TWIT logo color

 Horse and Bird  Alison Market
                                                                                                                           Artist:  Alison Markell 

We lost a good one recently. Irene Acker passed away at 93.  
I didn't know Irene;  I came to town after she had cut back on activities, but to many, maybe even you, she was a stalwart of the horse community. I guess not knowing her and still feeling her loss says something about how much those people that get involved and make things work - the shows, the hunts, the 
activities - mean to the richness of a horse community. She certainly did her part. Irene was a national horse show steward for 40 years and served as record keeper for the Madison Square Garden Horse Show. Moving to the area from up north in the early 1970s, she became active with Tryon Hounds. Her obituary credited her for being the first Hilltop Field Master and the official (I love this) "hairnet hander-outer."  She founded the Tryon Hounds Horse Show and Country Fair which ran for 11 years. Evidently she was full of ideas and enthusiasm - a real go-getter.  We need those souls like Irene that dig in and do. We'll miss you Irene.   


Libbie Johnson

This Week 

Aug 26 - September 1, 2013  


31-Sep 1    Harmon Classics September Spectacular

                   @ Harmon Field

                    Contact: Lewis Pack 828-894-2721


31-Sep 1    CCC Amy Neary Driving Clinic

                    @ Windridge Farm, Rutherford County

                    Contact:  Price Story 828-891-7571


Irene Acker
Irene Acker
1920 - 2013

Early Hunt at Courthouse
 Here's a vintage photograph (most likely photographed by Ralph Erskine) of the Tryon Hounds hunt in front of the Polk County courthouse, date unknown.  Tryon native John Vining found this photo in old family archives. 

Heads Up Dressage Riders
       Borderline Dressage is back

The very popular Borderline Dressage show, managed by Kay Whitlock, will be held at FENCE, September 14 -15.  Entries are now being accepted by contacting Kay at, or by phone at 910-315-5959 or 910-692-8467.  A prize list is available at 

This year a special trophy for the winner of Saturday's Prix St. George class has been donated in memory of Sandy Dressage Trainer Davidson.  

The class will start at 1 PM on Saturday,  and the memorial trophy will be presented during the competitor party after the close of the day's competition. In addition to being a dedicated dressage rider, Sandy Davidson  was well known as a volunteer scribe for the many equestrian activities at FENCE. She also gave freely of her time to the Foothills Humane Society. 

The Borderline Dressage show is aptly named because FENCE straddles the NC/SC border. This year the quality of the training of the horses at each level will be judged by Sue Kolstead from Kentucky. 

Borderland Dressage show is recognized by the USEF. Not only do riders enter the show to test their horses' training, they also compete in an effort to qualify for the Regional National Dressage Championships which will be held this year in October at the Lexington, Va., Horse Park.  Spectators welcome.

  FRC Program 

 Wed Sept 18th

Harmon Field Cabin, Tryon, NC

Refreshments 6.30 pm. Presentation 7.00pm

Everyone welcome


Jennifer Howe  

FRC is pleased to welcome a presentation and discussion by Jennifer Breaux Howe of the law firm  DeMint Howe in Greenville. One of Jennifer's specialties is equine law, and she will be talking about some of the options for horse owners in the event that they are unable to care for their equine partners any more. This is a wonderful opportunity to become proactive in your horse's future well-being.  Also on the agenda is important information about contracts and liabilities for horse farms and owners. 


Friends of FENCE 
Hunter Pace Postponed 
The  Friends of FENCE  Hunter Pace scheduled for September 1st has been 
re-scheduled for Sunday, September 8th. 

The trails on the course took a beating in the Friday night storm. Organizers don't believe the necessary repairs can be made in time and certainly don't want to run an event that may not be safe or enjoyable. 

EMAIL for more info

Axel StienerAxel Steiner Dressage Clinic
Cloverlea Dressage is excited to host a clinic with Axel Steiner. The clinic will be held September 3-5, at the newly completed Robindale Farm in Waxhaw, NC.  

Axel Steiner is a sought-after judge and clinician.  He is an FEI 5* judge and has judged the Olympic Games, Pan Am Games, World Cup Finals along with many other international and national shows.  Axel is wonderful working with horses and riders at all levels.  This is a super opportunity to further horse and rider's training with a judge's perspective as well.

Riding slots are $220 per session.  Please contact Jennifer Baumert to sign up.  Auditors are welcome at $30 per day. You need not pre-register but please bring a chair.  Light refreshments will be served.  No dogs, please.  

Robindale Farm is located at: 7414 Broomes Old Mill Rd in Waxhaw, NC. 
Jennifer can be reached at  860-208-6116.
                                                                                   Photo credit:  Terri Miller


Biltmore Hosts Centered Riding International Synposium
November 1-3, 2013
Biltmore House

Biltmore Equestrian Center is excited to announce the 2013 Centered Riding� International Symposium, titled Ground, Center & Grow, to be held at the beautiful Biltmore Estate in Asheville, N.C. 


The symposium is  privileged to present Jimmy Wofford, 3-time Olympian, who will teach an Eventing clinic within the Symposium.  Widely sought after as a clinician and coach, Mr. Wofford is also our keynote speaker at the Saturday evening dinner.


Additionally, the Symposium is honored to feature:

Becky Hart, one of the most recognized names in endurance riding. Former USEF Chef d'Equipe and coach for the US Endurance Team. Ms. Hart is a Level III Centered Riding Instructor.

 Kim Walnes, member of the US Equestrian Three-Day Eventing Team from 1980 -1986. Kim was a student of Sally Swift. 

Heidi Potter,  Level III Centered Riding Instructor and Horse Agility Accredited Trainer. 

Alison Deadman, Ph.D., and Idelle Packer, M.S., P.T., both certified teachers of the Alexander Technique.

Ann Stuart, DVM, a 4-star FEI judge in endurance and Chef d'Equipe for the Southeast US Young Rider Endurance Team.  Ann's talk is  "The Anatomy of Posture." 


The Centered Riding  Member Early Bird registration fee for this education-packed weekend is $350.  Not only does this include the full conference, but breakfast and lunch are included, as is a tour of Biltmore House.  Plan to come early on Friday, attend the General Annual Meeting, and tour the House afterward - it will be fully decked out for Christmas. Also, plan on joining us for Jimmy Wofford's keynote address at dinner on Saturday night.  This event is an additional $40.  Take advantage of the Early Bird Discount Fee if you register for the Symposium before Aug. 31. For more Symposium information go to:


If you have any questions about the Symposium, contact the Centered Riding office at  or Elizabeth McLean, Symposium Organizer, at 

Polk County Seeks Equine Related Businesses

In a move to actively seek business to complement the county's growing equestrian industry, Polk's economic development office has initiated a campaign to solicit equine-related manufacturers, suppliers and distributors by way of  direct mail marketing. 
  equine post card REV

It's A Fun Show
Sept 14th  Etowah Riding Club

Etowah Fun ShowEtowah Riding Club is hosting a Fun Show with 10 classes starting with a costume class, egg & spoon, water glass, cup on a straw, pairs class, potato race, bareback pole bending, regular pole bending, flag race and bottle race.

$30 for all 10 classes or $5 a class.
Open to everyone and all riding levels, even lead line
Held at the Etowah Riding club
 (directions at
 Sept 14  starting at 1pm
Snacks & drinks available.
No rain date for the Fun Show. The ERC open show is the following weekend with the 28th as the rain date.
Contact: Wendy Cantrell 
828- 891-2750

Betty HIll Betty Hill Offers Therapy Designed for Riders 

Betty Hill, licensed massage therapist, has developed a therapy protocol especially  for riders.  Added to other therapy modalities including Swedish, lymphatic, deep tissue and muscle energy, Hill hopes to offer services that allow the body to heal itself.  As a lifelong equestrian (endurance riding), she understands the needs of riders.  
Available by appointment, contact her at Foothills Wellness Center, 2136 Lynn Road (Hwy 108), Columbus, NC or call  828-895-5004. 

New Farm Supply Opens in Chesnee

Kris Elders  is the proud new owner of Elders Farm Supply, formerly the Hometown Hardware and Feed store, located on HWY 221-A, just above the Chesnee Livestock barn. He wanted to introduce the new business as a small, veteran owned/operated, traditional feed store offering quality feeds from Orangeburg Milling Company, some select Cleveland feeds, Standlee products and  quality hay at affordable prices. They  have reduced all hardware stock in order to make way for the new garden center items.  The store will service and repair small engines, tractors, and farm equipment. 
Elders Farm Supply

Sept calendar
September 2013


3                 Start of TROT Fall Session


4                 Equestrian Trails Coalition of WNC


7                 GreenvilleFoothillsPonyClubMtg.


8                 Friends of FENCE Hunter Pace


9                 Start of TROT Fall Session


14               The Yoga of Horsemanship w/Cathy Woods

                    @ Riding High Ranch, Waynesville, NC

                    Contact: Cathy Woods 828-421-6220  

14               47th Annual Etowah Riding Club 

                   Open Show@ Etowah Riding Club


14               Harmon Hopefuls@ Harmon Field

                    Contact: Lauren Allen  828-506-2335

14               FRC  Show@Riverbend Eq Center

                    Contact: Margo Savage  828-863-4924

14               Hunter Pace for SE Children's Home

                    @ Scot'sGrove


14               GalleryTrot in Tryon


14-15          Borderline Dressage @FENCE

                    Contact: Kay Whitlock 910-692-3504

14-15         Connecting with your Horse Clinic 

                    w/ Linda Salinas @ Gastonia, NC



17                Pisgah Trailblazers Monthly Meeting

                     @ The Brick Pizzeria Cafe ,Columbus              

                     6pm eat,7pm meet


18                FRCMonthlyMeeting@ Harmon Field Cabin

                     Contact: Margo Savage 828-863-4924

20-22          Paul Belasic Clinic@ Blue Moon Farm

                    Contact:Sophie Clifton

20-23          Buck Brannaman Clinic

                    Horsemanship Clinic 1 & 2

                    @ Clemson GarrisonArena


20-23          Robert Zandvoort Dressage Clinic

                     Contact: Joy Baker 828-817-0315

21                4-H Hoofbeats Fun Show 

                    @ Etowah Riding Club


21                Hope for Horses Benefit

                     "Run for the Horses"EnduranceRide


21-22           TRHC Horse Trial@ FENCE



21-22          Carolina Carriage Club Pleasure Show

                    @ Harmon Field,Tryon

                    Contact: Margo Savage  828-863-4924

27                David Lichman Lecture /Demo


28-29          FriesianKuering@ FENCE


28-29          DavidLichman  "Advancing          

                    Horsemanship Clinic"


28-29          CCC Pleasure Driving Show           

                    @ Harmon Field, Tryon

                    Contact: Price Story 828-891-7571



Check out the new 2013 Horse Country Calendar of Events 

In This Issue
This Week
Farewell Irene Acker
Vintage Tryon Hounds
Borderline Dressage
FRC "What If" Program
FENCE Hunter Pace
Axel Steiner Dressage Clinic
Biltmore Hosts Symposium
Polk County Seeks Equine Businesses
Its a Fun Show
Betty Hill
Welcome New Feed Store
On the Horizon
Read the feedback on last week's commentary on supporting your local tack store.

short The Find logo
 for Exquisite Equestrian Properties 
in Tryon Horse Country 
Hay Lady!
Horse and Hay
2 loads of hay are here:  timothy/kentucky blue grass & timothy/orchard. Please call to reserve. 
Wash local / Repair local
  fixing blanket
It's that time of year. 
Get your blankets ready for colder days.
Email         Website
Dublin Boots
Lingerfelt ad
Horse Country Rental
Labbe rental
Two 1 bedroom Hunt Box apartments located on the CETA Trail System. Enjoy a week of fox hunting with Tryon or Green Creek Hounds. Minutes from FENCE and Harmon Field for local horse shows.  Available on a yearly, monthly or weekly basis;  electric;  Wi-Fi & phone inc. Up to 5 stalls available & turnout. 
Contact Jennifer
color huntsman2

FHS cat and mice ad
Friesian Krieg
 Mark your calendars
Sept 27 - 28, 2013
Southeast Region
FHANA Friesian Keuring

We are happy to announce 
the 2013 Southeast Region
FHANA Keuring 
to be held in beautiful
Tryon NC this year.

Contact Michelle Sumner
Dark Knight Farm for more
information & advertising
Sagebrook Farm
Click Here to read the issues you missed

Join our mailing list - just write "Sign Me Up"
in the subject line
H&H shirts
 Coming to town for a Horse Show or other event?  Check out our Horse Friendly listings for places to stay and eat.
Need more info on Visiting the Foothills? Click Here.
Drummond dog ad
Tryon Equine Hospital ad
Horse and Bird  Alison Market
"Horse and Bird"
Artist:  Alyson Markell
Markell's background is steeped in the tradition of the nude and figure as subject matter. She spent 10 years using her creative and artistic talents at Industrial Light & Magic, a division of Lucas Digital in San Francisco, California, where she created animal and human characters for dozens of blockbuster hit movies. Trained as a traditional sculptor, painter and modeler, Markell has garnered a reputation for capturing the likeness of animals and fanciful creatures on film and in fine art. In 2006, Markell returned to New York State and is now engaged in a full time occupation of monoprinting in her fine art studio. She is represented by the Artetude Gallery in Asheville. 
Visit their WEBSITE
All art work is used by permission and is protected by copyright laws.