I'm obsessed with math. This is not something most people know about me, or even would believe. I actually studied math in college and built a custom major out of combining it with psychology. 


I bring it up now because formulas, theorems and logical principles are a part of how I think, so it was exciting when I had an "a-ha!" moment with Jessica Kizorek. We realized that there was a fundamental equation that really captures and illustrates why and how so many small businesses, particularly service-based, owner-operated ones, go astray and cannot or do not charge what they're worth. And we also realized, most people get it BACKWARDS.


Throughout history pivotal mathematical discoveries have connected the dots, making something super complex, simple. Like e=mc2, which captured and explained the relationship between energy, matter and the speed of light (don't worry, I'm not going into that here!) It was so SIMPLE, and yet explains so much.


On Wednesday night (this Wednesday, the 15th) at 7 PM we will share the equation - and its implications - and deliver to you that same a-ha! moment we had (and several more, we expect). When it "clicks" you'll not look at your business the same way ever again. Our promise is that you will make a fundamental shift right there and then that will change your life way more than e=mc2 ever did! Take that, Einstein ;)


Date: August 15
Time: 7 PM EST
Registration Link: http://bit.ly/Nuh0Yh
Click the link above to reserve your spot. For those of you who've never done a webinar, it's super easy. All you need to do is click the link above to register, then next week you'll need your computer, an internet connection and a quiet place to listen and watch. It's interactive so you can ask questions too!

Who's got your back?



Michelle Villalobos Headshot With Sharpies 


Michelle Villalobos ( vee - ya - low - bos)

(888) 531-3830 




PS - Want to join Make Them BEG and get ALL the goodies? Awesome. Email Toma Rusk, who will fill you in on the details and get your first package out in the mail right away!