diario Oficial de la Federacion (federal diary.)

Some online sources to find relatively concise, reliable and updated information in English on dealing with INM:




La Patrona Polo Club
On December 14th come and enjoy a night of music and dancing with Cuban Band Coco Ache
Special Menu/ Equestrian Show
$350 Pesos minimum consumption price per person

Christmas Polo Cup!
 Make reservations now!

The only thing better than 1 Margarita is Two ! or 311.258.4378
House Margaritas, Mojitos, Limonada y Cerveza de Barril: Clara y Oscura 
Come and enjoy our fine Mexican Cuisine, 
Polo Matches, Equestrian Shows, Spanish Dressage    
El Estar
El Estar Yoga Schedule for December

Monday - 8:30-10:00am - Hatha Flow w/ Mary
Monday - 10:00-11:30am - Balance Yoga w/ Hilloah
Tuesday - 8:30-10:00am - Yoga Integrada w/ Gabriela
Wednesday - 8:30-10:00am - Prana Hatha w/ Dana
Wednesday - 10:00-11:00am - Cardio Yoga w/ Dana
Wednesday - 5:00-6:30pm - Restorative Yoga w/ Mary
Wednesday - 8:00-8:45pm - Meditation w/ Nico
Thursday - 7:30-8:30am - Hatha w/ Mary
Thursday - 8:30-10:00am - Hatha Flow w/ Mary
Friday - 8:30-10:00am - Yoga Integrada w/ Gabriela
Friday - 10:15-11:30am - Yin Yoga w/ Lorraine
Saturday - 10:00-11:30am - Balance Yoga w/ Hilloah
Come join us at the purple Casa
 we are located on Calle Egipto at America Latina 

                        entr amigos                        

Holiday gifts that make a difference for San Pancho Families

As most of you know, one of entreamigos most important commitments is to care for the people of San Pancho in ways that support education, build opportunities and empower them towards a better future.  And what better time than the holiday season to share all the blessings we have with those around us who truly need it. 

We present you with a great opportunity to give a meaningful gift to your loved ones and make a difference for San Pancho families. 

It is pretty easy, choose a beautiful, handmade glass ornament for your loved one, then choose to donate a gift in their honor for the people of San Pancho: A new book for the library $15usd, a holiday food basket $25usd, a backpack and school supplies for a year $75usd, a family care package $125usd, a youth empowerment gift $250usd, or a gift of a full scholarship for $600usd.   
*Gifts and donations received BEFORE DECEMBER 15th can be sent to the U.S. or Canada.

Remember entreamigos is a US 501c3 organization. All your donations are tax deductible.

December activities at entreamigos:
Wednesday December 19th
Please join us to get to know the children in the scholarship program.  We need help and hands... it�ll be fun! 

Friday December21st.
Our posada is an opportunity for the whole community to get together and celebrate the accomplishments of the children and the spirit of the Holidays. Join us at this warm, colorful and fun celebration

Please bring canned and dry food to help us create food baskets for needy families!  

Thursday, Thursday 20th 3:00pm (3-4hours)
Join us to visit the amazing orchid farm and hidden gem in the jungle.  This guided tour takes you on a walking trip through one of the most complete collections of orchids in Mexico and one of the only places where you will see orchids in a completely natural environment.   Please bring comfortable clothes, good walking shoes and water. 

Saturday, December 29
th 7am (3-4hrs)
Join professional birding guide Luis Morales for an amazing tour of local birds. Bring comfortable clothes and walking shoes and prepare yourself to see multitudes of bird species that inhabit the estuary and jungle surrounding San Pancho.    

Thursday, MARCH 2

Holiday dinners for needy families
Please remember that by donating 25usd you can provide a holiday dinner for a needy family. Or if you prefer bring a canned or bagged food item to help us create food baskets

Friendly Reminder:
When you prepare your bags for this new season, please remember to pack one extra suitcase full of great stuff you no longer use for our Recicla shop. Kitchenware, bath & bed items, clothing, jewelry, shoes, toys, etc...If it works we can use it! Your donated goods will help us collect money to fund our current programs. 

Galeria Azul
galeria Azul


             oil paintings by Ann Hadlock
 6-9 P.M.



GALERIA AZUL  *  Tercer Mundo 10,  San Francisco (San Pancho) Mexico 
Tatehuari Jewelry
Having trouble with what to give your lady for Christmas?
I am sure your special lady would love jewelry from
Tatehuari Jewelry located on Tercer Mundo. 

A beautiful collection of fine jewelry.
For more information click here


Sinergiarte Festival
As part of the Sinergiarte Festival  on December 21, 22 and 23, you are invited to experience a special event at San Pancho's Bodega 3.

The evening will begin with a visual art exhibit by Colectivo San Pancho artists, live music (varying each night) and culminates with a theatrical performance "Dedalo de espejos (Labyrinth of Mirrors ) by Ariel Sainz, a final presentation of a year-long project partially funded by a grant from the national arts fund (FONCA).

Doors open at 7pm (exhibit, music and food) followed by theater show at 8:30pm. No cover.

Save the date! Thank you for supporting the arts and our unique creative community! 
Back From The Brink
Leatherback tracks
The BIG news at turtle camp this month is a BIG Leatherback turtle nesting on our beach!! Leatherbacks are the largest sea turtles in the world, reaching up to 8 feet long and weighing up to 2000 pounds-- although this one was not nearly that size.    Leatherbacks are extremely rare in this area and are critically endangered worldwide.  Here in San Pancho, there has only been one documented leatherback nest in the past 16 years, so a leatherback nest is really exciting news.  The leatherback population in the Eastern Pacific has dropped from approximately 115,000 reproductive females in 1982 to fewer than 3,000 remaining today, a decline of 97 percent.  This decline is attributed to poaching of the eggs, drowning in nets and death by long line fishing methods. Leatherbacks are also especially susceptible to suffocation from plastic because floating plastic bags resemble jellyfish, their main food source. Due to these intense pressures on their populations, many scientists speculate that leatherbacks will be extinct in less than 20 years.
The eggs of this species of turtle are extremely delicate and should not be moved unless they are in immediate danger from waves, poachers or other dangers.  For this reason Grupo Ecologico decided to leave the nest, unmarked, on the beach instead of relocating it.  We monitor the nest daily and we are eagerly anticipating the hatching which should occur sometime in the first week of February.  

For more information about the turtle program, visit our website: 

Or you can see our day to day work on Facebook at: San Pancho Turtles 

La gran novedad en el campamento tortuguero de este mes es una tortuga gal�pago que vino a anidar en nuestra gran playa! Las tortugas la�d o gal�pago son las tortugas m�s grandes del mar en el mundo, llegando a un m�ximo de 8 pies de largo y pesar hasta 2000 libras - aunque �ste no era casi de ese tama�o. Las tortugas la�d o gal�pagos  son extremadamente raras en esta zona y est�n en peligro cr�tico en todo el mundo. Aqu� en San Pancho, s�lo ha habido un nido de tortuga gal�pago documentado en los �ltimos 16 a�os, por lo que un nido de tortuga gal�pago es una noticia emocionante. La poblaci�n de tortugas gal�pago en el Pac�fico oriental se ha reducido de hembras reproductoras aproximadamente 115.000 en 1982 a menos de 3.000 en la actualidad hay una disminuci�n del 97 por ciento. Esta disminuci�n se atribuye a la caza furtiva de los huevos, el ahogamiento en redes y la muerte por largos m�todos de la l�nea de pesca. Las tortugas gal�pago tambi�n son especialmente susceptibles a la asfixia de bolsas de pl�stico flotantes porque se parecen a las medusas, su principal fuente de alimento. Debido a estas fuertes presiones sobre sus poblaciones, muchos cient�ficos especulan que las tortugas gal�pago o la�d se extinguir�n en menos de 20 a�os.
Los huevos de esta especie de tortuga son muy delicadas y no deben moverse a menos que est�n en peligro inmediato de las olas, cazadores furtivos y otros peligros. Por esta raz�n, Grupo Ecol�gico decidi� abandonar el nido, libre de marca, en la playa en lugar de reubicarlo. Hacemos un seguimiento diario del nido y estamos esperando con impaciencia la eclosi�n que debe ocurrir en alg�n momento de la primera semana de febrero.   
Para obtener m�s informaci�n sobre el programa de tortuga, visite nuestro sitio web:  


O usted puede ver nuestro trabajo del d�a a d�a en Facebook en: San Pancho Tortugas 
                                     Kayaking Bliss
I admit it . . . there aren't many moments in my busy life where I'm content to sit still. That is, of course, until you seat me in a sea kayak and give me a push out into the big blue ocean. There's just something about the rhythm of paddling and the novelty of viewing the coastline from an offshore perspective that quiets my mind and heightens my awareness of natural beauty-the sound of the waves, the birds circling lazily above, the light glistening in the palms on shore and schools of fish skidding across the water. The moments I'm on the water are often the happiest of my day.
One of my favorite parts of living in San Pancho is introducing friends and visitors to the joys of sea kayaking on Mexico's Pacific.  This week my mom (Jungle Judi) and I were thrilled to get our local friends Kim, Katy, Nicole and Courtney out on the water (see photo). Such a great day ladies!  We launched from the charming town of Los Ayala (where we store our fleet of sea kayaks) and spent the morning paddling, swimming and lounging on a glorious deserted beach.  Bliss, yup.

Whether you're looking for an adventure, an upper body workout, an escape from land, or maybe just an excuse to get some sun, sea kayaking is the way to go.  Open pit ocean kayaks are particularly comfortable and simple to use.  Here are some quick tips to get you started:

Paddling in the ocean is very different from paddling in a lake! Swell, currents and tides can significantly affect your kayaking experience.  
Try to launch from a protected area. Bays and the lee side of jetties are ideal.
When launching, point the bow of your boat straight into the waves.  This will keep you from capsizing.
When landing, point your bow straight into the beach.  This will also keep your from capsizing.
Always make note of where you're launching from (eventually I'm guessing you'll want to return to that spot)!
Notice which way the wind is blowing, if the wind is at your back then plan on needing at least twice as much time (and energy!) on your return trip.
How you hold the paddle makes a lot of difference.  The paddle has two parts, the shaft (where you hold the paddle) and the blades (which you dip into the water).  A nice grip on the paddle has your hands about 2 feet apart (varies a bit by person).  People have a tendency to hold their hands either too far apart, or too close together. Both of these positions will be very uncomfortable if you're going to paddle very far.  

Let's go kayaking! We'd love to get you out on the water. Check out this short video of the
Tailwind Jungle Lodge sea kayaking tour. You haven't really seen this coastline until you've explored it via sea kayak!    
By Tamara Jacobi

Ready to get your health back on track? Check out my

free guide to start listening to your body.   

Tamara Jacobi
Jungle Lodge Manager & Holistic Health Coach
San Pancho, Nayarit, Mexico
�Quieres m�s
sabrosos y saludables, sin embargo, recetas de vacaciones? Visite
                            Birding With Luis
How can we help birds and bird habitats in San Pancho?
The principle of conservation is:
"We Conserve what we Love, we Love what we Know and we Know what is Shown to us".
In order to make both locals and visitors aware of the amazing bird (and biological) diversity we have in and around our village, the San Pancho Bird Observatory is promoting the project "Informative Signs for Birding Trails in San Pancho" which consists placing fully-bilingual signs printed on vinyl, in full color on both sides and mounted on wooden frame.
The signs will be placed at key public routes for bird watching in San Pancho. These signs will have the latest telecom technology by displaying "zebra codes" which will refer users to websites with maps, sponser pages and check-lists.
The aims of this project are:
1) Promoting San Pancho as a birdwatching-friendly destination, while
2) Enhancing economic development through the promotion of businesses, organizations and individuals who support this initiative and 3) Inspire locals and visitors on the local birds and habitat which will support the conservation of birds and their habitats through the increased knowledge of biodiversity in San Pancho.
This project already has the support of some local businesses, individuals and organizations as well as regional, national and international academic and governmental institutions supportive of bird conservation.  Birds and their habitats need YOUR help!

To learn more visit SPBO�s website

Luis Morales
Observatorio de Aves de San Pancho/ San Pancho Bird Observatory

Mobile: (52-1) 322 - 139 7242 

      Contacto con Luis Morales en:   

Photo Of The Week

Casa Sonrisa

Casa Sonrisa is located in the exclusive
Costa Azul area of San Pancho. Ocean Views!
Beautiful Pool!  

 For additional details 

contact  Chris King at 
Rancho Riviera Realty
cel 322 175 3670 
or call toll free (888) 835-3815  

Spotlight On Rentals

Casa Melissa  

 Reserve this Rental in San Pancho 

for your Next Vacation!

This four+ bedroom with 4 full bathrooms estate features a 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom house and 1 bedroom/1 bath casita.  A vacation at Casa Melissa has everything you need; a full kitchen, laundry, housekeeping Monday through Saturday and a restaurant trained cook to prepare dinners nightly Monday through Friday, are all included in the rent (you just pay for the food). The staff will also shop for you before you arrive so you can relax and enjoy an ice cold margarita and snacks while getting settled.


Casa Melissa has 4 bedrooms with king sized beds. Three of the bedrooms can be converted into 2 singles as well.


If you have a larger group. or someone just's wants a little more privacy, the Casita bedroom suite is just steps away from Casa Melissa. The Casita has a bathroom and kitchenette with refrigerator, microwave, toaster, coffeemaker and blender. It has a large ocean view terrace that overlooks the tennis court. This is only rented as an option for those renting Casa Melissa. It is not rented separately.


For more information click here: 

Contact us 
to advertise your home and start receiving more reservations than ever before.  


Kimberly King

Executive Director   


Contacte con nosotros para anunciar su casa y empezar a recibirm�s reservas que nunca antes.  

Kimberly King
director Ejecutivo

Vacation Rentals & Business Advertising

San Pancho  

Do You Own a Vacation Rental House in San Pancho?
San Pancho Advertising

If so, we hope you are advertising on and reaching the hundreds of visitors we receive to our website everyday. Our rates are very affordable, your success is 100% guaranteed, and best of all you are helping to support our community website.

Contact us to advertise your home and start receiving more reservations than ever before.  Have a business?  To advertise your business Contact us 


Thanks for reading.  Please let us know your opinions, suggestions, complaints or anything else you feel will help make San Pancho a better place in which to live and vacation.


Kimberly King

Executive Director  

San Pancho Life
Calle Tercer Mundo #50
San Pancho, 63732