Good News 
     for the         
            Crescent World   
July, 2013
In This Issue
Arab Spring Turns Into Winter For Arab Christians
Get Involved
Mission Possible

Ministry Quicklinks

Get Involved

The Send North America Conference is a two-day gathering of churches and leaders focused on penetrating lostness in North America. Discover needs, develop partnerships and deploy your church to reach our cities for Christ. This year's new location and expanded schedule offer main sessions, breakouts, workshops and even more networking opportunities for you and your church.

You still have time. You can register for free with this code SNA13RML


Arab Spring Turns Into Winter For Arab Christians


There may be many fractions who are benefiting from the Arab Spring sweeping over the Middle East and North Africa, but Arab Christians are definitely not among them. Since the inception of Islam, the Arab Christian population has been dwindling increasingly in numbers. Their marginalization and their status as a struggling minority of second class citizens for generations have never been as intense as today. At first glance, the term "Arab Christian" may sound a paradox in the West since here we associate Arabs with Islam; however, Arabs were represented in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:11). They accepted the new faith from the beginning and Arab Christian tribes thrived in the Middle East from the earliest day of Christianity. The picture today is totally reversed. What should we say about Christians in the land of Jesus' life, death and resurrection (Jerusalem), or in the land of refuge as a baby (Egypt), or where the Lord appeared to Saul resulting in his conversion (Damascus), or the crossing of the people of Israel into the promised land (Jordan). The Middle East and North Africa, once thriving with Christians, today holds only 1 percent of the world's 2.18 billion Christians. This means there are only 12.8 million Christians left living among 315 million Muslims. The Arab Spring struggle has done nothing to the Christians more than pressing them to migrate from the troubled region, bringing the cradle of Christianity to the brink of being emptied of them. The recent fall of dictators in the Arab world has been supplemented by the taking over of Islamic groups, such as the Islamic Brotherhood in many Arab countries. As we ponder the struggle and fear our brothers and sisters are going through, we ask: Is there any hope for Arab Christians to outlast the storm and stand steadfast and living witnesses until the Arabic countries experience true democracy? 
In the midst of darkness overtaking the entire region, what could be better, stronger and more beneficial to Arab Christians than going down on our knees and bringing God into the picture through our prayers. If there is anything that could be achieved on behalf of Arab Christians, it could not be in any other way than prayer.

- Pray that they will experience peace in the midst of the storm 
- Pray that suffering will only strengthen and deepen their faith 
- Pray that a revival will break out among Arab Christians 
- Pray that they stand steadfast as witnesses for Christ in darkness 
- Pray that their needs might be met 
- Pray for the ceasing of persecution of Arab Christians 
- Pray for the ceasing of war in many Arab countries
- Pray that the Arab Spring would only expose the true face of Islam 
- Pray that as Muslims celebrate Ramadan from July 8 till August 7 to purify their souls, they will find Jesus to be the All-Sufficient Purifier.

A man of God once said, only God can move mountains, but faith and prayer move God.

Please, pray with us, for nothing is impossible with God. 

Mission Possible

The Three-Fold Training that was successfully launched in January 2013 accomplished its goal. Many attended the first session conducted at our office and the second at Arlington Chinese Church. The first part of the training was instructive in nature. We dealt with hindrances that neutralize our witness to Muslims and how to overcome them, as well as responding to Muslims' objections to the doctrine of the Trinity, the divinity and crucifixion of Christ and the reliability of the Bible. The second part of the training focused on taking two teams on two field trips to a mosque in Arlington. The interaction between the team and the Muslim leaders was challenging. After the speaker presented an introduction to Islam, the team was able to share the Gospel through utilizing the question and answer session. On the other hand, both teams found it very beneficial to meet Muslims on their own ground as well as fully understand the Islamic tenets from the source. This was very helpful for everyone who attended for the sake of a far more effective witness to Muslims. We will be conducting another training in the Fall. If you have a heart to see Muslims saved, please join us in the training taking place in August. You can read the form for more information. Thank you for your interest and looking forward to see you in August.  The Three Fold Training Form   

If you have any question, please do not hesitate to call at: 817-275-3413, or email at: [email protected]

Many Blessings 

Upcoming Events 

Three-Fold Training at GNFCW Offices 

What is Islam? / How to witness (Role Play) Saturday, Aug. 3, 2013. (2 hrs.)

Field Trip to Mosque (Breaking Stereotypes) Saturday, Sept. 7, 2013. (2 hrs.)
Field Training (Witnessing on Site) Saturday, Oct. 5, 2013. (2 hrs.)

August 18, 2013 Muslims in Our Backyard, Fielder Church, 2011 S. Fielder Rd. Arlington, TX

August 25, 2013 Muslim Evangelism and Apologetic, Fielder Church, 2011 S. Fielder Rd. Arlington, TX  

GNFCW Annual Fundraising Banquet, September 24, 2013, 1619 W. Pioneer Pkwy. Arlington, TX 76013


Hosting seminars
Islam is on the rise and the church needs to be equipped to face this challenge. For this reason GNFCW is committed to train Christian leaders and laymen to carry out the task of evangelizing Muslims. GNFCW is specialized in hosting seminars that explain Muslim beliefs, their agenda in the United States and how to reach them for Christ. Please contact us by mail, phone or email if you would like us to host a seminar at your church or with your group.
Contact Info:

Good News for the Crescent World
P.O. Box 13217
Arlington,TX 76094


[email protected]