Good News 
     for the         
            Crescent World 
February, 2013
In This Issue
GNFCW Plan - 2013
Every One That Asks, Receive
Ministry Quicklinks

"Remember the prisoners,, as though in prison with them, and
those who are ill-treated, since you yourselves also are in the body." Heb. 13:3



In Chains for Christ - Pastor Saeed Abedini's Letter from Prison
In Chains for Christ - Pastor Saeed Abedini's Letter from Prison

GNFCW Plan - 2013


Field Trip To Mosque 



It is GNFCW's heart-cry to awaken, challenge, and equip every church to rise to the task of confronting the ever-increasing presence of Muslims in the West by winning them to Christ. The task ahead of us is humongous. It is necessary for us to pray. It is, however, an absolute necessity that GNFCW be surrounded by and lifted up in prayer, just as Aaron and Hur supported Moses, holding up his hands throughout the battle that so fiercely raged around him. This is why we want to share with you what God has laid on our heart to accomplish in 2013. We beseech the prayers of the saints since without Christ and you, we can accomplish nothing.




  • Activities: GNFCW has 5 seminars, and 10 speaking engagements in the planning process for 2013.
  • Networking: GNFCW is working to partner with 5 new churches, 3 Christian university groups, and 2 mission-minded organizations in 2013.  
  • Printed Materials: GNFCW has a plan to produce 3 awareness tracts, 3 instructive tracts, and 3 evangelistic tracts.



  • Training Program: GNFCW started a new Three-Fold Training program. This all-inclusive training program is designed for: 1) learning how to witness to Muslims; 2) understanding Muslims through field trips to an area mosque to break stereotypes; 3) and witnessing to Muslims by engaging Muslims on site.  
  • Internet Resource: Since Christians are increasingly using the internet to understand Islam, while Muslims, on the other hand, are not welcomed within their communities to inquire of the Christian faith, the internet has become a double-edged sword for evangelism and discipleship. It has become one of the most effective tools by which Christians are equipped and Muslims are evangelized. In this regard, we are embarking on updating and upgrading the GNFCW website to meet both audiences.  
  • Prayer: The less we pray, the more we maintain an attitude of, "Lord, I can manage reaching Muslims alone." This is why GNFCW's first and foremost strategy in the effort to reach Muslims is prayer. GNFCW started a monthly prayer meeting in 2011 that will persist in 2013.




  • Modeling: GNFCW provides instructional methods on how to reach Muslims for Christ through training seminars, yet they also emphasize the modeling approach as well. Since 2011 GNFCW has conducted over a dozen trips to mosques in the DFW area and is planning for many such trips in 2013.
  • Refugees: It is our desire to proclaim and demonstrate the power of the Gospel to the refugees God has sent to our doorsteps. GNFCW will continue visiting Muslim refugees and tending to their needs as well as hosting them on special occasions such as Thanksgiving and Christmas.
  • Mission Trip: Executive Director Johnny Elbitar is in the process of scheduling meetings, speaking engagements and street evangelism with pastors and church leaders in Lebanon. The trip will take place in June 2013.


As we move forward in the endeavor to witness to Muslims throughout this year, we believe that our help and success in what God entrusted to us will come solely through the prayers of all God's saints. "Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints; And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the Gospel." (Eph. 6:18-19)


Every One that Asks, Receives



In the last two years GNFCW has thankfully experienced a gradual growth and growing success in the overall ministry. It is none other than the prayers of the saints that has made such progress possible. Many Muslims have prayed to receive Christ, the mission trip to Lebanon was successful, numerous seminars and workshops have been conducted, and moved forward in our witness to the heart of Muslims' domain - the mosque. This year by no means will be any different. God has entrusted many things to GNFCW to accomplish in 2013 and we have in the words of the Lord, a blessed assurance for fulfillment, "If ye shall ask any thing in My name, I will do it" (Jn. 14:14). Muslims will never receive the full benefits of the gospel until we pray.

In this regard, GNFCW is hosting a monthly prayer meeting for the purpose of seeing more Muslims saved and the church newly awakened to the Great Commission.


The meetings will be held in the GNFCW offices at 1148-C Pioneer Pkwy., Arlington, TX 76013, the first Thursday of every month at 6:30 PM.
Please mark your calendar with these dates: March 7, April 4, May 2, June 6, July 11, August 1, September 5, October 3, November 7, and December 5.

The greatest privilege offered to man is to carry the burden of the Lord and to share Gethsemane with Him. Will you join us?

Upcoming Events

April 1- April 7, 2013 The Samaritan Purse Global Connect Conference, Orange County Convention Center, 9860 Universal Boulevard, Orlando, FL 32819-8706

Hosting seminars
Islam is on the rise and the church needs to be equipped to face this challenge. For this reason GNFCW is committed to train Christian leaders and laymen to carry out the task of evangelizing Muslims. GNFCW is specialized in hosting seminars that explain Muslim beliefs, their agenda in the United States and how to reach them for Christ. Please contact us by mail, phone or email if you would like us to host a seminar at your church or with your group.
Contact Info:

Good News for the Crescent World
P.O. Box 13217
Arlington,TX 76094


[email protected]