Honey Leveen, The Queen of Long-Term Care Insurance
Greetings, Dear Friends and Clients,  
Happy New Year!

Happy New Year from Honey _ Jim Please accept Jim and my best wishes for your happiness and good health this year.

Good, Quick Reading

Forbes has done an outstanding job reporting on long-term care (LTC) recently. 
These Forbes columns are quick reading. They're useful for confirming your wise decision to own long-term care insurance (LTCi). They're also useful for passing along to those you care about, who have not properly prepared for their LTC yet. 

Questions About Your Long-Term Care Insurance (LTCi) Policy?

Please give me a call if you have questions or need a review of your LTCi benefits. 
Spreading the Word about LTCi

I love speaking to civic or trade groups and believe I can offer the public accurate education on LTC planning.

My speaking references and qualifications, as well as comprehensive LTC videos, links, testimonials can be found at www.honeyleveen.com.

The Queen, by Self Proclamation, of Long-Term Care Insurance

Honey Leveen, LTC Queen | 8402 Concho St | Houston | TX | 77036