Beverly International e-NNNewsletter #42
Experience IMMEDIATE and SATISFYING results with this all-around physique & performance enhancer!

Word spreads fast on the Web. As a result, each day more men and women are realizing that ULTRA 40 is one of the most powerful physique and performance enhancers available. Testimonials from real-world ULTRA 40 users reveal that it provides a comprehensive range of benefits (hence, "all-around"). Moreover, it produces results that are immediately noticeable and highly satisfying. Many users consider ULTRA 40 to be one of the best supplement investments they have ever made!


All-around supplements like ULTRA 40 are rare indeed. (Another example of such a product is QUADRACARN.) Why? They require the use of expensive specialty ingredients. This makes them expensive to manufacture. Only if the benefits are impressive will customers pay for them. Like QUADRACARN, ULTRA 40 regularly passes the "benefits test" with flying colors. Before we dive into the details of this powerful formula, let's take a brief look at the history of liver tablets.
Liver tablets: A nutritional treasure from the "pre-steroid" era!

ULTRA 40 is an ultra-premium beef liver tablet formulation. Before bodybuilding became largely a chemical affair (as with steroids, growth hormone, etc.), legends of the sport were supplementing their training with liver tablets. The best of these liver formulations worked incredibly well.


Bodybuilding "gurus" like Vince Gironda and Rheo Blair compared liver tablets to  steroids because of their profound physique and pe rformance enhancing effects -without the side effects, of course. They recommended that bodybuilders consume up to 100 or more tablets daily. (Keep in mind some of these liver formulations were less concentrated than ULTRA 40.) 


The secret to the all-around benefits provided by ULTRA 40 lies in the fact that liver tablets are more than just a source of highly usable protein. Each ULTRA 40 tablet is literally packed with an array of vitamins and other critical nutrients and growth factors capable of stimulating a wide variety of metabolic pathways including the building of healthy blood and muscle cells, and much, much more.
ULTRA 40 Details

What is ULTRA 40? ULTRA 40 is a 100% Argentine Beef Liver formulation. It is available in a bottle containing 500 tablets.


What are some of the benefits that I can expect from using ULTRA 40?

  • Greater energy, strength, stamina and endurance
  • Faster recovery
  • Faster muscle gains
  • Loss of body fat
  • Increased muscle fullness
  • Better muscle pumps
  • Improved overall well-being (users report "feeling stronger and healthier")
  • Improved immune system strength
  • Healthy iron levels (contributes to stamina and resistance to fatigue)
  • Healthy red blood cells (same)

What makes ULTRA 40 different?

  • Derived from 100% Grade 1 Argentine Beef Liver. ULTRA 40 uses the highest grade of liver. It is obtained from grass-fed, pesticide- and hormone-free cattle raised in Argentina. The cattle are raised in facilities inspected by SENASA, which is the equivalent of the United States Food & Drug Administration (FDA).
  • Contains heme iron. Heme iron is the most bioavailable form of iron in the diet. It is used by red blood cells to synthesize hemoglobin and muscle cells to synthesize myoglobin. Hemoglobin and myoglobin are proteins that help your blood and muscle cells "trap" oxygen for use in energy-producing pathways.
  • Contains no fillers. Each tablet is packed with physique and performance enhancing nutrients and growth factors. There's no "fluff" in these tablets!
  • Unlike other liver tablets, ULTRA 40 is easy to digest and does not cause gas or stomach upset.
  • Smaller, easier-to-swallow tablets than other products.
  • Popular with elite bodybuilders, some of whom have been using ULTRA 40 for decades to accelerate muscle growth and recovery.

Who is ULTRA 40 is ideal for?


Being a high-potency, all-around physique and performance enhancing supplement, ULTRA 40 can provide benefits to virtually anyone who trains regularly or is returning to training after a layoff.


Athletes and workout enthusiasts of all kinds can use ULTRA 40 to accelerate their progress, including but not limited to:

  • Physique athletes (i.e. bodybuilding, figure, fitness, bikini)
  • Powerlifters and Olympic weightlifters
  • CrossFit
  • Military
  • Football
  • Basketball
  • Soccer
  • Baseball
  • Hockey
  • Cycling
  • Track & Field
  • Swimming
  • Volleyball
  • Running
  • Golf
  • Tennis and other racket sports  
What are people saying about ULTRA 40?
The following ULTRA 40 reviews were recently collected from the Web:

Paulwilliamanthony writes: "I have had only 5 days use of ULTRA 40 and already feel the difference with much less fatigue, greater recovery and more get up and go."


Velmtxmaz writes: "ULTRA 40 is a product that you do have to take the recommend dosage to feel the full effect, but the reward is worth all the pills you have to take. Everything from strength plus stamina/energy and a more fullness feeling of the muscles is your reward when you stay consistent with this product. I will always have this product on my list of essential supplements and would highly recommend anyone give them a try. Remember to take the recommended dose or you will not feel the benefits as well."


Johnboyw: "ULTRA 40 is the real deal. I usually don't respond to much of anything. Many, many pre-workouts gave little to no help. ...I started taking ULTRA 40 at 1 tab per 10 lbs weight. Monday came and the workout was as usual. Wednesday came and the workout was phenomenal. I hit 10 reps on every set of every exercise, even when I upped the weight from last week. I couldn't figure out what was going on. I thought maybe I just had a good day, but I have a stuffy nose and I got maybe 6 hours of sleep last night, if that. I couldn't figure it out and then it hit me. The liver tabs! That was the only thing that had changed. It wasn't a placebo effect either because I was expecting 0% increase in strength/energy. I went into the gym today hoping to meet or increase slightly what I did last week."


SQBubble writes: "I'm with my 2nd bottle of ULTRA 40, and I would/will forever buy this product, it makes you stronger, make you feel good and full, makes you feel more in control when you lift really heavy and made my muscle fuller and more detailed. I would never had thought such a simple product would help so much. I will always have some on my shelf. FYI, I take 18 [tablets] a day (4x4 or 3x6) on workout days and 12 [tablets] (4x3 or 2x6) on rest days. Get this if you want results."


Dkwwood writes: "Cheap and conveniently sized tablets (they are actually easy to swallow) that can be taken with meals to boost nutritional quality. I take four or six with each meal depending on the protein content and my workout schedule."


Mikedemeter writes: "I had the pleasure and privilege of working under Vince Gironda. There wasn't a drug-free champ that didn't live on liver tablets, eggs and digestive enzymes to maintain muscular density and vitality. Between meals, ULTRA 40 is an ideal addition -typically 20-30 tabs at a time. You all saw the results back then. Sow the same seeds, reap the same harvest."


Balainline writes: "ULTRA 40 surely works in more than one way for me. First it helps with the overall digestion of the food which I normally have trouble due to the acidity problem I have. Second it certainly helps in keeping up with the energy levels. I just take one tablet after every meal on non-workout days and 2 tablets after every meal on workout days. This works for my routine. Last but not the least this tablet is easy to swallow and don't have a repelling smell."


Alconcel4 writes: "ULTRA 40 is an old school supplement that has stood the test of time. Energy is prolonged and recovery is rapid when taking the recommended doses. Tablets are smooth and easy to swallow. Highly recommended!"
What can I stack ULTRA 40 with? 

 MASS AMINO ACIDS: For those wishing to accelerate mass gains, a popular stack consists of ULTRA 40 and MASS AMINO ACIDS tablets. Users of this stack regularly report making lean, hard mass gains of several pounds in 6-8 weeks.


 QUADRACARN: This is a top-selling supplement with men and women of all ages and backgrounds. The main reason why is that, like ULTRA 40, it is an incredible "all-around" product. QUADRACARN provides a wide range of benefits including enhanced fat loss, muscularity, pumps, sexual potency, cognitive performance and more. Stacking ULTRA 40 with QUADRACARN is sure to produce incredible results!

Need more help? No problem. Beverly International specializes in solutions.


Call 1-800-781-3475. Our team of Beverly Advisors will be happy to assist!

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