Good News 
     for the         
            Crescent World   
April, 2013
In This Issue
Global Connect
SEND - North America Conference

Ministry Quicklinks
"Remember the prisoners, as though in prison with them, and 
those who are ill-treated, since you yourselves also are in the body." Heb. 13:3



  Let us not forget to pray for those who are tortured for Christ worldwide. 


Find out about the places where Christians suffer the most  

Global Connect Conference 


Samaritan Purse - Operation Christmas Child   



From April 1 till April 7, 2013, the Lord gave us a magnificent time at Global Connect conference.  Representatives from one hundred and two nations gathered in Orlando, Florida to celebrate Samaritan's Purse: Operation Christmas Child's efforts of distributing one hundred million shoe-box gifts in 102 nations worldwide.  The main goal of the shoe-box is not mere distribution of some toys to needy children at Christmas time but to, ultimately, give them an opportunity to hear the Gospel message so they can, in return, take it to their peers, family members and friends. The conference abounded with messages, testimonies and stories of how God is using a simple shoe-box from Operation Christmas Child to proclaim the Gospel to the end of the world. GNFCW was honored to be represented as a part of a translation team covering four main languages: namely, French, Spanish, Russian, and Arabic. Pastors and ministers from all over the Arab world who faithfully have been carrying on the mission of Operation Christmas Child in their countries were represented. Since the conference was open to the public, there were hopes that many Arab Muslims would attend and have a chance to hear the messages in their mother tongue. GNFCW was privileged to translate the messages of prominent Christian leaders and speakers to fellow Arab's representatives and, prayerfully, the anonymous Muslims.
The conference concluded with a big celebration on Saturday evening with Franklin Graham, President of the Samaritan Purse, motivating a crowd of 12,000 to become part of proclaiming the Gospel to the entire world. The scene of children standing on the stage carrying flags of 102 nations was beyond inspiring, depicting Revelation 7: 9 when John, the Apostle "looked, and there before [him] was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb."  


The Send North America Conference 2013 is a two-day gathering of churches and leaders focused on penetrating lostness in North America. It will be held at Prestonwood Baptist Church, Plano TX, on July 29, and July 30th.

The conference will have a "Reaching Muslim background people in North America" breakout session along with the Send conference as well.

 You will hear the testimonies of three former Muslims.

* One : How was his life changed?  
* Second: How was he discipled?  
* Third: How did he plant a church? 

Workshop Description: The workshops will address the reality of the mission field; discover cultural barriers to build bridges by employing biblical principles and strategies to engage Muslims with the Gospel, disciple them, learn from changed lives of Muslim background believers' testimonies and how to partner together for kingdom work.

The conference fee is $99.00, however, the first 100 that register by April 30th, 2013, will register for free by using this code. Promo Code: SNA13RML

Register here  

After you go to the registration page:

1- Fill out your information.
2- When you reach to the payment information, enter the code where it says Discount Code.
3- After entering the code, click Apply.
4- After clicking Apply, click Submit Registration and you will receive a confirmation by email of your success registration.

Many blessings 

Upcoming Events


SBTC Evangelism Conference 2013:  Advancing the Kingdom of God  

Friday, April 19 at 6:00 - 9:30 pm, Saturday, April 20 at  9:00 am - 1:00 pm.
Location: First Baptist Church, Euless
, 1000 W. Airport Freeway.

GNFCW Seminar: Reaching Muslims in DFW Area.


Hosting seminars
Islam is on the rise and the church needs to be equipped to face this challenge. For this reason GNFCW is committed to train Christian leaders and laymen to carry out the task of evangelizing Muslims. GNFCW is specialized in hosting seminars that explain Muslim beliefs, their agenda in the United States and how to reach them for Christ. Please contact us by mail, phone or email if you would like us to host a seminar at your church or with your group.
Contact Info:

Good News for the Crescent World
P.O. Box 13217
Arlington,TX 76094


[email protected]