Del Norte
November 18, 2014
Newsletter - Gym Header Image

In This Issue
Club Improvements
Outdoor Pool News
Parents Night Out
Tennis Tournament-Doubles
Save $$$$
New Training Program
BHOL Lunch
Tennis Social
Hearth & Home
Jr Lounge News
After School Program
Upcoming Events

Quick Links
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At Your Service:

Sharon Pennell
Member Services Director
Arnie Dun
Tennis Professional
Alison Kelsey
Group Ex Director  

 Ashley Douglas
Childcare Director
  Doreen Wathor
Pilates Director
Debbie Raymond
Member Account Director

Colleen Murphy
After School Director

 Beth Gardner

Aquatics Director

 Elisa Reuter

Master Swim Coach

 Jenn Stephens

Marketing/Membership Sales

 Dann Bryant

Spiritual Director

 Frank Martin


Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday
  5:00am - 10:00pm
 Saturday & Sunday
7:00am - 10:00pm

Contact Us: 

Del Norte
3040 Becerra Way
Sacramento, CA

Dear Member,


Greetings from the staff at Del Norte. Please refer to these emails to keep up to date with upcoming events, changes, and happenings at the club.

If you received this email and are not a member of Del Norte or do not wish to receive these updates, please email your first and last name and email address to and we will promptly remove you from the list.
Club Improvements

We will be replacing the asphalt pathway in front of tennis courts 7, 8 and 9 with a new concrete pathway. Weather permitting, the work will begin on Monday, November 24th, with the removal of the old material.  The concrete will be poured on Tuesday, November 25th.  During that time, there will be a lot of noise, dust and obstructions at times to Childcare, Group Ex Room and the Indoor Pool.  We will do our best to limit the inconvenience.  We appreciate your patience during the project.
Outdoor Pool News
Due to the continued colder temperatures at night and the temperatures during the day staying in the 60's, we will stop heating the outdoor pool on Friday night, November 21st.  All activities in the outdoor pool will be moved to the indoor pool.  Please share lanes when needed and check the pool schedule to see what programs are using the indoor pool.  Thank you.
Parents Night Out

Mark your calendars!! Parents Night Out will be Friday, November 21st, from 5:00-9:00 pm. Kids will play fun games, have dinner and make festive crafts! Sign ups will be available at the front desk and in childcare starting November 7th.

Members: $15 first child $10 each additional child.
Non-members: $20 first child $15 each additional child.

Childcare and Junior Lounge will be closed that night due to this event.
Tennis Tournament - Doubles

The Del Norte Doubles Championship was played this past weekend in beautiful fall weather!  It was wonderful tennis played by all the players.  We crowned some new champions and also had some past champions defend their title. 

Men's Open Champions: John Moreno and Smokey Murphy def John Pachin and Nevio Beltrame

Mixed Open Champions: Alina Shkrabak and John Pachin def Kathleen Dohmen and Weldon Smith

Men's B Champions: Shawn Gracey and Phil Meagher def Mark Bonnett and Andy Kemp

Womens B Champions: Kelly Shiromizu and Christine Hopper def Carolyn Markis and Barbara Lazlus

Mixed B Champions: Katarina Eiremo and Kyle Lundblom def Wes Swanigan and Vi Craig

Junior Open Champions: Willie Gracey and Alex Samuel def Finn Tobias and Sukeerth Mandadi


Thank you to all the players who competed and supported the tournament. We hope you all enjoyed the friendly competition and the camaraderie.

Reduce Your Dues!

It's that time again. November is  "Friends and Family" month. Invite your friends and family to join Del Norte.  When they sign up for a 12 month membership, you'll receive $10 off your monthly dues for a year, and so will your friend.  Offer good through November 30, 2014.  If you have any questions, feel free to contact Jenn Stephens at (916)483-5111 or email her- .  Certain restrictions apply
Thanksgiving Holiday Information
During the Thanksgiving Holiday, the club will observe the following hours of operation:

Thursday, November 27th

 7:00am - 12:00noon

 Friday, November 28th

Group Exercise Class Schedule:

Thursday, November 27th

BODYPUMP™ 7:15am

Yoga 8:30am

Aqua 9:00am

Friday, November 28th

BODYPUMP™ 7:15am
Yoga 8:30am
Aqua 9:00am
BODYVIVE™ 9:45am 

Childcare and the Junior Lounge will be closed on Thursday, November 27th.  They will both be open from 8:00am until 12:00 noon on Friday, November 28th and closed in the evening.  Have a blessed Thanksgiving!

New Workout Training Program


HIIT - High Intensity Interval Training is starting soon at Del Norte!  These short, intense workouts provide improved athletic capacity, condition, and increases your fat burning ability even after you finish the workout. By incorporating intense periods of work with short recovery segments you are able to keep the workout intensity high while still maintaining form. The best part of HIIT is that it allows you to get a great workout in only 30 minutes!

The cost is $49 for two classes per week for four weeks.  These classes are small group personal training.  Next session will start in December.

Current HIIT participant testimonial - "Jordan's HIIT class is an awesome workout! It's challenging and intense - but don't be afraid.  You can always modify.  It provides an all-day afterburn that makes me feel incredible!"

Look for flyers at the front desk and contact Jordan at (916) 335-4037 or for more information.

Better Half of Life Lunch

Join us next month for our annual Better Half of Life (members age 60 and above) Christmas Luncheon on Monday, December 8th at 12 noon.  The lunch will be held at 

Jackson's Catering and Events 

1120  Fulton Avenue, Suite N 

Sacramento, Ca 95825 


The cost is $25.50 per person. RSVP and purchase your ticket at the front desk by Wednesday, November 26th, at 1pm.

Space is limited to the first 50 people who RSVP. Reservation is confirmed upon purchase of ticket.  For details regarding the Christmas Luncheon or other Better Half of Life activities, contact Sharon.

Tennis Social


Winter Tennis Social - Saturday, December 13th!  This will be our last Tennis Social of 2014 (weather permitting).  Please put it on your calendar and save the date.  We will have warm hot chocolate and finger food there to get you ready!  Play begins at 11am and cost is $5.00 or 2 cans of food for our Sacramento Food Bank collection.  Hope to see you there!


Hearth & Home Christmas Celebration


Join Arcade Church for it's celebration of Christmas.  Experience a variety of musical styles through the church choir, orchestra, Slavic, Arabic, and Modern Worship teams.  Stay afterwards and enjoy refreshments in the courtyard.  All ages welcome and child care will be provided for four years old and under.

December 13th and 14th
7:00 pm
Arcade Church
Junior Lounge News

Due to Thanksgiving break, the Junior Lounge will be open 8am to 12noon November 24th through 26th and closed on Thursday, November 27th.
After School Program
Here at Del Norte we provide a safe and positive environment for your child in our After School Program. We offer homework help, healthy snacks, outside activities, and more. The cost is $135 a month for members, with a discount for siblings. For more information please contact Colleen at (916) 483-5111 or by email at .


The After School Program will be closed the week of November 24-28 due to Thanksgiving break. Normal After School Program hours will start again on December 1st

Upcoming Events  


Parents Night Out

Friday, November 20th

5:00pm - 9:00pm


Thanksgiving Weekend Hours

Thursday, November 27th

7:00am - 12:00 noon

Friday, November 28th

7:00am - 7:00pm

Saturday, November 29th

7:00am - 10:00pm

Sunday, November 30th

7:00am - 10:00pm

Better Half of Life Lunch

Jackson Catering & Events


Tuesday, December 8th

12:00 noon

Tennis Social

Saturday, December 13th

11:00 am

Hearth & Home Christmas

Arcade Church

December 13th and 14th



Every Thursday

12:30 pm


 Master Swim Program 

 5:00 am
Del Norte Website
Our site is fully operational so be sure to go to for club news, program descriptions, class schedules, and more.  We look forward to adding even more member interaction on the site in the future.