Greetings, Dear Friends and Clients,
LTCi Rates Are Stable
|  | Producers and presenters of the www.NAHU.org Convention session on LTCi |
On June 27, 2016, I attended a landmark long-term care insurance (LTCi) presentation. It took place at the www.NAHU.org Convention in Albuquerque, NM. My colleagues and I produced the session as part of our work on NAHU's National LTC Advisory Committee. Actuaries spoke in clear, lay language and explained why very sound, long-range actuarial evidence indicates today's LTCi policies should be very immune to future rate hikes. The actuaries giving the talk do not work for a particular LTCi carrier; they are members of the Society of Actuaries ( www.soa.org)
I have written about LTCi rate hikes before.
The reasons actuaries are very confident today's LTCi policies will suffer few, if any rate hikes are:
- Current LTCi pricing assumptions are based on claims data that is much more extensive now than existed just a few years ago.
- Current LTCi policies are priced to insulate against future rate hikes. Today's LTCi rates are higher than they were 14 years ago but still reasonable.
- Competitive LTCi plans now have prices that are much closer to each other than they used to be. This indicates actuaries agree on what carriers will experience.
- Today's LTCi rates have been priced with much lower policy lapse rate assumptions (0.6% lapse rates).
- Today's LTCi rates are now based on today's very low investment performance (4.6% interest in all policy years).
- Today's LTCi policies are required to assume claim rates that are at least 10% higher than are actually expected.
Speaking Honesty
 My friend, client, speaker, author, former KLOL radio personality and
I applaud and admire Dayna for speaking out, very openly and honestly, on this painful subject. Many people have been touched and helped by her efforts.
I am honored to have been asked to contribute a chapter on long-term care insurance to the book. I've also had great fun attending a few book signing events.
I truly believe readers of this newsletter will enjoy and benefit from reading Dayna's book. Your LTCi I do not always get copies of correspondence from your LTCi carrier. I count on you to call me with any questions about your LTCi. Please do not alter your policy before you speak with me.
Spreading the Word about LTCi
I love speaking to civic or trade groups and believe I can offer the public accurate education on LTC planning.
My speaking references and qualifications, as well as comprehensive LTC videos, links, testimonials can be found at www.honeyleveen.com.

The Queen, by Self Proclamation, of Long-Term Care Insurance