April, 2012
Good News for the Crescent World
Reaching Muslims for Christ
"Those who have never been told about Him will see, and those who have never heard of Him will understand." Isaiah 52:15

Don't Be Afraid; Come And See; and Go And Tell


Can you imagine the magnificence of that scene?  The rumbling of an earthquake; an angel from heaven rolling down the stone, and terrified guards trembling, become like corpse themselves. Three statements the angel spoke forth was about to change the world and history forever. First, don't be afraid. Yes, something new has happened. The world is never going to be the same again. Your lives will be turned upside down and inside out. God is going to be with you and demand new things of you. But, don't be afraid. It is going to be all right. Resurrection proves it. Second, Come and see for yourself what it means to live on the basis that two thousand years ago something happened by which death itself was defeated, and that new creation began from an empty tomb - and nothing has been the same ever since. Third, Go and tell that Jesus has been raised from the dead. This is the hallmark of God's new creation and it will only spread when we go and tell. This is why when we say Christ is risen; He is risen indeed, God's new world happens, and His new creation comes into being. Resurrection morning is more than historical event. It is a vital experience that transforms the total life. The purpose and expression of the resurrection is found in the resurrection of God's people. However, how sad to know that many will spend eternity without God because they have never heard of the Resurrection. But with the glorious power of resurrection that works in us, let us come and see, go and tell, and never be afraid again because Christ is risen! He is risen indeed. Hallelujah. J.E. 


Mission Trip to Mosque   



The conflicting views transmitted by the media concerning Islam and Muslims in the United States have often created what is known as "Islamophobia". This phenomenon has hindered effective witness among Muslims. In order to restore to the church the mandate of evangelizing our new neighbors, a healthy outlook toward Muslims is needed. This can only be accomplished when we really understand who Muslims are through meeting them on their own ground. For this reason, GNFCW is conducting monthly trips to an area mosque. The purpose is for interaction with Muslims and understanding of their beliefs and culture. This, we believe, will ultimately lead to the breaking down of the fear barrier and restoring a correct view of Muslims that may lead afterward to active witness.  


The capacity for every trip is twelve persons.  GNFCW has already planned two trips for the month of April, which are already filled. If you have an interest in participating in one of these trips in the coming months, please let us know by calling us at 817-275-3413 or by email at [email protected] so we can reserve a place for you.


Professor of Islamic studies and students of SWBTS at Irving Mosque 


Power Through Prayer


John Wesley once said, "God does nothing but in answer to prayer." In an age looking for better methods, more technology, and new organizations, God is looking for better men - men of prayer.

Unless we take hold of God and His word, deny the pride of flashy machinery that war against dependent humility of prayer, we won't be able to take hold of the things that matter to the heart of God. All our methods, techniques and technology won't produce any results but will be at a dead standstill until kindled and revived by prayer. By no means will we ever be able to move Muslims toward God until we will be able to move God toward Muslims by our prayers.  


Please, join GNFCW the first Thursday of every month at 6:30 PM  to retrieve the lost art of prayer and plead the case of Muslim's salvation. This prayer meeting's date is Thursday, April 5, 6:30 pm. The meetings will be held in the GNFCW offices. Please mark your calendar with these dates: April 5, May 3, June 7, July 5, August 2, September 6, October 4, November 1, and December 6.


Prayers never die. J.E.