2014 Space Elevator Conference
and Call for Papers
The International Space Elevator Consortium presents the 2014 Space Elevator Conference to be held August 22nd through August 24th, 2014 at the Museum of Flight, Seattle, Washington with the Family Science Fest on Saturday, August 22nd.
Announcing the 2014 Space Elevator Conference
The theme of this year's conference is "Architectures and Roadmaps" with a focus on comparing the major space elevator architectures proposed to date. The three-day technical conference will engage an international audience of scientists, engineers, educators, managers, entrepreneurs, enthusiasts, and students in discussions of space elevator development including Technology, Business and Operations, Outreach, and Legal topics. More details of this year's technical conference program will be posted on the conference website (http://spaceelevatorconference.org), as will registration, lodging, and other information as it becomes available over the next few months.


The Family Science Fest portion of the conference will be held Saturday, August 22nd. This event is separate from the technical conference and is included in the Museum of Flight admission price. The Family Science Fest includes a youth robotics competition, Space Elevator 101 and 201 presentations, exhibits from universities, science organizations, and science clubs, and much more. This is a great event for the whole family and you also have the Museum of Flight to explore.


Many thanks to the Museum of Flight and Microsoft Corporation for being "GEO" level sponsors again for this year's conference.

Call for Papers!

The International Space Elevator Consortium (ISEC) invites you to join us in Seattle, Washington, USA and contribute to the latest research, knowledge, stimulating discussions, and exchange of ideas on space elevators at the 2014 Space Elevator Conference - August 22-24, 2014. The theme of this year's conference is "Architectures and Roadmaps" with a focus on comparing the major space elevator architectures proposed to date. Carbon nanotube and strong materials research is also a very important topic in the Technology pillar that we continue to emphasize and we encourage participation by materials science researchers on this exciting subject.   Authors are invited to submit titles and abstracts of proposed papers for the conference before May 21, 2013.



Topics for papers should fall into these categories.

  1. Space elevator Architectures and Roadmaps
  2. Science, engineering, and technology topics relating to space elevators
  3. Carbon nanotube and strong materials research relating to space elevators
  4. Operations, maintenance, ROI, and other business topics relating to space elevators
  5. Space elevator impact on the future and public outreach to societal institutions; government, media, unions, the educational system, etc.
  6. Treaties, laws, insurability, and other legal issues and topics relating to space elevators

Submit your abstracts and papers to the Conference Management Tool (CMT) at https://cmt.research.microsoft.com/ISEC2014 under the Space Elevator Conference track.



Authors are invited to submit titles and abstracts by 21-May-2014. Abstracts must be in English, no more than 500 words, should state the purpose, result, and conclusion of the proposed paper with supporting figures where appropriate. Authors will be notified of acceptance to submit a corresponding paper no later than 28-May-2014. For all submittals, please include the title, authors and affiliations, mail address, e-mail, and phone number of the corresponding author.



Please use the ISEC Conference Papers Template for your paper. Papers must be in English with the first full draft for review due by 02-Jul-2014. Any feedback on draft paper reviews will be completed by 18-Jun-2014. Final papers and presentations are due 15-Aug-2014 so that we can put them on CDs for conference attendees. PowerPoint or PDF formats are preferred for presentations.



We will collect all papers and presentations made and include them in the conference proceedings, to be offered for sale on digital media after the conference. Conference attendees will receive the final proceedings on CD after the conference. By submitting a paper and presentation to the conference, the author(s) explicitly give(s) ISEC and the Space Elevator Conference organizing committee the right to include his or her paper and presentation in these proceedings.

Important Dates

Conference: August 22-24, 2014

Submission of Abstracts by May 21, 2014

Notification of Abstract Acceptance by May 28, 2014

Draft Papers Due: July 02, 2014

Draft paper feedback completed by July 18, 2014

Final Papers and Presentations Due:   August 15, 2014


Send your abstract, paper, and technical program inquiries to:

Conference Chair:  David Horn (david.horn@isec.org) 

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