The official newsletter of the International Space Elevator Consortium (ISEC)
Our mission statement:
"...ISEC promotes the development, construction and operation of a space elevator as a revolutionary and efficient way to space for all humanity..." |
ISEC e-Newsletter | www.isec.org
| July 2013
Letter from the President
The 2013 Space Elevator Conference is only a few weeks away!
The conference is always a highpoint of the year for everyone in the space elevator community and this year promises to be no different. Hosted at Seattle's Museum of Flight, the conference brings together presenters from around the world, discussing the latest technical, business and legal developments that pertain to the Space Elevator. If you want to be "in-the-know" regarding the Space Elevator, this event is one that you must attend. More information about the Conference can be found here and later on in this eNewsletter.
The second item we are very excited about is the long-awaited release of the second issue of CLIMB, the Space Elevator Journal. This edition, the "Jerome Pearson" edition, contains both Peer-Reviewed Papers and Additional Reading articles, all devoted solely to the Space Elevator and to developments in technologies related to the Space Elevator. As this issue of CLIMB will be available at the upcoming Conference and Jerome Pearson will be at the Conference, you will have an opportunity for him to autograph it if you would like.
Other articles in this eNewsletter describe the upcoming Space Elevator publication from the IAA (International Academy of Astronautics) and Space Elevator presentations given at the recent IAA Symposium.
I hope to see everyone at the conference!
Ted Semon
President - ISEC |
Registration still open for the 2013 Space Elevator Conference!
Tickets for the upcoming Space Elevator Conference are now on sale! Prices have been reduced from previous years and are a better bargain than ever. The conference, to be held on August 23rd through the 25th, will again be hosted at Seattle's Museum of Flight. Last year was our first at this new venue and it was truly outstanding. The seating arrangement (large, round tables) was much more conducive to conversation among the attendees and the 'backdrop' of the Museum of Flight has to be experienced to be believed.  And, as has been the case for the past several years, Microsoft is generously co-sponsoring the event, something we are very grateful for. Thank you Microsoft! So, don't wait - sign up now! We have a very full schedule including several presentations and a few workshops. And, as an added bonus, Jerome Pearson, the American Engineer who independently invented the idea of a tensile-based space elevator, will be the Keynote speaker!. This year's version of CLIMB is the "Jerome Pearson" edition and if you bring your copy to the conference (or purchase a copy at the conference), I'm sure Jerome will be happy to autograph it for you. |
Second Issue of CLIMB now available
The second issue of CLIMB, the Space Elevator Journal is now available in print format. As the first issue of CLIMB was dedicated to Space Elevator pioneer and inventor Yuri Artsutanov, this issue of CLIMB is dedicated to Space Elevator pioneer and co-inventor Jerome Pearson. He has graciously written the FOREWORD for this issue and has also contributed some documents of great historical interest. This issue contains several peer-reviewed articles relating to a Space Elevator as well as some Additional Reading which we're sure you'll enjoy. If you are a current member of ISEC at a Professional Level or above, you will automatically receive this issue of CLIMB as part of your membership benefits. CLIMB can be purchased through the ISEC store or directly from Lulu.com. The pdf version of CLIMB will be available before the upcoming Conference. (If you click on the cover thumbnail, you can see a full-size picture of the Front and Back cover of this issue.)
Major Study on Space Elevators to be Published
The International Academy of Astronautics has completed the review of a four year, 41 authors study and will submit it to the publisher. The title is: " Space Elevators: An Assessment of the Technological Feasibility and the Way Forward." The Space Elevator Study Group addressed its feasibility and proposed roadmaps. Most of the group are academy elected members; and, others are technical experts invited to participate in the study. Sessions on Space Elevators have been included at the International Astronautical Congress every year since 2004. The IAA fosters the development of astronautics for peaceful purposes by recognizing individuals who have distinguished themselves in a related branch of science or technology.
Two Space Elevator Papers Presented at the IAA 8th IAA Symposium on The Future of Space Exploration - Towards The Stars.
While the International Academy of Astronautics was looking at the future of space exploration beyond low Earth orbit, Dr. Peter Swan, ISEC Vice President, presented two papers allowing the conference attendees to understand the tremendous advantages presented by operational space elevators. They were: ACADEMY COSMIC STUDY ON FEASIBILITY OF SPACE ELEVATORS - a presentation outlining the just completed study with its major conclusions and recommendations. DESIGN CONCEPTS FOR THE FIRST 40 KM - A KEY STEP FOR THE SPACE ELEVATOR - A presentation that showed the hazards in the first 40 km of travel and proposals to mitigate the risks associated with winds, lightening and other threats.
ISEC establishes a Social Media presence as "ISECdotORG"!
In order to better connect with our fans and supporters, ISEC has adopted a uniform social identity of "ISECdotORG". You will be able to find ISECdotORG at several social media outlets; Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Flickr. More may be added in the future.
 So please, "Like" us on Facebook, "Follow Us" on Twitter, and subscribe to our picture and video feeds at YouTube and Flickr. You'll have up-to-the-date information on everything that ISEC does and is involved with and you will be able to view all of the space elevator related photos and videos that we have accumulated over the past several years.
Please note that some of you may have linked up with us on our older media outlet sites (SEGames on Twitter, The International Space Elevator Consortium on Facebook, etc.). All of these feeds have now been unified into a single media presence, ISECdotORG. |
What is ISEC?
 The International Space Elevator Consortium (ISEC) is the result of a coming-together of many leading figures and organizations who have worked long and hard over many years to promote the concept of a Space Elevator. With organizational members in the United States, Europe and Japan and individual members from around the world, ISEC's goal is nothing less than to get a Space Elevator built. Our Mission Statement says it all: "ISEC promotes the development, construction and operation of a space elevator as a revolutionary and efficient way to space for all humanity"Each year we adopt a theme which we use to focus our activities for that year. For 2010, our theme was Space Debris Mitigation - Space Elevator Survivability. For 2011 our theme was Research and thought targeted towards the goal of a 30 MYuri tether. And for this year, 2012, our theme is Operating and Maintaining a Space Elevator. If you agree that building a Space Elevator should be a priority for all of us and you want to help make this happen, please Join Us ! Benefits include eNewsletters (such as this one), the ISEC Journal and other items listed on our Join page.Come and join us and help make the future happen! The International Space Elevator Consortium (ISEC) is a registered 501c3 charitable organization (EIN 80-0302896)
Visit ISEC on the Web
Visit our website at www.isec.org. There you can join learn more about what is happening in the Space Elevator community and what is being done to advance the concept of a Space Elevator. Please consider joining ISEC - we foster research and sponsor Space Elevator-related causes, but to do so takes money. Your contributions are crucial to our success. Thank you!
If this newsletter has been forwarded to you, you can also sign up to be on our mailing list so you don't miss a thing! |
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