City Council Meeting Wednesday, January 20 @ 6pm in Council Chambers. 
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Video of the Week
New Gun Laws in California 
New Gun Laws in California
This Week in History
On January 4, 1999, a new currency enters the European world for the first time since the ninth century, this new coin is called the "euro". This was launched by the European Union in hopes of increasing European integration as well as economic growth among all European countries. When it originated the euro was equivalent to 1.17 dollars, but the price fluctuates, with one euro now worth 1.09 dollars.
Dispatch Discussion
The City of Kingsburg Police Department currently provides the City's in-house 911 dispatching for police related calls.  In an effort to continue to provide the best quality of service, staff has examined all levels of the Police Department's operations, including the option of contracting with Fresno County Sheriff's Office for dispatching services.

The Public Safety Committee will discuss this matter during their meeting on January 12, while the City Council is schedule to hear it at their meeting on January 20.  A FAQ document regarding the process is also available for review.
City Clerk Welcome
The City of Kingsburg
would like to welcome our new City Clerk, Abigail Palsgaard, to the team! Abi was sworn in during the regular City Council meeting on January 6.

Abi is a graduate of Fresno State and most recently worked for the Reedley Police Department as an administrative assistant.  She and her family reside in Kingsburg.
Sue Bauch (City Clerk) and Bob Stucky (Water Operator) were recognized for their collective 50+ years of working for the City of Kingsburg. After heartfelt goodbyes they are retiring!

We want to wish them both the best of luck in retirement and thank them for their many years of service.
Pest Alert!
The Asian Citrus Psyllid is a small insect that eats the leaves and stems on citrus trees. These small bugs also carry one of the deadliest diseases for trees. Once the tree contracts the disease there is no cure, and the tree will die.

If you have citrus trees on your property please inspect your trees for this insect. If you find any evidence of them please contact the CDFA at 1-800-491-1899
Tree Disposal
Mid Valley Disposal will be collecting trees and wreaths through the first two weeks of January.  You can cut the tree into 3-feet, or less, sections and fit it in the green waste bin or contact City Hall to arrange a pick up.

Kingsburg Explorers

The Kingsburg Police Explorers are having an open meeting on January 25 @ 3:30pm. If you are interested come on by! 

Community Service Committee Opening

There is now an opening on the Community Service Commission. If you are interested in helping your City send in an application to City Hall.

MLK Day Closure

City Hall will be closed on Monday, January 18 for the holiday.