Families Together, Inc.
What Does ESSA Mean for Special Education?

The No Child Left Behind Act is officially part of the past, and the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) is the law of the land. 

So what does the new law mean for students with disabilities?  Read more. Additional information can be found here.
11 Special Needs Parent New Year's Resolutions

I resolve to try harder to encourage my child's independence. It's hard when you're so used to feeding, dressing, bathing and doing all sorts of things for a kid with physical challenges, but if you give in to helping every time he refuses to do it himself, he'll take that much longer to learn (and that much longer to detach from you). Read more.
School After Spinal Cord Injury

A spinal cord injury affects the entire family. Facing Disability is designed to provide Internet-based information and support for people with spinal cord injuries and the members of their families. This website has more than 1,500 videos of family members answering real-life questions about how they cope with a spinal cord injury. Read more.
Self-Determination Research Study 

The Beach Center and the Kansas University Center on Developmental Disabilities have a survey opportunity for students age 13 through 22 with or without disabilities and/or a family member.  

You are invited to participate in a research survey to validate a tool to measure self-determination. Self-determination involves making choices, setting goals, and advocating for what one wants and needs in life. Self-determination is vital set of skills students need to achieve success in school and beyond. Take the survey at www.self-determination.org.
What's the difference between kids who remain at the bottom of the class and those who surge ahead to the top half? It might be as little as 4.7 minutes, in the case of reading.

According to a November 2015 report on almost 10 million U.S. schoolchildren who practice reading using an online software program called Accelerated Reader, a shockingly small amount of additional daily reading separated the weak students who stay at the bottom from those who catch up over the course of a school year. Read more
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Upcoming Events

Education Advocate Training
Feb. 4, 2016

Family Employment Awareness Training
Part 1 - Feb. 6, 2016
Part 2 - Feb.19, 2016

Family Enrichment Weekend
Feb. 26-27, 2016

Education Advocate Training
Education Advocate Training

Team Empowerment
April 5, 2016

Together We Can Learn Conference
April 9, 2016

Education Advocate Training
April 21, 2016

Serving Kansas families and their sons and daughters for more than 30 years. 


Families Together, Inc. is the statewide organization that assists parents and their sons and daughters with disabilities and/or special health care needs. Our program's mission is to encourage, educate, and empower families to be effective advocates for their children.

Families Together, Inc. | 785 233-4777 | contactus@familiestogetherinc.org | http://www.familiestogetherinc.org
5611 SW Barrington Court South
Suite 120
Topeka, KS 66614