City Council Meeting October 7 @6pm in Council Chambers
Quick Links
Video of the Week
Firefighter Reserves
This Week in History
On September 22, 1862, President Abraham Lincoln issues a preliminary Emancipation Proclamation, which sets a date for the freedom of more than 3 million black slaves in the United States and recasts the Civil War as a fight against slavery.
The proclamation was a presidential order and not a law passed by Congress, so Lincoln then pushed for an antislavery amendment to the U.S. Constitution to ensure its permanence. With the passage of the 13th Amendment in 1865, slavery was eliminated throughout America (although blacks would face another century of struggle before they truly began to gain equal rights).
Lincoln's handwritten draft of the final Emancipation Proclamation was destroyed in the Chicago Fire of 1871. Today, the original official version of the document is housed in the National Archives in Washington, D.C.

Festival Weekend  

The Harvest Moon Festival is this weekend!  There will be a number of great events, including: 
  • Live music
  • Famous Fresno Food Trucks
  • Crayfish Chowder 
  • Craft vendors
  • Movie Downtown (Monster House @8pm)

Head down to Draper Street for all the fun! The evening begins at 4pm and runs until 11pm.  
Home Work 
Are you performing work at your house?  Renovating a kitchen or bathroom?  Make sure your contractor obtains a permit prior to beginning any work.  A permit, and subsequent inspections, insure that all work is completed correctly and up to current standards.  This protects your investment for the long term.  Information can be found online, with permits and inspection detail outlined. 

Certain jobs require a deposit to ensure all construction and demolition waste is properly disposed of.  Once weight tickets are returned to City Hall, the deposit is refunded.   

Drug Awareness 
Parents and citizens are invited to attend the annual Town Hall meeting regarding drug prevention for teens and parents. 
  • Monday, September 28
  • 6:00-8:00pm
  • Kingsburg Little Theater

A panel of experts will talk about drug prevention tips, how to recognize abuse and getting help.  Kingsburg Recreation staff will also be on hand if you have little ones that need to be supervised while you attend the meeting.       

H20 FAQ  

We've had several inquires regarding reading your water bill, understanding usage, and the fines related to the City's water conservation efforts.

To help answer these questions, we've created a Frequently Asked Questions document for your review. 

Please, if you have questions, are confused, or just want to clarify - contact City Hall.  Our staff  is happy to help walk you through any part of your bill, as well as through our current policies.   
Light It Up
Notice an issue with a street light in your area? Let us know!  We just need a bit of information when reporting an issue:
  • Pole Number - this four-digit number is located on the pole itself
  • Address - the address where the pole is located
  • Pole Type - wood or metal
  • Problem - out, flickering, on during day, etc.
Having the pole number is important so we know if the light is maintained by the City or by PG&E



There are three vacancies available on the Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors.  Those interested should contact Executive Director Adam Castaneda.

Go Ahead, App That

Get the City's FREE smartphone app for either Apple or Android.
Lions Fundraiser

   Looking to have a great time while supporting local youth sports?  Consider sponsoring or participating in the Lion's Club Golf Outing on October 30. Food, fun, and great company!