Conflicts around scheduling, communication and meetings can lead to organizational distress. Some of these conflicts are caused by generational differences.
The four generations currently working together are known as:
- Veterans or Traditionalists (1900-1945)
- Baby Boomers (1946-1964)
- Generation X (1965-1980)
- Gen Y or Millennials (1981-1999)
A recent Harvard Business Review article found that generations in the workplace conflict in the following areas:
- Choosing where and when to work - in an office vs. anytime
- Communicating among team members - in person vs. online
- Meeting - scheduled or spontaneous
By 2020 Gen Y is expected to form almost half of the workforce. Like any other grouping of people, no member of a generation is a stereotype; however "in addition to coincidence of birth, a generation is also defined by common tastes, attitudes, and experience...."
What impacted the lives of Millennials?
Millennials are living in a high-tech, neo-optimistic time. They appreciate diversity because they have been exposed to many different types of people through travel, daycare, technology, and the media. Some of the major events that formed them were:
* Y2K
* September 11
* Homeland Security
* Iraq War
* Hurricane Katrina/Indonesian tsunami
Bring Out the Best in Millenials - Tips
- Build a relationship - they want more day to day interaction
- Understand the need for speed
- Learn to speak "tech"
- Give fast feedback - the sooner the better and the more specific the better.
- Be prepared for them to push back
- Listen to their ideas
What else do they want?
- Less hierarchy
- More Teamwork
- Fun - work is their second home
Consider two-way mentoring: partner younger and older workers together. As Baby Boomers retire a partnership with younger workers would help retain institutional knowledge. Millenials can also bring new ideas, a comfort with technology and insight into a new generations of customers. It is a win-win!
Need More Help Managing Generations?
Contact Pro Way Development for cost-effective programs on managing across generations as well as a variety of soft skills training and coaching so that you, your team and your organization have the ability to reach your financial goals.
Laura Jacob
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