Pro Way Development
August 2013

Businesses are finding that it makes good sense to consult with and let employees share in some of their human resources decisions. Ownership of sometimes tough decisions is increased when employees are invited to give input into policies that impact them on a variety of issues from benefits, to dress code, schedules. No issue is too small for getting employees' comments. The key is to ensure that if you involve employees that you act on their suggestions and if not, give appropriate feedback.

Read on to learn how to involve employees effectively.

 Choose Topics Wisely


Organizations err when they ask employees to weigh in on decision where they cannot have an impact or where the organization chooses not to follow through on the suggestions made. 


Clearly define the question or challenge where you would like employee input and define the parameters for the decision. Give them a budget and timeline. Suggestion


For example, Last year an organization realized its healthcare costs were going to skyrocket. Since 2006 they had been catering lunch daily for a cost of $250,000. A free lunch is a nice perk but this organization wondered if employees would rather have lower health care premiums. Of the 100 employees who responded to the company poll on using the money to lower health care premiums rather than a free lunch, 91 wanted a reduction in premiums. 


Eliminating a perk, like a free lunch, requires clear communication and this organization found that involving employees in decisions in addition to greater buy-in creates lower turnover too! 

Top Areas for Employee Input 

Here are some workplace decisions that best lend themselves to employee input.
Training -  Given the right tools employees can self assess and identify  training they need to overcome skill gaps or increase skill levels. Setting a budget limit for training and allowing employees to choose is worth considering. 
Staffing - have employees participate in the hiring process for people who will be on their team, but make clear how their input will be used.
Information Sharing - Ask employees what information they need. Share with them what comes across your desk.
Benefits - With the rising cost of health care, some companies give employees a budget to spend on what they need. 
Recognition - Ask employees how they want to be recognized. Get their input on what will motivate them with options such as financial bonuses, time off, or additional training. 

Get Employees Involved


Start with a Complimentary Business Assessment  


Our Business Assessment is a tool that Pro Way Development has used with many clients to confirm that they are engaging employees effectively. 



The benefit?
Employees enjoy increased job satisfaction and productivity. This is also a great way to create a path for recruiting permanent employees from student interns or individuals who want to change careers.

Thank you for thinking of Pro Way Development for your HR, Training and Employee Relations Consulting needs.


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Laura Jacob
(203) 961-0227


Pro Way Development


Pro Way Development is your source for employee development for business success. Our services include:

  • Training to increase employee skills
  • Consulting services to manage employee relations issues
  • HR advice to motivate the right behaviors for profit and growth.  

To learn more about

Pro Way Development, please visit our website.

About Laura Jacob


Laura works with companies to ensure that their business plan includes a plan to hire, manage and motivate employees to drive growth.  



In addition to holding degrees in Psychology and Industrial Relations, Laura is certified as a Professional in Human Resources and a 6 Sigma Greenbelt. 

she was recognized by Sam's Club and SCORE as one Connecticut's outstanding businesses.

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