October Newsletter

What we plant in the soil of contemplation, we shall reap in the harvest of action.  Meister Eckhart

This sure sounds more pleasing than "strategic planning", but it is a gentle reminder that no effective person, project, campaign, or activity garners much success without examination, deliberation, and collaboration.   It takes caring adults to resonate proactive prevention messages and behaviors to our youth.  When these are consistent, persistent, and authentic, all of us reap the harvest of addiction-free lives.  

October is National Prevention Month!
Once again, October has been designated as National Substance Abuse Prevention Month.  This is a time for parents, youth, schools, and community leaders across the country to join together in a month-long observance of the role that substance abuse prevention plays in promoting safe and healthy communities.

In Missouri, we are celebrating with various webinars, and the 2015 Red Ribbon Week!  Share with us how your community celebrated this year.

ACT Missouri Joins Anti-Drug Initiative Panel

ACT Missouri will be participating in the "Solutions to Substance Abuse In Missouri" panel. Join us to learn the benefit of bringing everyone together to combat a common problem and to make real progress towards eradicating the looming and growing issue of substance abuse and addiction! 


Break out your hard hats, gather your tools, and assemble your crew for our 2015 Prevention Conference!

We have drafted a schedule packed full of education, coalition building, inspiration, and idea sharing.

Council for Drug Free Youth 

Council for Drug Free Youth worked with the City of Jefferson Mayor to issue a proclamation that marijuana is harmful to youth.  Mayor Carrie Tergin read and signed the proclamation at the June 1st City Council meeting.  This was the first proclamation of this type issued in Missouri.

Be on the lookout for new educational marijuana resources at the 2015 Prevention Conference!

To order free resources, visit our website or email info@actmissouri.org!

The Legalization of Marijuana in Colorado: The Impact, Volume III
The Other Side of Cannabis Documentary
2015 Rx Abuse Prevention Toolkit
Marijuana Talk Kit

SAPST                                                          11/2-5                     St. Louis
6th Annual Prevention Conference               11/16-18                 Lake Ozark
Ethics: A Matter of Perspective                      12/1                       St. Louis

Missed a webinar? Watch the  archived webinars on our website!
Have something to share with Missouri's Prevention Community?  
Call or email us today!

ACT Missouri
573-635-6669 | info@actmissouri.org | http://www.actmissouri.org

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