Good News 
     for the         
           Crescent World 
January, 2014

In This Issue
"Declare His Glory Among All Peoples"God's Faithfulness In A Year
Ministry Quicklinks

"Remember the prisoners,, as though in prison with them, and
those who are ill-treated, since you yourselves also are in the body." Heb. 13:3



Praying for the persecuted church. In the Middle East, North Africa, and parts of Asia, Christians are under assault. Now, the global church is raising its voice on behalf of their brothers and sisters who are suffering for their faith.

"Declare His Glory Among All Peoples"
God's Faithfulness in a Year 

God, in His loving-kindness, made it possible for GNFCW to persevere and prevail in the mission of helping the church and communicating the Gospel to the Muslims God has brought to us throughout 2013. We trust the Lord to show Himself strong and faithful to us in 2014 as well. He is worthy to receive all the glory and honor for He has done great things. At the same time, we want to acknowledge and appreciate our friends, supporters, intercessors, and volunteers, as this ministry would not be able to move forward without their prayer, love and care.  
                                   Highlights of 2013

Mosque Trip
  • More than ten field trips  to the mosque. We believe through meeting Muslims on their own ground and interacting with them, three things may occur: First, we grasp a better understanding of Muslim beliefs so we can witness to them  more effectively. Second, we break Muslim sterotypes which have created Islamophobia and neutralized the church from evangelizing our new neighbors. Third, we seize opportunities to witness to Muslims on site. More than 50 Christians attended those trips including many Seminary students.  



Three-Fold Training  



  •  GNFCW conducted the Three-Fold Training Program at the Chinese church in Arlington. More than thirty members  attended the training session. The purpose is to learn how to  witness to Muslims. During the mosque trip, after watching a presentation about Muslim beliefs, Chinese church members were trained to ask questions which by it they were able to communicate the gospel message.    







  • Many churches, Christian groups, and Sunday School classes hosted GNFCW for equipping, instructing, and motivating their people for witnessing among Muslims. Many connection  classes, demonstrated great willingness to engage Muslims in their communities. Over one hundred members attended for two consecutive weeks seminars that took place at Fielder Church. The themes were, 1) "Reaching Muslims in America" and, 2) "Understanding Muslim Worldview."






  •  From April 1 till April 7, 2013, the Lord gave us a magnificent time at Global Connect conference.  Representatives from one hundred and two nations gathered in Orlando, Florida to  celebrate Samaritan's Purse: Operation Christmas Child 's efforts of distributing one hundred million shoe-box gifts in 102 nations worldwide.  The main goal of the shoe-box is not mere distribution of some toys to needy children at Christmas time but to, ultimately, give them an opportunity to hear the Gospel message  




Prayers and Evangelism 



  • A man of God said, "Satan laughs at our toiling, mocks at our wisdom, but trembles when we pray." In the endeavor to reach  out to Muslims, GNFCW experienced that we can accomplish more by our prayers than by our efforts. For the last three years, we have hosted a monthly prayer meeting for that very purpose believing that in order to move Muslims toward God first we must move God toward Muslims by our prayers. This year will be no exception. Join us every first Thursday of the month, 6.30 pm at the GNFCW office to stand in the gap on behalf of our Muslim neighbors.     





 Refugee Ministry



  • The ultimate passion we have at GNFCW is to plant the seed of  the gospel in many Muslim's hearts. Many Muslim refugees today are given the opportunity to hear the Gospel message. If we sow the  word of God abundantly, we will reap exceedingly. Muslims are more willing than anytime before to trust Christ as Lord and Savior. We are so grateful to the Lord for using GNFCW in the lives of many Iraqi refugees. 





International Student Ministry (Saudi Students)  




  • In the last year, I made friends with many Saudi students at Texas Wesleyan University in Fort Worth, Texas.  Many believe that the campus scene is one of the major avenues that Islam could use to move  beyond the university communities to establish Islamic communities within the general American society. The important question remains, how are we to respond to such challenge. Pointing fingers and verbal attacks on our Muslim neigbors will not solve the problem but actually would sabotage evangelism. Is there a better way? The apostle Paul  said, "And yet I show you a more excellent way...Love is patient and is kind" (1 Cor. 12: 31). If we could remember that Muslims respond overwhelmingly to an attitude of love, this would help us enormously in our evangelistic effort. The Saudi students need to hear the Good News in a spirit of hospitality not hostility.  




Reaching the Community

  • For the last 4 years, GNFCW has partnered with 6 Stones for      their Back  Pack Event where they host large numbers of the community people and distribute hundreds of back packs and school materials. Since hundreds of Muslims attend this community event, GNFCW had the opportunity to witness and pray with many of them. We have also distributed Bibles and tracts written in a way that makes the Gospel message clear and comprehensible to the Muslim's heart and mind.



GNFCW is grateful to the Lord and our friends who made our ministry possible during 2013. In our next e-newsletter edition, we will share the tasks the Lord placed on our heart for 2014.  "With God all things are possible."  

Upcoming Events


February  28, 2014  One Magnificent Obsession: Presentation of and Prayer for the Middle East , Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2001 West Seminary Drive  |  Fort Worth, TX 76115

Hosting seminars
Islam is on the rise and the church needs to be equipped to face this challenge. For this reason GNFCW is committed to train Christian leaders and laymen to carry out the task of evangelizing Muslims. GNFCW is specialized in hosting seminars that explain Muslim beliefs, their agenda in the United States and how to reach them for Christ. Please contact us by mail, phone or email if you would like us to host a seminar at your church or with your group.
Contact Info:

Good News for the Crescent World
P.O. Box 13217
Arlington,TX 76094


[email protected]