May 2015 - Volume 78
In This Issue...
80th Anniversary Member Album
Driving America TV Special
Kansas City BBQ & Tours
Celebrate 80 Years of the AACA in Kentucky
Tour Sunny Northern California
2015 Founders Tour Ready to Roll
AACA & Great Race Engage Youth
Pinning Farina
The Elegance at Hershey
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Summertime + Antique Cars = AACA Members

By: Stacy Zimmerman

As we head towards summer, I bet you're looking forward to visiting lots of car shows and showing off your favorite antique car as you drive around town. I bet you can't wait to hear all of the oooo's and aaahhh's as you pass by your neighbors on the street. And, I bet you are anxiously awaiting that first compliment and the chance to share your car's unique story.


Summer is also the best time to recruit new AACA members. Think about it... I bet you will talk to multiple people each weekend about your car and how much you love this hobby. Why not tell them about AACA and how much you enjoy being part of the club? Tell them about all of the great car shows, tours and meets - both National and local. Tell them about all of the wonderful people you have met through AACA - many of them now friends for life! Inform them about upcoming activities that your local region or chapter are doing - better yet, extend an invite for them to join you! Share with them a copy of your favorite magazine - the award-winning Antique Automobile - just make sure you get it back. Forward them this copy of the Speedster. Explain Hershey and reminisce about the good old days with the rain and mud... oh, the mud. Talk up the AACA Museum and its awesome exhibits. And don't forget the boys in the AACA Library & Research Center!


Whew! By now you've probably been talking for hours. Just hand them an application now. I'm pretty sure they're ready to join us! 


2015 AACA 1/2 Year Memberships Now Available for New Members

Do you have a friend that has been thinking about joining AACA? Regions & Chapters, are you trying to recruit new members for your club? This is an excellent time to encourage new people to sign up for membership.


Beginning on June 1st, AACA National Headquarters will process any new 2015 membership application as a � year membership. The � year membership includes the months June through December at a cost of only $18.00 ($23 for non-U.S. members).


The � year membership gives new members an opportunity to get a taste of AACA without paying the full year membership fee. Anyone that includes the yearly payment of $35.00 ($45 for non-U.S. members) with their new application will be refunded $17.00 ($22 for non-U.S. members). 


� year members are entitled to the following benefits:


  • Members receive three bi-monthly issues of ANTIQUE AUTOMOBILE magazine: July/August, Sept/Oct & Nov/Dec.
  • Members are eligible to join an AACA region and/or chapter.
  • Members can exhibit vehicles & compete for national prizes & annual awards.
  • Members receive unlimited free admission to the AACA Museum.
  • Members receive limited free research by the AACA Library & Research Center staff.

The � year membership is for first time new members only. It doesn't apply to current members that are late in paying their yearly dues or members that have left their membership lapse for a year or more and wish to reinstate their membership.


If you have any questions regarding the � year membership program, feel free to contact Karen White at AACA Headquarters at 717-534-1910 or


Click here to download an AACA membership application.

AACA Partnering with Harris Connect to 
80th Anniversary Member Album


AACA is once again partnering with Harris Connect Publishing Company to produce our 80th Anniversary Member Album. We did this project once before five years ago during our 75th Anniversary year.


The 80th Anniversary Member Album will feature a colorful gallery of photos, stories and valuable contact information for members. The publication will also celebrate the club's 80-year history of supporting and promoting the antique automobile hobby.


Harris Connect has already started sending out emails, postcards and making individual phone calls to AACA members. During these phone calls, Harris Connect will ask you to verify your name, your spouse/partner's name, your address, phone and email. They will ask for your chapter or region affiliation. They will also ask if you would like to list your business information. Members will be allowed to include a listing of up to 10 vehicles owned as well. Members will be encouraged to submit photos and short stories to be included in this special publication, too.


All current AACA members will be listed in the album. Being listed in the album in no way obligates you to purchase the album. Harris Connect will discuss with you on your call the various options, formats and costs for the album that are available. Again, there is no obligation to buy the album, but we can tell you that it will be a beautiful, historic AACA piece that you will most likely want to add to your current collection.


Harris Connect specializes in alumni and membership publications and the data specifications involved with this type of project. PLEASE take the time to participate in this special AACA project. The success of the album depends on YOU and your fellow AACA members. Without your participation, the album will be incomplete.


If you have already deleted the email or thrown out the postcard you received, or hung up on the phone call because you thought it might have been a scam, please take a few minutes to call the representatives at Harris Connect this week so they can update all of your information for the album.


TOLL FREE: 1-800-598-4395

Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. (Eastern Time)


Non-U.S. Members: USA Country Code (1) 757-965-8092

Monday - Friday, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (UTC/GMT-5)


Thank you in advance for your cooperation in making this publication a success. 

If you have already participated, thank you for your quick response and your help!


National Geographic Channel's 2-Hour Special DRIVING AMERICA

This MUST-SEE Special Airs TONIGHT (Friday, May 29) at 9:00 p.m. and Again at 11:00 p.m.


This summer, millions of friends, families and thrill seekers will participate in a ritual that our ancestors have done for more than century: take a road trip. Trips like these wouldn't be possible today without motels, highways and fast food restaurants, and those things wouldn't be a part of the landscape if not for one driving force: the automobile. The National Geographic Channel invites viewers to buckle in for DRIVING AMERICA, a two-hour ride through the social, political and economic impact of the automobile on America.


In 1773 - two years before Paul Revere proclaimed that the British were coming - inventor Oliver Evans proclaimed that he could build a steam-powered carriage. By 1805, he was driving the streets (and rivers!) of Philadelphia with it, America's first known automobile. From there it was off to the races, as a new industry, and a new obsession, was born.


"Cars, for Americans, more than anything else represent freedom," says Matt Hardigree, executive director of in the film. "It doesn't matter what you drive, you have the freedom to go wherever you want and do whatever you want, as long as you have the money for gas."


DRIVING AMERICA looks back at how car culture has changed the way we have lived, worked, traveled and socialized, through original interviews with journalists, car historians, automobile executives and general car enthusiasts. Among the fascinating stories they'll share:

  • Architect Arthur Heineman added a new word to the American lexicon - motel - when he built a drive-up lodging establishment outside San Luis Obispo, California, that charged $1.50 for an overnight stay. The concept exploded, with neon motor courts soon dotting the highway.
  • President Eisenhower's time in the Army's first transcontinental motor convoy in 1919 stretched on for 62 days on impassable roads. This experience no doubt inspired him to build the interstate highway system. In 1956, when ground was broken, it was the largest public works project in the history of the world: 41,000 miles and 50,000 bridges.
  • During the very first Indy 500, engineer and race car driver Ray Harroun raced his way to victory when he ditched his riding mechanic, a person who rode in the car to warn of approaching traffic, and installed a mirror instead - a rearview mirror.
  • In 1934, Adolph Hitler asked Ferdinand Porsche to design a German Model T. The result was the Volkswagen Beetle, which Germany made only a few of before World War II scrapped production. After the war, when the British army took control of the Volkswagen factory, they found the little bug-shaped cars, and an unexploded bomb. Thankfully the bomb was a dud, otherwise the world might never have known the VW Beetle (which was the most popular car in the world by 1972).

DRIVING AMERICA also looks into the future of the automobile industry, with potential game changers like Tesla's electric cars. Through it all, one thing is clear: from urban sprawl, to drive-in movies, to OJ's Bronco and Hot Wheels, the automobile's overwhelming impact on American society is as endless as the roads we've built to drive them on.


For more information on DRIVING AMERICA, click here.


Kansas City BBQ & Tours Highlight the Central Spring Meet


Central Spring Meet

June 4-6, 2015

Independence, Missouri

Registration Deadline Extended: May 30!!

Click here for brochure 

The Kansas City Region welcomes you to their first Central Spring Meet. They promise an interesting and exciting event, offering easy access to the host hotel and show field.

When people come to Kansas City, one of the things they expect is good barbeque. So, you won't want to miss Friday night on the lawn of the host hotel with award winning "Joe's Kansas City Bar-B-Que!"

The Kansas City/Independence area has both entertaining and historical sights to accommodate all ages of your family. Additional activities during the meet include a guided tour of the Bingham Waggoner Estate and a Fashion Show, a tour of Arrowhead Stadium - home of the Kansas City Chiefs, and a tour of the Armacost Museum - a private establishment of 44,000 square feet housing approximately 80 antique automobiles. 

There will be several seminars, as well as a youth judging program.


Come Celebrate 80 Years of the AACA in Kentucky


Southeastern Fall Meet

July 15-18, 2015

Louisville, Kentucky

Registration Deadline: June 6!!

Click here for brochure

The Kyana Region of the AACA invites you to a four-day celebration of the AACA's 80th Anniversary at the Southeastern Fall Meet. Highlights of this special meet include:


-- Welcoming tour Wednesday afternoon

-- Self-guided tours around the Kentucky and 

Southern Indiana areas

-- Maps of historic sights and local points of interest

-- See Churchill Downs and Museum - home of 

The Kentucky Derby

-- Dine on the 100-year-old Belle of Louisville on 

the Ohio River

-- Tour Historic Bardstown, Kentucky, or 

French Lick, Indiana

-- See the spectacular car show and display all 

INSIDE the Kentucky Exposition Center in 

air-conditioned comfort!


We're Looking Forward to Seeing You in Sunny Northern California!

By Dave Chiotti


Western Divisional Tour

August 25-27, 2015

Northern California

Click here for brochure 


The Redwood Empire Region will be hosting a wonderful tour, headquartering in Santa Rosa, California, in August of 2015. Stops include the World's Largest Petrified Forest and the Old Faithful Geyser in Calistoga. The world-renowned Sonoma County coast promises to give you picture post card photographs. Jack London State Park is also on the tour. And, of course, wine tasting.


Check out our web site RERAACA.ORG or call AACA National at 717-534-1910 and request the tri-fold brochure and tour application.  


The Host Hotel is the Flamingo Resort and Spa in Santa Rosa. Call 800-848-8300 and mention the AACA for special room rates. 




Mark Your Calendar & Get Those Wheels Ready for the 2015 Founders Tour

By Joe Gagliano,


Founders Tour

September 14-18, 2015

Northeast Ohio

Registration Begins: July 1

Registration Deadline: August 15  

Click here for brochure & registration form


Planning is complete for the 2015 Founder's Tour! The Canton and Meander Chapters of the Ohio Region have been busy planning and organizing a wonderful week of touring and look forward to hosting you September 13th through the 19th. Buckeye, Backroads and Buggy's is our theme and you'll enjoy all three and more.


We will be based out of Dover, Ohio, in the middle of small town Ohio with rolling picturesque countryside and right on the entrance to Ohio's Amish country. We have some very interesting stops and venues planned including local artisan shops, unique museums and collections, and you may even get up close and personal with the Goodyear blimp! Based on popular requests, we are also planning a "post tour" Saturday bus excursion to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame and the Crawford Auto and Aviation Museum in Cleveland, Ohio.


Registration materials are now available from AACA National Headquarters.

You can request them by phone, email or click here to download them from the website.

Registrations will NOT be accepted postmarked before July 1.
The registration deadline is August 15.


2015 AACA National Meets & Tours Activity Request Card


A 2015 Activity Request Card is always included with your Antique Automobile magazine, so you can request information about upcoming meets and tours. If you are interested in attending or would like more information about any of the meets and tours listed on the card, please fill it out and send it to: AACA Activity Request, PO Box 417, Hershey, PA 17033. Make sure to include your name, address and membership number on the card.


Online registration is currently open for the following: Central Spring Meet (Missouri) and Southeastern Fall Meet (Kentucky). To register online, click here and log in with your member number and pin.


Please remember that your 2015 membership dues MUST BE PAID in order to receive information for 2015 events.

Hershey information will NOT be mailed until July 1!


Check Out These Upcoming AACA National Meets & Tours

 Click on each image to learn more about the event.

AACA & Great Race Join to Engage Youth

By Jeff Mahl, AACA Youth Development


Alfred State College, NY

AACA announces a new initiative to engage youth in classic cars through competition. Three $1,000 AACA X-Cup Grants have been awarded to 2015 Great Race X-Cup Teams from Alfred State College - NY, McPherson College - KS and Ponca City High School - OK. Alfred State has also formed a new AACA Student Chapter on campus!


Full details are available in the new AACA X-Cup Grant brochure, which is designed to help these young people participate in the adventure of a lifetime. Student team members who are not

AACA members will also receive a one-year

McPherson College, KS

AACA student membership. X-Cup Teams applying for the Grant must be sponsored by a recognized educational institution.


The 2015 Great Race will take place June 20-28 from Kirkwood, MO, to Santa Monica, CA, along the legendary Route 66. Local AACA Regions and Chapters are invited and encouraged to come out and meet these students along with over 100 additional teams at any of the daily lunch or evening stops.  Click the Great Race Route Map for dates and times.


These young people will be the future of AACA when it becomes our turn to watch, 

so please support them! 


Share Your Stories in Speedster


We want to hear from you! Send us your stories and photos. We are always looking for more articles about accounts of tours and shows you have attended, restoration projects, unique vehicle stories and history, and any other items you may want to share. Send your photos and stories to Stacy Zimmerman at today!


Trivia Question

Trivia Question Mark



Where were unrestricted superhighways 

(the first "interstate" type roads) first built?




From the AACA Library & Research Center


Pinning Farina

By: Matthew Hocker

Title by: Mike Reilly


If you love Italian cars the name of Pininfarina should ring a bell. Founded in 1930, Pininfarina has remained a staple in the world of coachbuilding. Fiat, Alfa Romeo, Lancia and Ferrari are among a few of the big names associated with Pininfarina's clientele. The company was named after founder "Pinin" Farina, a man whose life story was every bit as legendary as his craft.


Born in 1893, his actual name was Battista Farina. As the youngest child in the family he was affectionately nicknamed Pinin, which translates to "baby of the family" in the Italian dialect of Piedmontese. Farina was raised in poverty - his family having to scrimp and save whatever they could to sustain themselves. From an early age, he learned how to be resourceful.


He also set his sights high and was driven to make his mark in the blossoming automotive industry. Farina was inspired by his older brother, Giovanni, who apprenticed with Italian coachbuilder Marcello Alessio. In fact, Pinin eventually became his brother's apprentice at age twelve. Together, they performed repairs on carriages and motor vehicles. 


By 1910, services grew to include coachbuilding and it was within this realm that Pinin Farina began to really shine. That same year, Pinin designed the body for the Fiat Zero; he was only seventeen. His reputation continued to grow and followed him "across the pond" when he visited the United States after World War I. Pinin was purportedly asked to work for Ford, but he declined and eventually returned home.


Alfa Romeo Giulietta Spider 1959

In 1930, Pinin left the family business to establish Carrozzeria Pinin Farina (later Carozzeria Pininfarina), his own coachbuilding enterprise in the city of Turin. Among Pinin Farina's significant early contributions to the industry were the inclined windscreen and horizontal grille, which inspired designers across the globe. Pinin himself also drew inspiration from other designers and jumped on the streamlining bandwagon in the late 1930s.


Before long, the company established a series of long-lasting partnerships with big-name auto manufacturers. 

One of the earliest of these was Lancia, but the list went on to include the likes of Fiat, Alfa Romeo and, by the 1950s, Ferrari. Projects with American companies followed

Ferrari 250 GT Coupe 1959

the success of the 1947 Cisitalia 202, whose aerodynamic styling helped influence the design of sports cars that followed. In recognition of its significance, the 202 went on display at the New York Museum of Modern Art's (MoMA) 1951 exhibit, "Eight Automobiles." (It remains in the museum's permanent collection.)


Wisconsin-based Nash contracted Pinin Farina to design bodies for the 1952 Ambassador and Nash-Healey sports car, which went on to place first in its class at LeMans. Pinin Farina also went on to do coachwork for GM cars, such as the 1959 and 1960 model year Cadillac Eldorado Brougham. Pinin Farina built 200 units during this time

Nash Healey 1954

before the Brougham was ultimately abandoned. Attempts were made to resurrect GM's interest in Pinin Farina's coachbuilding, such as the Cadillac Jacqueline concept car. Unveiled at the 1961 Paris Auto Show, its purpose was to illustrate how Farina styling could be adapted to the larger dimensions of American cars.


By then, Pinin Farina was a living legend, so much so that Italian President Giovanni Gronchi issued a decree in 1961 changing Farina's last name to Pininfarina. That same year, Battista Pininfarina gradually began handing over the reins to his son, Sergio and son-in-law, Renzo Carli. Five years later, he passed away at the age of seventy-two.


Battista Pininfarina was a trend setter who left an indelible mark on the automotive industry. When his company was founded in 1930, there were 90 employees and production totaled 42 units. By 1966, the factory employed 1,555 workers and production totaled 11,751 units.


Discover More:

If you are interested in learning more about Pininfarina, be sure to visit the library or give us a call. We have Michael Frostick's books, Pinin Farina: Master Coachbuilder and Pininfarina: Architect of Cars. Pininfarina is also just one of more than 200 different coachbuilders represented in our flat files, and the Dunwoodie archives contains files with period articles for more than 100 manufacturers.  



Visit Our Blog
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 Interested in doing research with the AACA Library?

More information is available on our website. Visit AACA Library or contact
our head librarian, Chris Ritter, at or 717-534-2082.


News From the AACA Museum


Don't Forget to Check Out These 3 Special Summer Exhibits!





Register Now for the 20th Annual AACA Museum CARnival Car Show!

Saturday, June 20

Registration open: 8 AM - 12 Noon

Event runs: 9 AM - 3 PM


The featured exhibit this year is the Station Wagon so get ready for a day of car show fun, food, valve cover racing, tailgating & more!





The Future is now at the AACA Museum!

Back to the Future Tribute Car

June 20 - August 30


The AACA Museum is turning back the hands of time this summer. Along with our A Family Affair: Station Wagons exhibit, we thought it would be fun to honor the 30th Anniversary of the "Back to the Future" movies.


We will feature a "Back to the Future" tribute car - an original DeLorean that has been hand-crafted to look like the original movie car. There will also be concept prints to show the progression of this tribute car to the finished product.    


In addition to the tribute car, the display will include several original pieces of time machines used on screen, production photos used by Industrial Light & Magic (ILM) to make the scale model, original handwritten notes by the filmmakers who built the original car and even two original film blue prints. ILM created a flying DeLorean time machine for the end of the first movie. For the second film, ILM modified the same model by adding an interior and miniature figure of Doc Brown and Marty McFly.

We're also working on a 30th Anniversary movie party 

for Friday, July 3rd - more details coming soon!



Visit the Museum's website at for all the details! 

REMINDER: The AACA Museum is open late, the first Thursday of each month until 9:00 p.m.


The Elegance at Hershey Invites You to Join Us for These Events:


Click here to purchase tickets for any of these events.



For additional information, visit


New Items in the AACA Library's eBay Store!


Looking for the perfect gift for your favorite motor head? The AACA Library's eBay store offers a wide variety to choose from: over 2,000 reproduction factory photographs of historic cars, books and sales literature. Materials sold are duplicate items, and every purchase supports the library!

We are also holding our monthly eBay auction, with over 50 unique listings! 

HURRY! The current auction will end this Sunday, May 31st at 7:30 PM EST

To view our available items, be sure to click the links below! 


Items Available for Auction (5/24/2015 - 5/31/2015):    

* Manuals:

- National Automotive Service Manuals 1916-1971

- Reed Service Manual 1913-1928

- Shop Manual Lots

- Vintage Motor's Auto Repair Manuals

- Vintage Automotive Textbook/Repair Manual Lots

- Binder of 1938-1940s Ford V8 Service Bulletins

- And more!


      * Books:

                  - Lot of 11 1950s Motor Trend Books

                  - Lot of 5 1920s Automobile Dealer & Repairer Magazines

                  - And more!


* Sales Literature:

- 1970s Porsche

- 1960s & 1970s Citroen

- 1970s Volvo

- And more!


Items Available for General Sale:

*Reproduction Factory Photos:

- More than 2,000 different vehicles!


- Pre-War

- Racing

- Biographies & In-Depth Histories

- Car & Truck Reference Books

- Manuals & Guides

- And much more!


*Sales Literature

*Shop Manuals


Check back often, as we will continue to add 

new items throughout the year!


For more information, contact our Library Assistant,

Matthew Hocker at or 717-534-2082. 


Trivia Question Mark



The idea of a national motorway of special roads for 

high-speed driving is generally attributed to Adolph Hitler. 

By 1937, Germany had its first network installed - 800 miles of high-speed autobahnen at a cost of some $200 million.




Source: Automotive Milestones: Trivia of a Most Unique Machine


We're Looking for a Few Good Speakers & Ideas


The AACA Annual Meeting Committee is looking to revamp and refresh the Annual Meeting as we head into our 80th year of the event. We will be looking to "shake things up" by adding new activities. Some of our planning might even jump "out of the box" altogether. You should definitely be prepared to see a new and exciting version of the Annual Meeting!

Have you ever thought about speaking or putting on a seminar at the Annual Meeting? Well, now's your chance! We are looking for unique, new, different seminars to add to the schedule for 2016. If you would like to be a possible speaker, please fill out this form and send it in as soon as possible.


Have an idea for a hands-on workshop? What topics would you like to hear a panel of experts discuss? This is your Annual Meeting and we want to know what you want to learn about. Please email Stacy with your seminar ideas (membership, leadership, chapters/regions, marketing, cars, technical, fun, historical, ladies-focused, etc.).


Who Wants a New 2015 Corvette or $35,000?




For only $50, you can purchase a raffle ticket to win this dream car or the cash equivalent. The drawing will be held October 10th at the AACA Eastern Division Fall Meet in Hershey, PA. (Winner need not be present.) Proceeds from the raffle benefit the AACA, AACA Library & Research Center and AACA Museum. 

HURRY!! These tickets will not last long!


Click here for a ticket order form.


Thank you for supporting the AACA Family and GOOD LUCK!!

Not legal in Alabama, Hawaii, Kansas, South Carolina and Utah.

May not be legal in additional states, including Michigan.


The Entire AACA Family is on Facebook!


The entire AACA Family is on Facebook. Make sure to like all of our pages to stay up-to-date on everything going on with the Club, Library and Museum. Did you know that AACA also has a Facebook Group you can join to discuss cars and hobby hot topics? Request to join the group by clicking here.


Click the logos below to go to our Facebook pages.



Congratulations, Karen, on Your 30th Anniversary With AACA!!


Everyone knows Karen White. I'm sure you've spoken with her at least once or twice when you've called into AACA Headquarters about your membership. Or maybe you've purchased some merchandise from her at Hershey. Or maybe she was that nice lady who sent you another magazine because yours got lost in the mail.


Well, this year is a milestone for Karen. She has been working for AACA for 30 years now.

Thank you, Karen, for all of your dedication, enthusiasm and support for the club and its members over the last 30 years. 


You are an invaluable part of the AACA team! 

AACA Calendar Spotlight
Desk Calendar


June 4-6, 2015

Central Spring Meet - Independence, MO

Click here for brochure


July 15-18, 2015

Southeastern Fall Meet - Louisville, KY

Click here for brochure


July 27-31, 2015

Vintage Tour - Lancaster, PA

Visit website


August 25-27, 2015

Western Divisional Tour - Northern California

Click here for brochure


August 30 - September 4, 2015

Revival AAA Glidden Tour - Oklahoma City, OK

Visit website

September 14-18, 2015

Founders Tour - Northeast Ohio

Click here for brochure & registration form


October 7-10, 2015

Eastern Fall Meet - Hershey, PA

Visit website


November 5-7, 2015

Central Fall Meet - Houma, LA

Click here to watch a special promotional video!


Visit the calendar on our website for a complete listing of AACA national events and much more!

Who Do You Contact at AACA Headquarters for What?


Have you ever wondered who to contact for what when you call or email AACA Headquarters? Here is a list of the current staff and their responsibilities. By clicking on someone's name below, you can email them directly.

Executive Director

Steve Moskowitz


Membership & Merchandise

Karen White


Regions & Judging

Lynn Gawel


Accounting, IT & Website

Pat Buckley


Advertising & Public Relations

Speedster Editor

Stacy Zimmerman

Office Administration

Pat Frantz (Insurance Certificates)

Ann Kulp

Kathy Skiles


Antique Automobile Magazine Editor

West Peterson


Library, Research & Cataloging

Chris Ritter

Matthew Hocker

Michael Reilly


Naturally, many of the staff have the capability of answering questions in each other's area as we try to cross train as much as possible. Please don't hesitate to contact us anytime for assistance.


The Antique Automobile Club of America (AACA), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, is the country's premier resource for the collectible vehicle community. Since its formation in 1935, the Club, through its national office, publications, and membership, aids individuals, museums, libraries, historians and collectors dedicated to the enjoyment and preservation of automotive history.