Good News for the Crescent World

Prayer Is A Great Battlefield
August, 2012
Dearly Beloved,

I am often asked, "why Muslims are not coming to faith in Christ?" My answer is usually a shock to almost everyone. I tell them, your very same question make "God wonders" as well. What a striking thought.
I am sure that this statement has arrested your attention too. A wondering God ! But what is the cause of God's "wonder?" It might seems so very little thing for many of us. But if we consider it, in the light of Scripturers, it may be one of the greatest vital need to every believer in Jesus Christ. God "wondered that there was no intercessor." (Is. 59: 16)
How much must God be wondering today, because how few are the intercessors ! Why are so few Muslims are brought out from the darkness of Islam to the light of Christ? Could it be because we pray so little? If we failed to bring Muslims to Christ, may we be assured, because we failed in our prayers and intercession for them. The Lord Jesus is as powerful today as ever before. His heart beats for men to be saved as ever before. The arm of the Lord is not shortened that it cannot save Muslim people: but He cannot stretch forth His arm unless we pray more -really more. This invitation is not to criticize or by no means to condemn. Here at GNFCW, our desire is to stir up Christians to hold on to God, as never before. In turbulent times as these, and the need to see Muslims saved before turning radicals, we believe a clarion call for every church in the land is needed. This call is to prayer, since through it alone, God can accomplish His purposes, including the salvation of Muslim people. 

Please, join us this Thursday, August 2, 6.30 pm. at GNFCW office, holding up holy hands on the behalf of Muslims in our midst. 

Prayerfully yours,

Johnny Elbitar