Beaumont Buddy Walk a Huge Success
 On October 25, 2014 over 2,000 Southeast Texans gathered at the Beaumont Event Center's Great Lawn to celebrate Down syndrome awareness. The event raised over $80,000 for programs and services provided by The Arc of Greater Beaumont for individuals with Down syndrome and other intellectual and developmental disabilities. ~ Read More ~ |
Young Adult Social Group
 The Arc of Greater Beaumont has developed a program to help young adults ages 18 to 30 with high functioning autism spectrum disorder meet new friends and learn social skills. Activities include bowling, bingo, community service projects, and much more! Space in this group is limited. ~ Learn More ~ |
Traveling this Holiday Season?
 Air travel can be stressful. Air travel during the holiday season even more so. If you are planning a trip this holiday season the National Transportation Security Administration has some tools on how you can make traveling with children with disabilities just a bit easier. ~ Learn More ~ |
The Arc's Upcoming Events
 Holiday party, winter formal, dance class, DSFG event, Mom's Talk, Self Advocates Trip, and MUCH MORE. There are so many exciting activities going on at The Arc of Greater Beaumont! ~ View Upcoming Activities ~ |
We can help you remember with Remind
Keep missing events or feeling out of the loop? Don't always check email? Sign up for text message reminders for your favorite programs!
Save the Dates!
The New Year is quickly approaching. We hope you will save the dates and join us at our 2015 community events.
Saturday, February 14, 2015 An Autism Awareness Experience -
Thursday, February 26, 2015 -
Friday, April 24, 2014
Saturday, October 24, 2014