Good News
     for the         
      Crescent World 
November, 2012
In This Issue
To Get Saved, Not To Destroy
Lord, Teach Us To Pray
Ministry Quicklinks

"Remember the prisoners,, as though in prison with them, and
those who are ill-treated, since you yourselves also are in the body." Heb. 13:3



International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church: November 4, 2012

They are stripped of their rights. Their neighbors threaten them with violence and death. Their homes are razed. Their families beat them. And their governments want to slaughter them.

They are our brothers and sisters around the world, boldly believing and proclaiming Christ in places where the penalty for doing so is often death. More... 

To Get Saved, Not To Destroy
    The best encouragement we receive from the Lord is when seeing God's children growing in their passion to reach Muslims. Reformed Christian Ministry, a para-church mission, demonstrated this heart and attitude toward Muslims recently. About sixty persons from different ethnicities attended the seminar that took place at Woodlake Baptist church and showed a great interest and willingness to engage Muslims in their communities. The theme of that evening was, "Muslims are not in America to destroy but to be reached." One of the highlights was propagating the unequivocal need for a mind transformation and the adoption of a biblical perspective regarding Muslims. Rather than embracing what the mass media spread, and the political agenda upheld, we should gain Jesus' perspective on how to approach Muslims and pray for their salvation. After the training seminar ended many showed interest in signing for the THREE FOLD TRAINING taking place in January. As seeing the need is growing more than before to reach Muslims, GNFCW is committed to come alongside the church in order to motivate, equip and grow in all areas of Muslim ministry. It is very important to remember that Muslims are unlikely to become our brothers until they first become our friends. We need to build trust and develop friendships. Only then can the communication of the Gospel become possible and effective. For that reason, GNFCW is launching the THREE FOLD TRAINING for the purpose of facilitating this grace mission to Muslims. If you feel the burden of the Lord toward Muslims, this training is for you! Please call 817-275-3413 or email: [email protected] to register or inquire more about this training project.  J.E.  Please, Click Here to Download the Form
"Lord, Teach Us To Pray"
Do you believe this? Is it really true? Jesus said, "If you have faith and do not doubt .... all things whatsoever you shall ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive (Mathew 21:21,22). What a wonderful promise. It seems absolutely limitless. Why don't we pray more? May the Savior grant us the vision to see that a life of prayer holds - a limitless  power dependent on two things only; faith and prayer. Why do we always fail to heed that call? Someone has wisely said "Satan laughs at our toiling, mocks at our wisdom, but trembles when we pray." May we reach the understanding that we can accomplish more by our prayers than by our efforts.  Though we all know how to pray, maybe we still all need to cry as the disciples did once, "Lord, teach us to pray." The ministry of GNFCW can move forward in the endeavor to win Muslims only when marching on bended knees. For this reason, GNFCW is hosting a monthly prayer meeting for the purpose of seeing Muslims coming to faith in Christ. The meetings will be held in the GNFCW offices at 1148-C Pioneer Pkwy., Arlington, TX 76013, the first Thursday of every month at 6:30 PM. Please mark your calendar with these dates: November 1, and December 6.

 Looking forward to seeing you, the Lord willing.

Upcoming Events


January 5, 2013 Three Fold Training, GNFCW 1148 W. Pioneer Pkwy, Arlington TX 76013


February  2, 2013 Mission Month, Arlington Chinese Church, 805 Oakwood Ln, Arlington, TX 76012

Hosting seminars
Islam is on the rise and the church needs to be equipped to face this challenge. For this reason GNFCW is committed to train Christian leaders and laymen to carry out the task of evangelizing Muslims. GNFCW is specialized in hosting seminars that explain Muslim beliefs, their agenda in the United States and how to reach them for Christ. Please contact us by mail, phone or email if you would like us to host a seminar at your church or with your group.
Contact Info:

Good News for the Crescent World
P.O. Box 13217
Arlington,TX 76094


[email protected]