Equipped for Adventure: Sharing the Gospel with Muslims in Lebanon
Witnessing in Beirut
I like the informal motto of Youth With A Mission (YWAM) that says, "At all times be ready to sing, pray, preach, or die." I am grateful that the team who went to Lebanon did the singing, the praying, and the preaching but thankfully not the dying. The commitment to serve, especially in a mission trip to Muslims, takes you beyond your comfort zone into the unknown; however, every team member was aware that the One who called us to serve Him in obedience to the Great Commission is mighty to deliver from every harm.
The highlights of the mission trip:
- Distributed hundreds of New Testaments and tracts in dominating Muslim areas.
- The team has the names of 55 Muslims whom they witnessed to and will continue to pray for.
- Also witnessed to multitudes who never gave their name due to fear of exposure.
- Many Muslims prayed and trusted the Lord. The team, afterward, entrusted them to the church in Lebanon.
- Due to war and the flood of Syrians and Kurds into Lebanon, the team witnessed to many of them on the streets of Lebanon.
- Served with "Heart for Lebanon" ministry in packaging food and visiting the Iraqi refugees.
- Visted with a former Muslim pastor who oversees an underground Church of Muslim converts.
Witnessing to Muslims
At the end of our trip riots, blocking of major roads, and burning tires in the streets took place. A Muslim cleric was assassinated and the whole Sunni sect was in a rage. By God's providence, the team was able to reach the airport in Beirut just before the roads that led there were blocked by raging mobs. I believe that the empowerment to serve, and the provision of safety is due to the prayers of the saints. The team thanks everyone of you.
What an adventure! The team went to new places, experienced new cultures, met new friends, had new experiences, encountered some perils, and above all was changed by being used and ultimately challenged while finding themselves on the frontline of what God is doing among Muslims in Lebanon. J.E.