Del Norte
April 16, 2014
Newsletter - Gym Header Image
In This Issue
Save Money!
Easter Hours
Arcade Church
Tennis Court #5
Outdoor Pool News
Summer Junior Tennis
Summer Camp
High School Tennis
Indoor Pool Usage
Upcoming Events

Quick Links
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At Your Service:

Sharon Pennell
Member Services Director
Scott Sumner
Assistant Member Services Director

Arnie Dun
Tennis Professional

Judy Harrison
Group Ex Director  

 Ashley Douglas
Childcare Director
  Doreen Wathor
Pilates Director
Debbie Raymond
Member Account Director  


Beth Gardner

Aquatics Director


Elisa Reuter

Master Swim Coach


Jenn Stephens

Marketing/Membership Sales


Dann Bryant

Spiritual Director


 Frank Martin


Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday
  5:00am - 10:00pm
 Saturday & Sunday
7:00am - 10:00pm

Contact Us: 

Del Norte
3040 Becerra Way
Sacramento, CA

Dear Member,


Greetings from the staff at Del Norte. Please refer to these emails to keep up to date with upcoming events, changes, and happenings at the club.

If you received this email and are not a member of Del Norte or do not wish to receive these updates, please email your first and last name and email address to and we will promptly remove you from the list.

Save Money on Your Monthly Dues


Invite your friends and family to join Del Norte.  If they become members during April 2014, you will receive $10 off your monthly dues for one year. Your friend will also receive $10 off their monthly dues for one year.  If you have any questions, please call Jenn or email her at . 

Easter Sunday, April 20th
We will be closed on Sunday, April 20th in observance of the Easter Holiday.
Arcade Church Easter Services

Arcade Church will be holding a Good Friday Service on April 18th at 7:00pm and Easter Services at 9:00am and 10:45am on Sunday, April 20th.  If you are looking for a place to worship, we invite you to attend any of these events. 


Tennis Court #5 Repair Work

We will start repair work on tennis court #5 on Monday, April 21st.  The court will be closed for approximately 3 weeks depending on the weather.  We will be doing an overlay of asphalt which will need to cure for about two weeks.  We will be resurfacing the court after that.  We appreciate your patience during this project.  Please remember to make court reservations as we will have fewer courts available during this project.

Spring is here! WATERinMOTIONŽ 30 is here!!!  Jump in the POOL and get a great workout while you have more fun than you can imagine.  Fresh music and routines get your heart pumping and your muscles screaming for MORE!  WATERinMOTIONŽ 30 launches April 21st.  Check the class schedule for WIM times and pick up a WIM brochure at the front desk for more information about this exciting aqua program designed for all participants.  We'll use every inch of the pool and you'll be amazed how movement in the water will tone and strengthen your body.  See you in the POOL!



The message of BODYATTACK™ 84 is to be your own HERO and share your love, energy and passion for BodyAttack.  The energy starts big with the NEW warmup!  You will have fun and "woohoo" as we hit the Aerobic zone with an Irish feel.  Remember - The better you feel, the harder you work. Have FUN in this one!  When the 1st peak hits everyone will be challenged to become a more powerful and explosive raver.  The second cardio block is where you will feel the love.  Then we hit the "slopes" working agility to create quickness and speed.  The amazing finish in the cardio block will have you doing snowboard jumps, plyo lunges, and high knee runs.  Join Alison and Christy for BA 84 Thursday May 1st  at 8:30a or 5:00pm for some life-changing fitness experiences!!!
BODYPUMP™ 89 Launch
BODYPUMP™ 89 is coming too!  This EPIC release focuses on two mechanisms for muscle development:  Mechanical Tension (especially in the first four tracks) and Metabolic Stress.  Instructors will coach perfect timing, full ROM and time under tension.  You will FEEL muscle fatigue and strength, and SEE muscle toning and shape.  This original barbell workout provides the stimulus by means of burning calories and excess post-exercise oxygen consumption.  BODYPUMP™ 89 is changing the training stimulus to enable you to continue to get results from the Double Row Combo in the warmup, the Heavy Barbell Row & Plate Squat Press in the back track (note: no clean and presses!), and Open Plate Curls in the Biceps track.  There's also an incredible feeling isometric hold move in the lunges.  This class is a knockout. Get into it!  Initial launch is May 2, at 5:30 pm.  Sign up sheet available beginning April 21st.

Outdoor Pool News


Our Swim Team will hold practice in the outdoor pool from 3:45pm until 8:30pm Monday thru Friday.   All five lanes of the outdoor pool will be reserved for the team during those times.  One of the triangle corners will be available for open swim during these times. 
Summer Junior Tennis Programs

Summer Tennis Starts June 9th! - There are 3 levels of play for the junior tennis players at Del Norte.

  1. Beginner Tennis Classes for 10 and under and 11 and up

  2. Tennis League for the Intermediate Tennis Players

  3. Competitive Tennis League for the more Advanced Tennis Players

Forms for all of these tennis programs are located at the front desk. If you have any questions regarding these programs, you can contact the Tennis Director, Arnie Dun at 916-320-6080 or I will be happy to email any of the forms to you.


Summer Camp

Summer Camp is coming!  Our first session begins June 9th.  Sign up before May 16th and receive an early bird discount.  Questions?  Contact Rachel Brown at .

High School Tennis Matches


Springtime brings out everything from the long, warm and dry winter season, including tennis players. The Del Norte courts will be busy with high school tennis matches from Mira Loma and Rio Americano, junior workouts/lessons with Arnie, and tennis socials and other activities. Remember to reserve your court. If there is a high school tennis match going on and you want to use a court, just talk to Arnie and he will be happy to get you one. The high school teams really appreciate Del Norte allowing them to play their matches on great tennis courts and at a wonderful club.

Indoor Pool Usage


Children under the age of 18 are NOT permitted to swim without the direct supervision of their parent/guardian at all times.  Please watch your children when they are using the pool.  Also, children must stay in one lane of the pool and not roam from lane to lane. 

Upcoming Events  


Swim Team Practice

Outdoor Pool Reserved

3:45pm to 8:30pm


Easter Holiday

Sunday, April 20th

Club Closed


Tennis Court Work Starts

Court #5 Closed

Stating Monday, April 21st


WaterInMotion 30 Launch

Monday, April 21st



High School Tennis Match

Rio Americano High School

Tuesday, April 22nd

3:00pm to 6:00pm


High School Tennis Match

Mira Loma High School

Thursday, April 24th

3:00pm to 6:00pm


Every Thursday



 Master Swim Program 

Del Norte Website
Our site is fully operational so be sure to go to for club news, program descriptions, class schedules, and more.  We look forward to adding even more member interaction on the site in the future.